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Tda 3.2 Schools as Organisations


Submitted By carmadbabe
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1.Know the structure of education from early years to post compulsory education.
1a) Summarise entitlement and provision for early years.
Early year’s education is for children aged 3-5 years of age. It is used in nurseries and reception classes. Children aged 3 and 4 in England get 15 hours a week free education that the government funds to local authorities to make sure every child receives this before reaching school age.
Early years provision is supporting young children. Learning through play is the key element and is used more in early years than a formal education. This is because play shows to be more helpful in a child’s early development.
1b) Explain the characteristics of the different types of school in relation to educational stages and governance.
There are 4 types of mainstream state school community, foundation and trust, voluntary and specialist. These 4 types follow the national curriculum. Other types include Independent/Free schools and academies; these don’t have to follow the curriculum and are governed in different ways.
Community schools
Run and owned by local authorities and not by their governing body. The local authority will usually determine the admissions policy and support the school in looking at ways to develop links within the local community. They also provide support services to the school. Some community schools, local groups use school facilities to hold classes of their own.
Foundation and trust schools
Foundation schools are run by their own governing body, that decide on admissions policy following consultation with the local authority. Its land and all buildings are also owned by the governance or charitable foundation. A trust school is like a foundation school but has a charitable trust and outside partner like a business. It can only become a trust school with a decision from its governing body after parents have gone through a consultation period. They do not receive support services and have to buy them in. Voluntary schools 2 types aided and controlled
These are mainly religious or faith schools, even though any school can apply. Like foundation schools they have their own governing body; however the land and building are usually owned by a religious organisation or a charity. Usually involved with its own funding and comes from 3 sources governing body, charity and local authorities. These schools receive support services.

Very similar to aided apart from controlled schools don’t have a governing body and is run and funded by the local authority, which employ the staff and provide support services. Just like aided schools the land and buildings are done in same way.
These are schools which applied for special status as they had developed one or two subject specialisms which a school that doesn’t have specialisms cannot apply. Most secondary schools apply and some schools apply to have the SEN as its specialism and schools must show one or four arrears attained in its code of practice. Once they are given specialist status they will get additional funding. Children with SEN are usually educated in one of the 4 types of mainstream school if the school has an SEN code of practice in place and the provisions can be met by the school. However some children with SEN go to special schools which can most definitely meet their needs.
Independent/Free schools
These are not run by the local authority and are independent in their finances and governance. They also do not have to follow the national curriculum. Independent schools are obliged to register with the department of education (DfE). This is so the ISI (independent schools inspectorate) can monitor them on a regular basis kind of like Ofsted do for mainstream state schools. Their finance comes in forms from fees paid by parents, investments, gifts and charitable endowments. Most independent schools have a charitable status, allowing them to claim tax exemptions. The head and governors decide the admissions policy.
Don’t have to follow national curriculum and can also set their own term times. The same rules do, however, apply with admissions, SEN and exclusion like all other mainstream state school. Academies are publicly funded independent schools and get money from the government instead of local councils and are run by an academy trust. Some have sponsors to help improve performance; these can be businesses, other schools, universities and voluntary groups.
Educational stages
Early years, Primary, Secondary, Higher and further Education are the stages of how education is worked through.
National curriculum is organised into key stages and at the end of each stage the teacher/s assess pupil’s performance to see how they are progressing.
Early years- 3-5 year olds- Nursery and Reception (Foundation stage)
Key Stage 1) 5-7 year olds – years 1 and 2
Key stage 2) 7- 11 year olds – years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Key stage 3) 11-14 years old – years 7, 8 and 9
Key stage 4) 14-16 years old – years 10 and 11

Many school systems are 2 tier which means they do early years, Key stage 1 and 2 in Primary and Key stage 3 and 4 in Secondary.
However, there are parts on the country which use a 3 tier system. This is formed of a first school attended till the child reaches end of year 5 then progress to a middle school till the end of year 8, then from there to a high school. Furthermore, in some areas, Primary schools are separated into Infant and Junior schools, with Infant schools accommodating Foundation and Key Stage 1, and Junior schools focussing solely on Key stage 2. The year groups for the key stages stay the same.
1C) Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults
Traditionally pupils aged 16 would finish their school years and leave to start a job or they could stay and continue their studies which many pupils did and still choose to do so now. The government has increased its focus on funding education to 14-19 year olds, to help reduce those not in employment, education or training, after finishing school at 16. This means that the government changed the age so that all pupils are required to stay in education or training. This is currently set to 17 years but will be changing to 18 in September 2015. This does not mean they have to stay in a school setting but will have 4 pathways in which to choose from and those are:
Full or part time education
This can be in a school, sixth form or an FE college. Taking forms of study such as A-Levels, Vocational qualification and diploma.
Must include training with a work placement and is paid to the national minimum wage. Areas of study for these are
• Agriculture, horticulture and animal care
• Media and publishing
• Business, administrative and law
• Education and training
• Engineering and manufacturing technologies
• Health, public services and care
• Information and communication technology
• Retail and commercial enterprise
Entry to employment (E2E)
A learning programme which is part of the work based learning route. Helps develop skills, motivation and confidence.
Employment with training to NVQ level 2
An opportunity to work or volunteer for 20 hours a week as long as working towards a qualification.
Q2 Understand how schools are organised in terms of roles and responsibilities.
2a) Explain the strategic purpose of School governors, senior management, SENCO, Teachers and Support staff

Schools are organised by governors, senior management, SENCO, Teachers and Support staff.
School governors
There are normally 10-12 people who work in a team to form the governing body. Although this can sometimes be can be made up of up to 20 people. This should include an appointed local authority member, the head teacher with another member of staff, at least one parent and a community governor. Their main role is to help raise school standards of achievement. They are accountable for the performance of the school, help shape the schools future, monitor and review school performance, and decide on schools budget and staffing and to make sure the school has the adequate provisions in place for all pupils. All decisions are by deciding what’s best for the pupils and how the school is seen by parents and others in the community.
Senior management
This team will work closely with the head teacher and are normally staff with more experience of management. They are likely to be Deputy Heads, head of year groups, subject leaders, SENCO and foundation stage leader. Their role is to meet together regularly to discuss any concerns about the running of school, Subject areas and the school improvement plan. It is their duty to discuss how to get this information covered in meetings to all other teachers and support staff.
A teacher has to plan and prepare all of their lessons in accordance to the national curriculum. Teachers in secondary schools usually only deal with a specified subject/s where as a primary teacher plans for all subjects in the curriculum. Teachers also have other responsibilities in school such as maybe being in a senior management role or in primary it could be being responsible for a subject area. This is on top of being responsible for their class or classes. In all schools there is an assigned subject leader and they will hold staff meetings to discuss with other teachers how the curriculum should be taught for a given subject. A teachers’ role is to assess each pupil by means of recording and reporting their progress and development. These finding are then used to inform future planning, organise support and intervention groups and continually push children to achieve their best. Teachers also have a strong relationship with the parents of the children in their classes, sharing concerns, achievements and general information. Teachers have the most important role in a school setting as they are the soul to development and attainment for pupils.
Support Staff
There are many different types of support staff within schools and numbers have increased thanks to the government for extra funding to reduce the work load of teachers. These may include:
• Breakfast clubs and after school clubs: - Run by support staff with relevant childcare qualifications to support and provide all children also called out of school clubs. These are usually provided at an extra but affordable cost. Some schools also run hobby and interest clubs and are run by teachers and also support staff. It is important to note that these clubs are not the same as schooling although the ethos should still remain.
• Midday supervisors and catering staff: - Supervisors are there to be on hand to ensure all children are kept safe and so that the majority of teachers can also have their break. Catering staff provide healthy meals for eligible children for free and also have a system for payment.
• Office and Admin:- Front of house normally first contact with these, they are essential to a school by updating records, literature etc. keeping of files and effective communication
• Caretaker:- In charge of maintenance and ground works in and around school grounds
• Teaching assistant: - Work alongside teachers with preparing work and supporting learning activities. They can assess and evaluate a pupils' work directed by the teacher and also report problems and queries along with gibing feedback after planned activities.
• Individual support assistants for SEN children:- Work with a child who has additional learning needs and maybe on a one to one basis they follow the SENCO code of practice and are similar to teaching assistants
• Specialists/Technicians: - Someone who is in charge of all the ICT facilities or other specialist areas like school science labs also.
• Learning mentors and parent support workers
• Vicar/Priest: - For faith schools these come in to assist with learning the religion and often talk in assemblies.
2b) Explain roles of external professionals who may work with a school eg) educational psychologist
Schools use, on a regular basis, external professionals that come into school, these may sometimes also be based on site in some schools.
Educational psychologist
Provide assessment and take observations of a pupil whilst in the school setting. Used widely with the schools SENCO. Helps plan additional provisions to all SEN pupils’. They occasionally hold meetings with parents and teachers to discuss possible recommendations. Educational psychologists are allocated by the special education needs department.
Speech and Language therapists (SLT)
Help pupils with speech, language and communication difficulties through helping them produce and understand all aspects of communication with working with the parents and teacher also. They have links to schools in their local area, however some are based in a particular school.
Educational Welfare Officer (EWO)
Supports schools with issues relating to, absences of pupils by working with the head teacher and alongside the parents. They are usually based in local authorities.
School Improvement Partner (SIP)
Works with the head teacher 3 to 5 days every year. They will support the head by looking at ways to develop the school further by using progress and attainment records, but also the school self-evaluation document. SIPs have experience of school leadership and have worked in an advisory role in the local authority.
Physiotherapists/Occupational Therapists
Work with pupils outside school; however they do come into school for meetings to discuss and support a pupils' progress. These meetings might be in the form of an early help hub where the parent is more likely to be present as well. They can liaise with the school about beneficial equipment and extra provisions for the pupil to have and use to support their own learning.
3. Understand Ethos, mission, aims and values
3a) Explain how ethos, mission, aims and values of a school may be reflected in working practice.
This should be recognisable when entering a school setting. It’s the environment of the school made by staff and pupils alike on a daily basis. Its how a school 'feels.' 'All staff have the important role and responsibility of modelling standards of behaviour, both to pupils and all other adult members of the school. This kind of ethos has an influence and encourages good behaviour. It aims to create an optimistic and positive environment. Ethos helps with achievement, developing effective behaviour management, anti-bullying and peer support.
Should be short and easy to remember and overlap the schools vision and aims. Defines the way the school approaches education. My schools mission statement is: A-Aspire C-Caring, Christian community H-Happy, healthy and honest I-Independent individuals E-Excellence and enjoyment V-Vision and values E-Equality and endeavour
REF: Harvington CE first school. Mission Statement [Online] [accessed 12/01/2015] available from
Where in another school in a different area has “Working together to achieve success.” As its mission.
REF: Ordsall Primary School. Welcome [Online] [accessed 12/01/2015] available from
Like the mission statement these aims go into greater context of what’s expected of or intended outcomes for pupils. Found normally in the prospectus for all to see.
Are mutually agreed and constructed by the whole school community as a sense of purpose, to reflect the heart of the community, and what it believes in. Values can differ from person to person depending on how they see them.

3b) Evaluate methods of communicating a schools ethos, mission, aims and values.
To communicate the ethos, missions, aims and values of a school a school must put these out in whatever way possible, from placing them on school websites to having it written in the school prospectus, or even other forms of literature. This enables prospective parents, parents of pupils and others gain first impressions of the school. If they fail to do this, parents may not know what is expected of them nor their child and could also cause anxiety not knowing of fair treatments or levels of respect. Above all they may worry about if the school is able to provide the setting for a child to achieve their best. The other methods are attitudes of staff and setting the right example. If this isn’t done effectively then it affects the atmosphere therefore not being positive. It should be demonstrated by ways of staff and pupils taking pride in their surroundings. This can also mean working together to form positive relationships, and to talk or hold meetings if things don’t always go to plan. With all ways of communicating a school is still part of the community cohesion and word of mouth works in wonders, so it’s vital for a school to maintain good communications within the community. Schools will have a way of showing their ethos, mission, aims and values around the school on display boards of children’s work reflecting subject topic or theme like friendship. A key thing is to remember that children are the centre of everything and should be praised and celebrated to keep them proud and motivated to achieve.
4. Know about legislation affecting schools
4a) Summarise the laws and codes of practice affecting work in schools.
Data Protection Act 1998
This act ensures schools keep and use all information as it is intended to be used. This information needs to be kept secured on-site in lockable filing cabinets or on secured password protected computer systems. The information gained under this act is confidential and cannot be shared with whom doesn’t have consent. Everyone who has the responsibility of using this kind of data must make sure the information is used fairly and lawfully, used for specifically stated purposes, used adequately, is accurate, only kept for as long as necessary ,handled with protection rights, kept safe and secured and not to be transferred out of UK unless it has adequate protection. Some information has stronger legal protection such as ethnic background, political opinions, religious beliefs, health, sexual health and criminal record. Everyone has a right to obtain their own personal information from any organisation that holds records.
The UN convention rights of a child 1989 (UNCRC)
This was written in 1989 but didn’t come into force in UK till 1991. It has a total of 54 articles, only 7 of them relate directly with schools. It sets out rights for children to be equally and fairly treated, with no discrimination. These acts are: - Right to family life, be protected from violence, have a say and be respected, be healthy and have an education. Also gives extra rights for children and young people living with difficult circumstances and is linked with many of the other acts.
Education Act 2002
These acts are updated every so often. The 2002 act had several changes on regulations, staffing and governance. It was amended further in 2006 to include a duty to schools to promote community cohesion. And is significantly amended to academies with the way it handles national curriculum and term times. It means they can be exempt from certain existing laws.
Children Act 2004 updated 2010 and Childcare Act 2006 Came alongside the every child matters framework, which had a huge impact on way schools addressed issues relating to care, welfare and discipline. Agencies that work with children birth to 19 work together will support them by knowing to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, economic well-being and positive contribution. (SHEEP). The childcare act 2006 puts more responsibility on local authorities with improving well-being and to reduce inequalities, make sure there is sufficient childcare for parents who work, provide childcare information and to ensure all childcare providers are trained.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Introduced in 2005, this act helps promote transparency and accountability in all public sector organisations. The information a school holds can be sought from any data it’s stored such as
• SAT Results/Progress
• Number of pupils/Enrolment rates
• Absences/School closures
• Staff records
• DBS checks
• Finance/Grants
• Ofsted
The only information that can’t be sought out is personal information held under the data protection act. Anyone can ask for information and do so by writing. The school should give advice and assistance.
The SEN code of practice 2001 and disability discrimination act 1995/2005/ Equality Act 2010
All children with SEN have just a much right to go to a mainstream state school under the code of practice. Schools now have to manage pupils who have more complex learning needs or extra provisions. The Disability discrimination act means that no pupil should be excluded from school life just because of a disability. Schools have plans to make adaption to enable them to meet this act such as putting in ramps, lifts and disabled toilets. All new schools that are built from this date will already include these.
4b) Explain how legislation affects how schools work
Legislation affects how schools work as they need to fully comply with all legal requirements. The data protection act means a school cannot give out personal information about a child that is strictly confidential. And the school must make sure these are stored in the right way.
In the UNCRC it affects schools by having to keep records of absence for instance, ensure pupils of the school are all given opportunities , putting in place safeguarding like DRS checks for all staff and helpers and also things like locked gates and entry only through main reception after children have gone into school. It also affects the school in how it teaches discipline and that they must respect human dignity. Schools also under the UNCRC act cannot discriminate on any level and get government funding to help those families on low incomes such as providing school meals.
Schools form cluster groups to form community cohesion under the Education act 2002. They may also use outside organisations to come into school to teach/talk/perform extra curriculum.
With the childcare act 2004 and childcare 2006 schools promote healthy lifestyle, keep pupils safe and cared for in a stable secured setting. It is the schools and outside agencies job to work jointly in a team to seek out children who may be vulnerable on many different grounds. The Childcare act2006 in schools means that all staff have the relevant training including updating such as changes a given national curriculum subject is taught. This means the subject leader goes on the training and then informs all legible staff and trains them to meet new standards. This often done on in set days. Schools also have to use the early years foundation stage to under 5s and provide information to parents on breakfast and after school clubs. This is to ensure the school has sufficient childcare for working parents.
Schools under the disability 1995/2005 must make reasonable adjustments for any form of disability that may enter the school premises and cannot discriminate any disability whether it is health problems, mental health or physically disabled. Reasonable adjustments could be things like sign language interpreters and special aids a child may need or use. It’s the local authority who has the responsibility to make draw up plans to make a school more accessible.
4c) Explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework including:
General bodies such as Health and safety executive (HSE)
School specific regulatory bodies
Health and safety executive (HSE)
A government body responsible for enforcing the health and safety at work legislation. HSE can produce advice to health and safety issues in guidance with the legislation HSE roles include: - To prevent ill health and injuries and ensure schools manage and significant risks arising from school activities on and off premises. HSE can check toilet facilities, conditions of the premises, medical rooms, water supplies, heating, lighting, ventilation, weather protection and flooring. In playgrounds they can check surfaces are adequate and that play equipment is not rusty or faulty. HSE is carried out on school trips and assess special education or mental needs, the age range, fitness and usual behaviour standards, adult to pupil ratio and things like transport, journey, location and emergency procedures.
In England the schools regulatory body and their role is to carry out inspections to ensure that the quality of service provided is up to standard. During inspections the inspectors gather evidence by observing practice. They use this information and other forms of evidence to make a professional judgement of the service and then publish it in to a report. This will contain quality of national curriculum subject provision, aspects of childcare, social care, education and learning skills. It also checks that staff, premises and services provided are suitable to care and educate. If a school fails to meet a good standard, Ofsted give special actions for improvements to be met by the school and the school must do their upmost to achieve a higher standard. Independent schools are regulated by ISI (Independent schools inspectorate).

5. Understand the purpose of school policies and procedures
5a) Explain why schools have policies and procedures
School policies help define rules, regulations, procedures and protocols. It helps them have a smooth running on a daily basis and also ensures pupils receive a quality education. Policies should be made clear and understandable so that parents, staff, governors and others who come to the school setting know the expectations, how to act accordingly and to prevent confusion. School policies are there for several reasons and they are:
• To establish rules and regulations for acceptable behaviour
• To make sure the school environment is safe for pupils, teachers and other staff
• Create productive learning environments
Some of these reasons are why schools have anti-bullying policies, equal opportunities and fire drills. Along with learning goals for achievements. Policies are important as they help schools establish rules and procedures that create standards to quality learning and safety. Without policies schools would lack function and structure that provide the needs to pupils education.
5b) Summarise policies and procedures schools may have relating to staff, pupil welfare, teaching and learning, equality diversity and inclusion and parental engagement
Policies and procedures relating to staff
Policies for staff are put in place to protect the staffs’ welfare and their rights within a school setting and to support staff in their management of situations they may be involved in. Every policy should outline its aims, purpose and responsibilities the staff will have. Examples of policies staff may have relating to;
Pay policy - A policy that sets out the framework for making decisions on teachers’ pay. It’s developed to comply with current legislation. The aim is to assure teachers are awarded appropriately and ensure equality of opportunity. It’s set by the schools governing body and staff can make appeals though this policy.
Performance management policy - Put together to encourage teachers and head teachers to working accordance with conduct, behaviour and job performance. It is fair in the sense that an underperforming teacher will get guidance on how to improve their performance before they can get dismissed.
Grievance policy - If you suspect a member of staff is, for example, bullying a child or another adult then you would need to report this to the Head Teacher. But if it’s the Head Teacher you have concerns about, you should report this to the Chair of Governors. You will need to write down as much information as possible and date it as there may be a history of this concern. Your information will be kept confidential unless you are asked to be a witness. By reporting the concerns, you will help to stop this from happening again.
Policies and procedures relating to pupil welfare
Safeguarding policy – the way all school staff have to act when managing issues regarding to protecting a child and prevent any risks of further harm they may face.
Health and safety policy - Covers procedures for the safety to everyone who enters a school. Inspections are taken annually and concerns should be reported. It covers things like checking first aid boxes and first aid procedures. All classrooms are to display fire procedure and have the necessary equipment. Outside school trips to staff ratios. It will name who has what responsibilities and who to report to.
Behaviour policy – Sets out procedure to promote good behaviour by setting out ‘rules’ that children should follow. Children should know of consequences for not following the ‘rules’ but should also be praised consistently and often for showing or choosing good behaviour. The rules should be clear and placed around the school. The policy also sets guidance for staff on effective behaviour management
Anti-bullying policy – Could come in the behaviour policy or a policy on its own. It gives procedure to how incidents of bullying are dealt with both in and out of school. It also pin points ways for children to approach and report all types of bullying.
Policies and procedures relating to teaching and learning
The aims and missions of these policies are to provide safe, stimulating learning environments for pupils and teachers. These policies are put in place to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to the schools’ curriculum so that learning is designed to fit each child’s individual learning needs and capabilities. And include:
• Curriculum policies
• Early years policy
• Special educational needs policy
• Planning and assessment policy
• Marking policy
• Equal opportunities policy
• Teaching and learning policy

Policies and procedures relating to Equality, diversity and inclusion: The following policies are set in place to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, abilities or disabilities, race or religious beliefs have equal access to the school and its curriculum and to be treated equally in every aspect of school life. This includes:
• Equal opportunities policy
• Special education policy
• Gifted and talented policy
• Disability and access policy
• Race equality and cultural diversity policy
Policies and procedures relating to Parental engagement
Parents and families play a fundamental role in helping children achieve their full potential in education by supporting them in their learning and developing within their own homes. By working together with the childs’ school parents can create a learning environment to help reinforce lessons that are learned at school. These include:
• Homework policy - contribute towards building responsibilities and self-discipline in a student. Homework should provide a pupil with the opportunity to apply the information they have learned in class and develop independence within the individual.
• Attendance policy
• Home-school agreement - can raise standards and contribute to school success by providing structure for partnerships between home and schools on issues such as; pupils’ progress, information on what pupils will be taught and any concerns that may affect the pupils’ ability to learn. Parents are able to support and help their child’s learning at home with more success and confidence.

5c) Evaluate how school policies and procedures may be developed and communicated
Schools need to ensure that polices are in place are regularly revised and updated. Each policy will be dated and have a date for revision. There are model policies available on the internet through local education authorities to assist the schools in drawing them up as this can be a time consuming process. Depending on the policy, the person responsible for a curriculum area (for example, the numeracy coordinator) may produce a draft policy and then have it checked by other staff during a meeting. It will then need to be agreed by the governing body before it comes into effect. Although staff will not be required to know the contents of every school policy, they should have read and know they responsibilities, in particular with regards to the safeguarding policy, health and safety policy and the behaviour management policy.
Polices can also be communicated in the same way as the ethos, mission, aims and values. In question 3b

6. Understand the wider context in which schools operate
6a) Summarise the roles and responsibilities of national government for education policy and practice
National government
The Department for Education is responsible for education and children’s services. Basically, this means that they are responsible for.
• Setting the national curriculum.
• Early years foundation stage.

Schools and nurseries operate and look into new ways to develop the quality of service available to children under the five with the outcomes of every child matters.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Department of Education.

Funding research into Education based projects concerning children and young people. Developing the workforce reform like the 2020 children’s workforce strategy, promoting integrated working for those who work with children and young people and develop the role of the third sector, which is a non-government organisations, such as voluntary, community organisations and charities that work with children and young people.

Local Government.

Responsibility is to provide services to all the schools in the community. The local Education authority is responsible for providing.
• Promoting community cohesion
• School management issues
• Behaviour management
• Development of school policies
• Special Education needs
• Staff training and development

Local authorities
Need to provide documents which sets out their aims, vision and boundaries.
They will have policies which communicate their own leadership for schools in the community.
The local authority will employ specialist advisers for different aspects of the curriculum. They will also have people with their own area of expertise in place for pupils with challenging behaviour and special educational needs. Majority of these services will be provided free to schools by the LEA, but in some circumstances the school could be expected to pay, this will be when specialist teachers need to come into the school setting.
The LEA will be responsible for informing the schools in the community of changes to the education policy and they will then be given extra training within the area of changes.
6b) Explain the role of schools in national policies relating to children young people and families
As part of the National Governments incentive to help provide backing and encouragement to practitioners in schools 2 new funding programmes were introduced by the Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of the Government Children Plan. These programmes; Every Child a Talker (ECAT) and the Social and Emotional Aspects of Development (SEAD). These were launched to increase the skills of early year’s specialists and were a part of the government’s wider pledge to the education workforce development. These packages were designed to address the need for children in schools to experience a language rich setting through staff in ensuring that they work successfully with both parents and families. Through SEAD, staff in schools would gain the knowledge and understanding to help engage parents more effectively in order for them to be better prepared to support their child’s social and emotional needs. It was the abuse and ultimate death of Victoria Climbie in 2000 which prompted changes in children’s services. The Every Child Matters paper set out a national agenda and plan with the aim of providing more services that were accessible for the needs of children, young people and families which stated that schools and other child care providers must demonstrate ways that they could work towards each of the outcomes. The 5 key aims and intentions were; Be healthy: schools needed to play a leading part in health education towards children and young people which included questioning the significance of snacks and the nutritional contents of school meals, as well as enabling children to enjoy a good physical and mental health by being part of a healthy lifestyle. Stay safe: a survey among 11~16 year olds in mainstream schools claimed that almost 46% had been the victim of some form of bullying, in order to break these statistics it is vital that pupils need to feel that they are being protected in school, in order for schools to do this they must continue to make behaviour management and anti-bullying an significant issue. Enjoy and achieve: in order for students to get the most out of life and develop the necessary skills for adulthood children and young people must enjoy their lives and achieve their potential. In order for schools to assist with this they must make improvements in failings across different ethnic groups and unauthorised absences that are unacceptable. Contribute: children and young people need to be involved in their community rather than involve themselves in anti-social behaviour. Schools can teach children the ethics of social responsibility and a feeling of ‘belonging’ by providing link to a pupils own community and how they can become a part of it. Achieve a good standard of living: children and young people with parents who are unemployed or existing on low incomes must be encouraged to aspire to a better career and lifestyle for themselves. Schools can develop strategies to enable all students to reach their full potential.

6c) Explain the rules of other organisations working with children and young people and how these may impact on the work in schools
There are numerous organisations that will have an impact on the work in schools. Multi agency teams bring together professionals from different agencies to provide an integrated way of supporting children, young people and their families. As well as giving advice and guidance to teachers and other staff in schools. It is a way of working together that guarantees children and young people who need additional support have the professional that is needed to give them that support. Professionals who work alongside schools are likely to include Social Workers, Early Years Intervention Agencies, Youth Workers, Police and Youth Justice. Social Workers: their central role is to offer help and assistance to children, young people and families dealing with children at risk. They play a major role of gathering information about a pupil’s social, emotional and behavioural development in school. Conducting interviews with the student as well as making classroom observations. They will conduct interviews with senior members of staff and parents on strategies that will benefit the child in school. Early Years Consultants: offer support and advice to teachers and other members of staff in school. They work closely with both children and parents to identify, assess and respond to a child’s additional need and to ensure that the appropriate intervention is given to that child in order to develop their learning within school. Youth Workers: promote the personal, educational and social development of young people aged between 13-19, they respond to the needs and interests of young people and attempt to resolve issues involving health awareness and education by developing positive skills and attitudes within a young person.. Youth Workers have an influential role in empowering young individuals to take on issues that are affecting their lives. Police: hold debates in schools to children and young people on issues such as knife crime and anti-social behaviour in order to discourage children from imitating that behaviour. They hold open discussions in order for the child or young person to give their opinions and views. Youth Offending Teams: will offer support to young people in education who are at risk of offending, they liaise with schools and the Education Department when a young person is experiencing difficulties at school. They will often assist with school work and enable communication between the young person, school and their families.

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Tda 3.2 Schools As Organisations Essay

...TDA 3.2 Schools as organisations. 1. Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education. 1.1 Summarise entitlement and provisions for early year’s education. All three and four years old children are entitled to 15 hours of free early education a week, for 38 weeks of the year. Funds from the government to the local authorities ensure that up to two years of free education is provided for each child before they start school. The Early year’s provisions are about supporting very young children in schools and nurseries. The early year’s education is based on learning through play following the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework. Children can get the free early education at: • Ofsted registered nurseries • Nurseries on school sites •...

Words: 527 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Motivation Fectors

...TEACHER MOTIVATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THIKA WEST DISTRICT, KIAMBU COUNTY BY TERESA KEMUNTO NYAKUNDI A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OCTOBER, 2012 DECLARATION This Research Project is my original work and has not been presented to any other university for a degree or any other award. Signature________________________________ Date__________________________ TERESA KEMUNTO NYAKUNDI REG. E55/CE/14342/2009 This Research Project has been submitted for examination with our approval as University Supervisors: Signature_______________________ Date ________________________ Prof. Grace Bunyi Associate Professor Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies, School of Education Kenyatta University Signature_______________________ Date ________________________ Dr. Libese Senior lecturer Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies, School of Education Kenyatta University ii DEDICATION I dedicate this study to my family. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge my supervisors Prof. Grace Bunyi and Dr. L.I Libese for their guidance during the writing of this project. If it were not for their guidance, this work could not have been a success. I also acknowledge teachers and principals of public secondary schools in Thika West District for giving information...

Words: 18947 - Pages: 76