...The definition for wilderness goes as followed, it is a wild and uncultivated region, as a forest or desert, uninhabited or inhabited only by wild animals; a tract of wasteland. In addition, it is defined as any desolate tract, as of open sea, or a part of a garden set apart for plants growing with unchecked luxuriance. Upon research, I discovered the reason why wilderness areas are both important and controversial are due to several components. The first being that in the rural west view that wilderness is an economic liability. The claim is that industries extract natural resources without provision for their renewal. Things such as farming, ranching, and mining fuel economic growth in rural areas. Consequently, it is debated that locking up possible productive resources in the wilderness areas hurt growth of both jobs and tax revenues. On the other hand, others worry about the supply of raw materials. In addition, it is also debated that the majority of income sources in the rural areas are no longer obtained by extracting industries. In matter of fact, it is natural amenities desirable lifestyles and a high quality of life give communities an advantage in attracting and benefiting from tourist, retirees, and entrepreneurs bring additional employment. This debate in my opinion comes down to jobs verses the environment myth that wilderness limits economic growth. The things that need to be looked at would be whether the presence of wilderness is associated with the population...
Words: 369 - Pages: 2
...in Indonesia is used to support the economic society and it can show Indonesia as a country that is rich with biodiversity. Not only that, the existence of plant and animal in nature will balance the natural ecosystem. Aceh is one of the areas that supply the biodiversity for Indonesia, especially in Seulawah Mountain and Leuser ecosystem. Many environmental problems like human activity occur in those of areas such as deforestation, opening the forest land...
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...a. Define biodiversity b. Explain how species diversity arises Explain how species diversity arises c. Explain the patterns of biodiversity on Earth d. List several regions of high biodiversity e. Define evolution. This week we are doing an assignment on teach back and I have chosen Biodiversity. I have found some great information on biodiversity but before I can go any further I need to understand what biodiversity is. What is biodiversity? Biodiversity means the diversity, or variety, of plants and animals and other living things in a particular area or region Biodiversity may also mean the number, or abundance of different species living within a particular region. There are three kinds of biodiversity that are there to preserve our systems. First we the genetic diversity, species diversity, and lastly the ecological diversity. When looking at on how the species in diversity arise we would look at the surrounding areas and the climate that affect the species. There are many species in the ecosystem and when something such as climate change you will have a problem in your food change, water sours. When this happens it will be harder for the species to survive since they are being deprived. The patterns of biodiversity begin with community structure, which begin with the climate and ecosystems. There is a list of patterns that affect the earth of biodiversity; there are hotspots as they are called and cold spots (high and low). Along with...
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...Biodiversity Lasnosha Snowden ENV 300 Environmental Science Nicole Minor June 15, 2015 All living organisms are present in ecosystems to coexist together to create biodiversity and without different species, these environment could fail horribly. Every living organism has a purpose in order to keep the balance of biodiversity. In order for there to be “biological diversity, these items are organized at many levels, ranging from complete ecosystems to the chemical structures that are the molecular basis of heredity” (1987). Not always in a friendly environmental manner, Human actions has played a big key role in the changing of the environment. A nonproductive planet would be result, if we did not have an abundance of species and ecosystems. All living organisms rely on one another to survive and thrive. Biodiversity is the total of species living together in an area, a community, or the entire planet. Genetic diversity, habitat diversity, and species diversity are three different concepts can be defined as Biodiversity. The same species in different populations found with patterns of variations and a bundle of different genes located in one species is known as genetic diversity. Within a specified area, the number of different habitats is habitat diversity. When checking for species diversity there are three qualities that you should look for species dominance, species evenness, and species richness. The most abundant species measured is species dominance. The entire...
Words: 1984 - Pages: 8
...they rely on for several necessities. Some species use other species for sustenance, some for shelter, or hunting skills. The reasons why species rely on each other vary; however, the need is infinitely important. We will discuss why genetic diversity is so important. We will explain why population management and diversity is necessary to the successful survival of every population. Lastly, we will compare and contrast the ex situ and in situ methods of conservation. It is extremely important for humanity to take responsibility for the failings of some ecosystems and this paper allows us to see the ways that we, as humanity, can help to reverse that damage. Genetic Diversity in Populations Genetic diversity also known as the level of biodiversity simply measures the number of genetic characteristics that the genetic makeup of a particular species consists of. It is different from the term genetic variability as they are many times used alternatively but in reality they are different. So why is genetic diversity so important? It is the basis for the populations of various living species to adapt themselves as the surrounding environment changes. If there is no genetic diversity many of the species will vanish off the face of earth. The environment on the earth changes rapidly and hence with the help of genetic diversity the species possess variations of the alleles that help them to adapt to the changing environment around them. Then, they can produce an offspring that contains...
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...Madagascar Rainforest Madagascar, located approximately 400 kilometers east of Africa is the world's fourth largest island. Because of its isolation it is occupied by some of the most unusual and rare species of plants and animals on earth. Madagascar was at one time formerly an independent kingdom; became a French colony in 1896 and regained independence in 1960. During 1992-93, free presidential and National Assembly elections were held ending 17 years of single-party rule(Science 1990). The main historical problem with international trade has been the correlated destruction of the environment. This is especially true when it comes to the issue of deforestation. In Madagascar, (Economic Geography, 1993) people have been cutting down the forests for decades. Throughout the past century, much of the rainforests of Madagascar have disappeared. People have begun moving out of the cities, industries have started to expand, and the use of land for farming (particularly coffee) has dramatically increased. All of these phenomenons have led to the destruction of the forest of Madagascar. Many plants and animal species have been severely endangered due to the deforestation (New Scientist 1990). With a current population near 14 million and growing at roughly 3% yearly combined with a per capita income of $230 per year, the major threats to the remaining forest are driven by subsistence needs and cutting for fuel. This has become a major issue, not only because of the value...
Words: 3085 - Pages: 13
...natural environment and humans. Due to the pressures of population and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, activity of environmental movements has created awareness of the various environmental issues. There is no agreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity, and protection measures are occasionally criticized. Academic institutions now offer courses, such as environmental studies, environmental management and environmental engineering, that teach the history and methods of environment protection. Protection of the environment is needed due to various human activities. Waste production, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity (resulting from the introduction of invasive species and species extinction) are some of the issues related to environmental protection. Environmental protection is influenced by three interwoven factors: environmental legislation, ethics and education. Each of these factors plays its part in influencing national-level environmental decisions and personal-level environmental values and behaviors. For environmental protection to become a reality, it is important for societies to develop each of these areas that, together, will inform and drive environmental decisions. 1 Learn the four functions of a headline. A successful headline has 4 very important...
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...Why Corporate Social Responsibility Matters (BU041) INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT #1: (Claire.Jin) * * * * * * * * * Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Introduction 3 Question 1: Efficacy of Monsanto’s Ethical Culture 4 Question 2: Costs and Benefits of Growing GMO seed 5 Question 3: Management of Harm with Plants and Animals 6 Question 4: Visit Monsanto website, what is CSR and Sustainability Strategy of Monsanto, and give suggestions for its strategy for Monsanto Company? 8 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 10 * * Executive summary Monsanto is one of the world’s largest industrial agriculture businesses, especially focusing on genetically modified products. Monsanto has obtained a progress in corporate responsibility, but Monsanto has deficiencies with ethical culture. Monsanto is in a difficult position, because the products are highly specialized and therefore most consumers do not understand them. Although, Environmental and health issues aside, Monsanto’s GM seeds provide an opportunity for farmers to increase profits by allowing them to grow crops on land that would not support traditional seeds. ...
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...for addressing the meaning of sustainability in the context of practical choices about how to maintain or improve the well-being of humans on this planet. What kinds of processes and conditions need to be sustained in the interest of maintaining or improving well-being? What are the sources and dimensions of the main threats to the sustainability of these? What places should be investigated and what should be measured to find out? Can sustainability be made compatible with -- or traded off against -- other desiderata relating to policy choices? (Consider, for example, sustainable development versus rapid development). The proposition that particular human practices would prove unsustainable has cropped up in literature going all the way back to the ancient Greeks and somewhat more frequently and sweepingly in the two hundred years since the work of Malthus, above all in the period since World War II. Only in the past five years, however, has sustainability become a catchword capable of capturing the attention not only of environmental scientists and activists but also of (some) mainstream economists, other social scientists, and policymakers. This enhanced salience presumably resulted from a suite of coincident factors. For one, the world community is no longer transfixed by the Cold War. A second factor is the reluctant appreciation of the severity of the debt crisis in the developing world. A third is the substantial...
Words: 950 - Pages: 4
...education systems throughout this country. This is supposed to be america, the land of freedom and opportunity but not everyone get to experience it. America continues to be praised by third world countries as a place where dreams come true. But our children are living in poverty and are already at a disadvantage just because of the place they were born. The Congress in place now is the most diverse Congress this country has seen. They can be the change what we have been hoping for. With its power, Congress can eliminate the poor trends and the injustices the have plagues America's education system in the recent years. Children throughout this country do not have equal opportunities and if Congress fails to address the issue, it will come back and haunt them. Right now the graduation rate is at an all time low more and more students are dropping out of school. Racial Minorities make up 70% of the students who were arrested due to school related incidents. Why are students being punished by being taking out of the classroom that seems detrimental to their success in life. If the goal is to educate children for a young age, then punishments that keep them out of the classroom in the later years should be eliminated. That should be kept specifically for students who commit severe or extreme crimes , But how can we prevent students from being punished? The key is simple educate children from a young age. trials show that children that are talked to and read to are “ less likely to...
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...Sustainable Tourism; Myth or Reality? Sustainable Tourism is a term derived from the 1978 Rio Summit United Nations Report on the Environment which can be defined as; “Tourism development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their own needs.” In the following agenda 21 process, travel and tourism was one of the industries identified as having the potential to make a positive contribution to a healthier planet. The diagrams above shows that if tourist destination is to be sustainable, it must aim to be a balance between social, environmental and economic factors to ensure that no damage is done which has the potential to be detrimental in the future. Ecotourism is a sub-component of the field of sustainable tourism. Eco-tourism's perceived potential as an effective tool for sustainable development is the main reason why developing countries are now embracing it and including it in their economic development and conservation strategies. Eco-tourism, as an alternative tourism, involves visiting natural areas in order to learn, to study, or to carry out activities environmentally friendly, that is; a tourism based on the nature experience, which enables the economic and social development of local communities. Eco-tourism destinations such as the Palau Conservation Society encourages sustainable development to protect...
Words: 1173 - Pages: 5
...asked, and an area to draw his feelings for that day. For every day outbreaks in the classroom I would have a calming jar with glitter so when he starts throwing a tantrum tell him if he can behave for the amount of time it would take for the glitter to go back to the bottom then he will get a treat. I did not get to use the folder with John. It would have been unfair to the other children if he would do an activity with me. If I had to do it in the center I would have to do it for small groups...
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...as a biodiversity hotspot characterized by species diversity and endemism (Edet, 2011). The subspecies is one of the most critically endangered primates of Africa (Oates et al., 2008; IUCN, 2013). The subspecies is also one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates (Mittermeier et al., 2009). As humans extend their land use, Cross River gorilla habitat is rapidly disappearing, and this may have adverse effects on number of individuals within the subspecies. The Cross River gorilla, Gorilla gorilla diehli, chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes vellorosus) and drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus), though legally protected by the Endangered Species Decree 11 of 1985, are some of the primates hunted for bushmeat and other purposes (Edet, 2011). The Major threat to the survival of the subspecies is lack of thorough conservation strategy necessary for its protection. The survival of this endangered species and ecosystems depends on long-term participation and understanding of local populations (Oates, 1999). Due to the close relationship between cultural diversity and biodiversity, traditional knowledge systems play an important role when developing species conservation and management strategies (Caldecott et al., 2005; Hens, 2006). For example, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) (article 8j) calls for parties to respect, preserve, and apply knowledge and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (UNCBD...
Words: 12465 - Pages: 50
...Control Mechanisms: Use and Reaction at Chipotle Mexican Grill Control Mechanisms: Use and Reaction at Chipotle Mexican Grill Control is essential for any company to ensure their business plan is being executed efficiently to achieve its corporate goals. Part of the organization's planning includes which control mechanism best suits the business' core competency. This paper will study how Chipotle Mexican Grill utilizes Control Mechanisms and the reactions from employees and customers and to what degree Chipotle can monitor and control execution of its business plan, will determine the long-term viability of the company’s very existence. Leadership Vision Steve Ells, chef and founder of Chipotle is an inspired leader with a strong desire only to serve delicious and healthy ‘Food with Integrity.’ Integrity in the Chipotle vernacular means a strong commitment to small farmers by serving only naturally raised animals and organically grown vegetables. Culture Chipotle believes their crew members are just as important as their food for sustained success. Crew...
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...Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution Temara Huston Argosy University Online SCI201— Ecology and Environmental Sustainability Module 1, Assignment 3 Dr: James Lilly 02/17/16 The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in earth’s ecology and the relationship between humans and environment. There were several negative environmentally impacts. Three in particular that are ripple effects to each other are urbanization, pollution and global warming. From 1695 – 1801 there was a 60% population growth rate. There were advancements in farming that reduced the need for farmhands. People migrated to the cities to find work and places to live; but these cities were not prepared for such an influx in such a short period of time. The main motivation for the continuous building was money; because of this, houses were built quickly, cheaply and as many as possible. There we’re no bathrooms, toilets or running water. Many didn’t bathe because it was easier than collecting water from a local pump to do so in a tin bath. There was a courtyard between each row of houses for waste to be thrown out. Sanitation and hygiene barely existed and throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the great fear was a cholera, typhus or typhoid epidemic. These issues weren’t address for the same reason they existed in the first place; money. Wealthy men owned the factories and mines and had huge influence in the cities, the laws that were in...
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