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Talking Style Comparisons Between Genders


Submitted By ssgmck
Words 674
Pages 3
The article “Shared Talking Styles Herald New and Lasting Romance” gives an overview of how different elements such as function words play an instrumental role in determining the compatibility between men and women. In my opinion, this article represents both consistent and inconsistent information. According to Bruce Bower 2010, two people who hat one another will often exhibit a high amount of language-style matching. I believe this to be a true statement due to the fact that both individuals are experiencing the same feeling, so the language will be similar. Friendships are formed from characteristics such as language-style matching. Positive relationship stems from combining the two elements together. I am also a firm believer that communication is a two-way entity, and both parties must be willing to compromise certain aspects for the overall success of their relationship. The language style matching exercise is a great tool in measuring the compatibility but must not be set in stone. I’m also a firm believer that opposites do attract. An old cliché that states “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” gives a clear description of the differences between men and women. Men approach conversations with a distinct set of rules and interpretations of talk. Men focus on status and independence; women focus more on intimacy and connection. Not only do men and women communicate differently but they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need, and appreciate differently. Women work to sustain conversation, and are responsive and supportive, and value equality. Men are oriented to solving problems and maintaining dominance and assertiveness. Language style matching in reference to relationships predicts the initiation and stability. Similarities in characteristics such as personality traits, values, and interests are vital in the predictability of

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