...A wireless local area network (WLAN) is a wireless machine organize that connections two or more gadgets utilizing a wireless dispersion system (regularly spread-range or OFDM radio) inside a constrained region, for example, a home, school, machine research centre, or office building. This gives clients the capacity to move around inside a nearby scope zone & still be joined with the system, & can give an association with the more extensive Internet. Most present day WLAN’s are focused around IEEE 802.11 norms, showcased under the Wi-Fi brand name. Advantages of WLAN:- * Client versatility * Voice & information administrations * Versatile structural engineering * Accessibility of all Hipath Voip system administrations * Access to focal applications * Handover between access focuses * Vigorous model for industry * Temperate access focuses * Fitting and-Play construction modelling * Hearty controller * Security on the level of altered systems * "Little Enterprise" alternative with own controller * "Extension Office" alternative for little extensions where wireless controller is utilized. Issue’s & Solution:- There has been a genuine issue with security issues since the initiation of Wireless LAN, we studied the current wireless local area network confront a portion of the real security issues, & portrays the relating arrangements. As of late, with the ubiquity of an assortment of wireless gadgets &...
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...ACS Code of Ethics Case Studies & Related Clauses to the Code of Conduct Australian Computer Society July 2012 Title ACS Code of Ethics Case Studies & Related Clauses to the Code of Conduct Authors Committee on Computer Ethics Mike Bowern Version History Date Document Version Revision History (reason for change) Author /Reviser July 2012 2.0 ACS Branding Sarah Li Approvals Date approved Version Approved By Date in force Date of Next Review To be confirmed 17 July 2012 2.0 Ruth Graham 17 July 2012 Custodian title & e-mail address: Responsible Business Group: Distribution: ruth.graham@acs.org.au Professional Standards, Learning & Development General (no restriction on distribution) Content Security: Unclassified Australian Computer Society | ACS Code of Ethics Case Studies & Related Clauses to the Code of Conduct | July 2012 Page 2 ACS CODE OF ETHICS CASE STUDIES & RELATED CLAUSES TO THE CODE OF CONDUCT This document provides a range of case studies with references to relevant clauses of the ACS Code of Ethics. These Codes consists of a series of clauses which gradually expand on aspects of ethical behaviour relevant to professional people in the ICT industry. Clause 2.0 describes the Code of Ethics, summarised as six values: The Primacy of the Public Interest; The Enhancement of the Quality of Life; Honesty; Competence; Professional Development; and Professionalism. Clauses 2.1 through to 2.7 cover the ACS Code...
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...Case no. 1 Home Style Cookies Members: Abrasaldo, Patty Angela Albina, Ciela Carpio, Rochelle Jinson, Mary Mae Ramirez, Erikka Mae Romano, Mariah Corinne Shiraishi, Chandie Case no. 1 Home Style Cookies Central Problem: The Lew-Mark Baking Company is unadaptive to change and isn’t open for new opportunity of the Company in terms of innovation, productivity and processing. Alternative Courses of Action 1. The Company should try making new product such as hard/ crispy cookies. 2. The Company should use suppliers who are located closer to the plant. 3. The Company should add preservatives or additives to certain product to increase shelf life. 4. The Company should consider the use of technologies in packaging. Than manual labor. 5. The Company should think of new ways to create a new and better products. Evaluation 1. The Company should try making new product such as hard/ crispy cookies. Advantages: A) The Company can attract a new customers. B) The Company can compete with other larger companies. Dis Advantages: A) Additional Cost B) Time- Consuming 2. The Company should use suppliers who are located closer to the plant. Advantage: A) Reduce delivery lead times and transportation cost. Dis Advantage: A) Quality of product might suffer. 3. The Company should add preservatives or additives to certain product to increase shelf life. Advantages: A) The Company can attract new...
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...olar Hkkx&2 ikik [kks x, 7 ik=k T li R b E u l C ep N r © e b to t o n 42 fctyh dk [kaHkk isM+ ySVjcDl dkSvk ukpussokyh yM+dh vkneh h s d e M+dA jkr dk le;A leqæ osQ lkeus iqQVikFkA ogha ij ,d fctyh dk [kaHkkA ,d isM+A ,d ySVjcDlA nwljh vksj èkhes izdk'k esa ,d flusek dk iksLVjA iksLVj ij ukpus dh Hkafxek esa ,d vkSjr dh vko`QfrA leqæ ls lulukrh gok dk cgkoA nwj dgha oqQÙkksa osQ HkkSadus dh vkok”kA [kaHkk % (tEgkbZ jksdrs gq,) jke jke jke! jkr cgqr gks xbZA isM+ % vktdy dh jkrsa oSQlh gSa! tYnh chrus esa gh ugha vkrhaA [kaHkk % fnu rks oSQls&u&oSQls gM+cM+h esa chr tkrk gSA isM+ % ysfdu jkr dks cM+h cksfj;r gksrh gSA % rc Hkh cjlkr dh jkrksa ls rks ;s jkrsa dgha vPNh gSa] isM+jktk! [kaHkk cjlkr dh jkrksa esa rks jkrHkj Hkhxrs jgks] cknyksa ls vkusokys ikuh dh ekj [kkrs jgks] rs”k gokvksa esa Hkh cYc dks dldj idM+s cjkcj ,d Vk¡x ij [kM+s jgksμfcyoqQy vPNk ugha yxrkA ml oDr yxrk gS] blls rks vPNk Fkk--- u gksrk fctyh osQ [kaHks dk tUe! cYc isaQd] rc nwj dgha Hkkx tkus dk th gksrk gSSA ikik [kks x, isM+ % eq> ij Hkh ,d jkr vkleku ls xM+xM+krh fctyh vkdj [kaHkk o n isM+ iM+h FkhA vjs] cki js! oks fctyh Fkh ;k vkI+kQr! ;kn vkrs gh vc Hkh fny èkd&èkd djus yxrk gS vkSj fctyh tgk¡ fxjh Fkh ogk¡ [kak fdruk xgjk iM+ x;k Fkk] [kaHks egkjkt! vc tc dHkh ckfj'k gksrh gS rks eq>s ml jkr dh ;kn gks vkrh gSA vax FkjFkj dk¡ius yxrs gSaA % esjh rch;r gh yksgs dh gS tks eSa chekj ugha iM+rk] ojuk dksbZ Hkh bl rjg ckfj'k] BaMh] /wi esa [kM+k jgs] rks ”k:j...
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...fnu og vius nksuksa nksLrksa dks dbZ dgkfu;k¡ lqukrk FkkA ,d lky fcydqy Hkh ckfj'k ugha gqbZA ikuh ds fcuk ftank jgus esa vleFkZ ns[k] cÙk[kksa us r; fd;k fd og nwljh txg pys tk,axsA tc dNq, dks ;g ckr irk pyh rks og cgqr mnkl gqvkA mlus dgk] ¶vxj rqe nksuksa dk ;gk¡ ls tkuk T+k:jh gS] rks Ñi;k eq>s Hkh vius lkFk ys tkvks!¸ ,d cÙk[k us dgk] ¶ysfdu rqe rks mM+ ugha ldrs gks!¸ ¶rks rqEgsa ge lkFk dSls ys tk,axs\¸ ysfdu dNqvk dqN Hkh lquus ds i{k esa ugha FkkA ckn esa] cÙk[k us ,d ;kstuk cukbZA cÙk[k us dgk] ¶ge rqEgsa ys tk,saxs!¸ ¶ysfdu rqEgsa ;g oknk djuk gksxk fd rqe pqi jgksxs vkSj fcydqy ugha cksyksxs!¸ dNqvk bl 'krZ ds fy, jkth gks x;kA cÙk[k us dNq, dks ;kstuk Li‘ djds crk;h] mlus dgk ¶ge gekjh pksap esa ,d ydM+h ds nksuksa Nksj idM+saxsA rqEgsa ydM+h ds chp ds fgLls dks vius eq¡g ls idM+uk gSA¸ ¶mlds ckn] ge rqEgsa lkFk ysdj mMs+axsA¸ nwljs cÙk[k us dNq, ls dgk] ¶ysfdu rqEgsa ;g ckr t:j ;kn j[kuh gksxh fd rqEgsa pqi jguk gS] vU;Fkk rqe tehu ij fxjdj ej tkvksxsA¸ dNq, us flj fgykdj lgerh nhA vxyh lqcg] nksuksa cÙk[kksa us pkassp esa ydM+h dk ,d ,d Nksj idM+dj vkSj ydM+h dk chp dk fgLlk dNq, us eq¡g esa idM+ dj mM+uk 'kq: fd;kA mUgksaus igkM+ vkSj isM+ksa dks ikj fd;kA dNq, dks pqipki jgus esa dfBukbZ gks jgh FkhA og ,d xk¡o ds Åij ls tk jgs Fks tc xk¡o okyksa us mUgsa ns[kkA muesa ls dqN fpYyk,a] ¶cÙk[kksa dh rjiQ ns[kks og ,d dNq, dks mM+kdj ys tk jgs gS! D;k ;g vthc ugh gS\¸ xk¡o okyksa dks bl çdkj cksyrs lqudj] dNqvk vius...
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...fnu og vius nksuksa nksLrksa dks dbZ dgkfu;k¡ lqukrk FkkA ,d lky fcydqy Hkh ckfj'k ugha gqbZA ikuh ds fcuk ftank jgus esa vleFkZ ns[k] cÙk[kksa us r; fd;k fd og nwljh txg pys tk,axsA tc dNq, dks ;g ckr irk pyh rks og cgqr mnkl gqvkA mlus dgk] ¶vxj rqe nksuksa dk ;gk¡ ls tkuk T+k:jh gS] rks Ñi;k eq>s Hkh vius lkFk ys tkvks!¸ ,d cÙk[k us dgk] ¶ysfdu rqe rks mM+ ugha ldrs gks!¸ ¶rks rqEgsa ge lkFk dSls ys tk,axs\¸ ysfdu dNqvk dqN Hkh lquus ds i{k esa ugha FkkA ckn esa] cÙk[k us ,d ;kstuk cukbZA cÙk[k us dgk] ¶ge rqEgsa ys tk,saxs!¸ ¶ysfdu rqEgsa ;g oknk djuk gksxk fd rqe pqi jgksxs vkSj fcydqy ugha cksyksxs!¸ dNqvk bl 'krZ ds fy, jkth gks x;kA cÙk[k us dNq, dks ;kstuk Li‘ djds crk;h] mlus dgk ¶ge gekjh pksap esa ,d ydM+h ds nksuksa Nksj idM+saxsA rqEgsa ydM+h ds chp ds fgLls dks vius eq¡g ls idM+uk gSA¸ ¶mlds ckn] ge rqEgsa lkFk ysdj mMs+axsA¸ nwljs cÙk[k us dNq, ls dgk] ¶ysfdu rqEgsa ;g ckr t:j ;kn j[kuh gksxh fd rqEgsa pqi jguk gS] vU;Fkk rqe tehu ij fxjdj ej tkvksxsA¸ dNq, us flj fgykdj lgerh nhA vxyh lqcg] nksuksa cÙk[kksa us pkassp esa ydM+h dk ,d ,d Nksj idM+dj vkSj ydM+h dk chp dk fgLlk dNq, us eq¡g esa idM+ dj mM+uk 'kq: fd;kA mUgksaus igkM+ vkSj isM+ksa dks ikj fd;kA dNq, dks pqipki jgus esa dfBukbZ gks jgh FkhA og ,d xk¡o ds Åij ls tk jgs Fks tc xk¡o okyksa us mUgsa ns[kkA muesa ls dqN fpYyk,a] ¶cÙk[kksa dh rjiQ ns[kks og ,d dNq, dks mM+kdj ys tk jgs gS! D;k ;g vthc ugh gS\¸ xk¡o okyksa dks bl çdkj cksyrs lqudj] dNqvk vius...
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...izksI+ksQlj Hkh jgsA vaxzs”kh vkSj fganh nksuksa Hkk"kkvksa ij mudk vf/dkj gS vkSj nksuksa dh i=kdkfjrk ls Hkh mudk tqM+ko jgkA fganh dh lkfgfR;d if=kdk dYiuk osQ laiknd eaMy esa os dbZ lky jgs vkSj vaxzs”kh osQ eSudkbaM dk oqQN o"kks± rd laiknu Hkh fd;kA jktuhfr] i=kdkfjrk vkSj vè;kiu dh izfØ;k ls xq”kjrs&xq”kjrs os ckS¼&n'kZu dh vksj eqM+sA Hkkjrh; vkSj frCcrh vkpk;ks± osQ lkFk cSBdj mUgksaus ukxktqZu osQ n'kZu vkSj otz;kuh ijaijk dk vè;;u 'kq: fd;kA Hkkjrh; fpard ts- Ñ".kewfrZ us tc ckS¼ fo}kuksa osQ lkFk fparu&euu 'kq: fd;k rks Ñ".kukFk Hkh mlesa 'kkfey FksA ckS¼&n'kZu ij Ñ".kukFk th us dkI+kQh oqQN fy[kk gSA T li R b E u C p N re © e b to t h s d e Lihfr esa ckfj'k/69 Ñ".kukFk bruk oqQN djus osQ ckotwn Ñ".kukFk th dh l`tu&vkdka{kk iwjh ugha gqbZA blfy, os ;k;koj gks x,A ,d ;k;kojh rks mUgksaus oSpkfjd /jkry ij dh Fkh nwljh lkalkfjd vFkZ esaA mUgksaus fgeky; dh ;k=kk 'kq: dh vkSj mu LFkyksa dks [kkstuk vkSj [kaxkyuk 'kq: fd;k tks ckS¼&/eZ vkSj Hkkjrh; feFkdksa ls tqM+s gSaA fiQj tc mUgksaus bl ;k=kk oQks 'kCnksa esa ck¡/uk 'kq: fd;k rks ;k=kk&o`Ùkkar tSlh foèkk vuwBh foy{k.krk ls Hkj xbZA Ñ".kukFk tgk¡ dh ;k=kk djrs gSa ogk¡ os flI+kZQ i;ZVd ugha gksrs cfYd ,d rRoosÙkk dh rjg ogk¡ dk vè;;u djrs pyrs gSaA ij...
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...Project Report TOPIC: “REMOTE IT Infrastructure Management ” 1. Abstract The recently launched NASSCOM-McKinsey Report 2006 yet again reaffirmed views of the global gurus that Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) Services are all set to become the next star of the Indian IT Industry. It clearly states that “going forward, the more traditional IT outsourcing service lines such as hardware and software maintenance, network administration and help desk services will account for 45 per cent of the total addressable market for offshoring and are likely to drive the next wave of growth. . Service lines that have driven recent growth, i.e., application development and maintenance (ADM) and R&D services are already 30-35 % penetrated and are not as likely to grow dramatically”. The Remote/offshore part was easy with BPO having already paved the way for proving service delivery effectiveness from an offshore location and with the advent of sophisticated tools and technologies that enabled remote IT management the proposition was further solidified. International research firm IDC also declared that “more than 85% of infrastructure components can be managed from a central remote location. These components encompass servers/systems, databases, networks, storage, security, applications and e-business infrastructure. Through managing these components from a remote location, companies can cut down their cost of infrastructure operations and management by 40-60 %, also gaining access...
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...SHIPPING ABBREVIATIONS AA AAAA AAPA AARA ABS ABT ADCOM AFSPS AGW A/H AHT ALU ANTHAM APS ARAG ASPW ATDNSHINC ATUTC A/S B BAF Bb BBB BDI BE BEG BENDS BI BIMCO BL B/N BOB Box Br BHP BMM Br.ld. BRGDS BROB Brt B S S 1/1 BT BV BWAD CAF CAP Cap CBFT C/C ce Ta CFT CFR Chem Always Afloat Always Afloat Always Accessible the American Association of Port Authorities Amsterdam-Antwerpen-Rotterdam Area American Bureau of Shipping ABouT ADress COMission Arrival First Sea Pilot Station ( Norway) All Going Well Anchor Handling AnchorHandling Tug ALUminium ANTwerp-HAMburg range Arrival Pilot Station Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Gent range Any Safe Port in the World Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays INCluded Actually Time Used To Count AlongSide Bale (cargo capacity) Bunker adjusting factor (freight) Bareboat Before Breaking Bulk Both Dates Inclusive Both Ends ( Load and discharge ports) BEGinning Both Ends ( Load and discharge ports) Both Inclusive. The Baltic and International Maritime Conference BaLe Booking Note Bunker On Board everyday term for container (or boxed vessel) Breadth Brake Horse Power British Marine Mutual Break load Best ReGarDS Bunkers Remaining On Board Gross tonnage Basis 1 port to 1 port Berth Terms Bureau Veritas Brackish Water Arrival Draft Currency adjusting factor (freight) Condition Assessment Programme Capacity CuBic FeeT sshinC/sshinC Center Tank Cubic FeeT Cost and FReight Chemical CHOPT CIF CIP CIRR CLC COA COACP COBLDN COGSA CONT COW C/P CPT CPD CQD COD...
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...Bluetooth From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about a wireless technology standard. For the medieval King of Denmark, see Harald Bluetooth. Bluetooth Developed by Bluetooth Special Interest Group Industry Mobile personal area networks Compatible hardware Mobile phones, Personal computers, Laptop computers Physical range Up to 60 metres[1] Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz[2]) from fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area networks (PANs). Invented by telecom vendor Ericsson in 1994,[3] it was originally conceived as a wireless alternative to RS-232 data cables. It can connect several devices, overcoming problems of synchronization. Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), which has more than 19,000 member companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking, and consumer electronics.[4] Bluetooth was standardized as IEEE 802.15.1, but the standard is no longer maintained. The SIG oversees the development of the specification, manages the qualification program, and protects the trademarks.[5] To be marketed as a Bluetooth device, it must be qualified to standards defined by the SIG.[6] A network of patents is required to implement the technology, which is licensed only for that qualifying device. Contents • 1 Name and logo • 2 Implementation o 2.1 Communication...
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...Organisational Change and Employee Turnover Kevin M. Morrell, John Loan-Clarke and Adrian J. Wilkinson Total Word Count: 4515 K v Mor ls f ayaD c r R sa h t et iP Ditl ‘ dln ei r liai l er ot a eer Su n h h sie Moei n e n ol c d ,s td lg E p ye unvr k.m.morrell@lboro.ac.uk m l e T roe , o ’ John Loan-Clarke is a Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour, j.loan-clarke@lboro.ac.uk Professor Adrian Wilkinson is Professor of Human Resource Management, a.j.wilkinson@lboro.ac.uk All authors are based at: Loughborough University Business School, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK. Key Words: Employee Turnover, Organisational Change, NHS 1 Organisational Change and Employee Turnover Abstract This paper investigates employee turnover, using data from a recent study of 352 NHS nurse leavers. We explore individual decisions to quit in a context characterised by change, and suggest a mechanism whereby organisational and contextual change can prompt individual leaving decisions. We develop and test hypotheses designed to shed light on the links between organisational change and individual decisions to quit. We then develop a theoretical, heuristic model describing the relationship between organisational change and turnover. The managerial implications of this model are outlined and the paper concludes with an agenda for future research. Introduction Employee turnover is a much studied phenomenon (Shaw, Delery, Jenkins and Gupta 1998: 511). Indeed, one recent meta-analysis (Hom...
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...CURRENT TOPICS IN COMPUTING (CSC 812) A RESEARCH ON RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) (PRESENT, FUTURE APPLICATION, SECURITY IMPLICATION AND CRITICS) SUBMITTED BY AKINSOWON, TOSIN BLESSING (060805018) IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF MASTER DEGREE TO DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCES, FACULTY OF SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS, AKOKA, YABA, LAGOS. SESSION 2012/2013 SUPERVISED BY Prof H.O.D LONGE Abstract Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been available for more than fifty years. However it has only been recently that the prices of RFID devices have fallen to the point where these devices can be used as a "throwaway" inventory. This presents numerous opportunities along with innumerable risks. A lot of research is being done to suggest methods which will ensure secure communications in RFID systems. The objective of this paper is to present RFID technology, its current, future applications, study various potential threats to security, and Critics of RFID. 1 Introduction RFID 1.0 BACKGROUND STUDY Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification system. It make use of Radio Frequency (RF) to identify “tagged” items .Data collected were transmitted to a host system using a Radio Frequency Reader. RFID is one of the numerous technologies grouped under the term Automatic Identification (Auto ID), such as bar code, magnetic inks, optical character recognition (OCR), voice recognition, touch memory, smart cards, biometrics etc. Auto ID technologies...
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...------------------------------------------------- Government budget A government budget is a government document presenting the government's proposed revenues and spending for a financial year that is often passed by the legislature, approved by the chief executive or president and presented by the Finance Minister to the nation. The budget is also known as the Annual Financial Statement of the country. This document estimates the anticipated government revenues and government expenditures for the ensuing (current) financial year.[1] For example, only certain types of revenue may be imposed and collected. Property tax is frequently the basis for municipal and county revenues, while sales taxand/or income tax are the basis for state revenues, and income tax and corporate tax are the basis for national revenues. ------------------------------------------------- History[edit] The financial crisis caused by the South Sea Bubble led to the presentation of the government budget under Sir Robert Walpole. Painting by Edward Matthew Ward. The practice of presenting budgets and fiscal policy to parliament was initiated by Sir Robert Walpole in his position as Chancellor of the Exchequer, in an attempt to restore the confidence of the public after the chaos unleashed by the collapse of the South Sea Bubble in 1720.[2] Thirteen years later, Walpole announced his fiscal plans to bring in an excise tax on the consumption of a variety of goods, such as wine and tobacco, and to lessen...
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...Antonie van Leeuwenhoek81: 537–547, 2002. © 2002Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 537 Antibiotic production by bacterial biocontrol agents Jos M. Raaijmakers ∗ , Maria Vlami & Jorge T. de Souza Department of Plant Sciences, Laboratory of Phytopathology, Wageningen University, Binnenhaven 5, 6709 PG Wageningen, The Netherlands (∗ Author for correspondence) Abstract Interest in biological control of plant pathogens has been stimulated in recent years by trends in agriculture to-wards greater sustainability and public concern about the use of hazardous pesticides. There is now unequivocal evidence that antibiotics play a key role in the suppression of various soilborne plant pathogens by antagonistic microorganisms. The significance of antibiotics in biocontrol, and more generally in microbial interactions, often has been questioned because of the indirect nature of the supporting evidence and the perceived constraints to an-tibiotic production in rhizosphere environments. Reporter gene systems and bio-analytical techniques have clearly demonstrated that antibiotics are produced in the spermosphere and rhizosphere of a variety of host plants. Several abiotic factors such as oxygen, temperature, specific carbon and nitrogen sources, and microelements have been identified to influence antibiotic production by bacteria biocontrol agents. Among the biotic factors that may play a determinative role in antibiotic production are the plant host, the...
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...COMPLIANCE REPORT – 2009-2010 1 i) Name and Address of the Institution : |Name |National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) | |Address |Permanent Location as approved by AICTE |Temporary Location (if applicable) | | |Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai 400 087 | | |Village |Passpoli | | |Taluk |Kurla | | |District |Mumbai | | |Pin Code |400087 | | |State |Maharashtra | | |STD Code |(022) |Phone No: 28573371 to 77 | |Fax No. |28573251...
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