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Tata Nano


Submitted By parth235mehta
Words 1537
Pages 7
The actual goal of the research process is to evaluate the customer’s buying behavior of cars by taking Tata Nano as the primary example and analyzing car-marketing segments in the automobile industry in order to support the Indian automobile companies especially Tata Nano, for improving their market sales. Scope of the Research
The main scope of this project is to analyze the information on the Indian automobile industry and the car marketing aspects of automobile industry by considering Tata Nano as an example. This research will provide the detailed overview on the automobile industry in India and the changes in the Indian automobile industry after the establishment of Tata Nano. It will cover the different aspects related to the car marketing like the marketing plans and marketing strategies required for success.
Factors of the Research
The main factors of this project are as follows: * The overview of the Indian automobile industry * The detailed information on the buying behavior of the customers when they buy cars

Research and Study
Within the process of completing this research, hasn’t faced any obstacles until now and in the process of gathering the information from the different types of data collection methods of secondary source of data, there are some limitations and restrictions for collecting the information. In the process of gathering the information from the articles and case studies of previous scholars the researcher was asked to get authenticated for downloading them. followed the authentication and registration process and successful gathered the information without violating the previous scholar’s information. For completing the research process in a successful way the research will rectify them immediately and will complete research process in a reliable manner.
The significant information on Indian automobile

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Tata Nano The Tata Nano: The People's Car ARTICLE · JUNE 2009 CITATION READS 1 709 3 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Paul Farris University of Virginia 115 PUBLICATIONS 1,044 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Paul Farris Retrieved on: 08 January 2016 UVA-M-0768 Rev. Feb. 2 2011 24, THE TATA NANO THE PE T O: EOPLE’S CAR It was one of the longest t f t-awaited an most talke nd ed-about aut tomobile deb in India On buts a. January 10, 2008, Ta Motors unveiled its (U.S. dollar USD2,50 car1 (also called “Rs1 lakh ata u rs) 00 car” or “t people’s car”) at the ninth Auto Expo in New Delhi. The Tata Nano brought a m the s w o media blitz and a crush of onlookers th required top-level sec o hat t curity. Woul the car liv up to its h ld ve hype? ignal a new era for the sm car mar e mall rket in India How could Tata ensur the a? re And did its launch si w ofitable? product would be pro Widely touted as the chea W d apest car in the world, th Nano was scheduled to be availab in t he s ble September 2008. In addition to paying (Indian rupees) IN lakh— a p INR1 —equivalent t INR100,0 to 000— buyers would also have to pay 12.5% valu w h ue-added tax along wit charges s x th such as road and d transport tation taxes. The two-cy ylinder gaso oline-powere version w ed would debut first; the d t diesel versions would soon follow. The Nano wa one of th world’s most fuel-eff ...

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Analysis of Tata Nano

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...| BRANCH: M. Tech. Design ROLL NO. : -121424016 TRAINING AND PLACEMENT CELL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE RESUME YEAR: 2015-2016 I) PERSONAL 1) Full Name: KASHID ANURAG ASARAM (SURNAME NAME FATHER’S NAME) 2) Present Address: -: Rahi Apartment Flat no. 9. 365, Ganjwe chowk, Navi Peth Pune 411030 Mobile No. : - 9404266841 Email: 3) Permanent Address: -Vishweshwar Nagar Pimpargawhan Road , Beed-431122 4) Male/Female: - Male 5) Date of Birth: - 18/12/1991 Age: 23 Height (cm):170 Weight (Kg): 70 6) Father’s Name: - Asaram Kashid Mother’s Name: - Sanjivni Kashid his Occupation: -Teacher her Occupation: - Housewife II) EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:- Sr. No | Examination(Branch) | Institution/University | Year of Passing | CGPA | 1) | S.S.C. (XTH STD) | Champavati Vidyalaya, Beed | 2007 | 81.53 | 2) | H.S.C. (XIITH STD) | D.S.C., Latur | 2009 | 87.83 | 3) | F.Y. I-II SEM. | COEP | 2010 | 7.08 | 4) | S.Y. III SEM. | COEP | 2010 | 6.80 | | S.Y. IV SEM. | COEP | 2011 | 6.52 | 5) | T.Y. V SEM. | COEP | 2011 | 6.52 | | T.Y. VI SEM. | COEP | 2012 | 6.73 | 6) | B.Tech. VII SEM. | COEP | 2012...

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