The Special Issue on Social Science Research © Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA 220 Findings Following findings of the study were made: Table: 2 Teachers view’s about salary related factors Items Agree%Total%Uncertain Disagree%Total%Salaries and benefits are performing a main role in teacher’s satisfaction. SA A SDA DA52 35 87 4 8 1 9Low salary of teachers is creating hurdle fortheir intent to stay in teaching profession.0 59 59 34 6 1 7Poor pay becomes the cause of mentaldissatisfaction for teachers.0 57 57 29 2 12 14Teaching job enables to provide asatisfactory standard of living.7 37 44 13 36 7 43Total 61.75 20 73 The above table indicates the teacher’s views about salary related factors, which affects their performance. Majority of teachers (87%) views that salary and benefits are performing a main role in teacher’s satisfaction.Some (59%) teachers’ viewed that low salary creates hurdles for their intent to stay in teaching profession. 57%teachers says that poor pay is becoming the cause of mental dissatisfaction. Whereas some (44%) opines thatteaching job enables to provide a satisfactory standard of living. Table No: 3 Teacher’s views about workload related factors Statement Agree%Total%Uncertain Disagree%Total%Teachers in schools are expected to dodifficult amount of record keeping andclerical work.SA A SDADA29 48 77 10 10 3 13The extra co-curricular work loaddecreases the morale of female teachers.31 47 78 12 7 3 10Over crowded classes increase stress forfemale teaches.43 49 92 5 2 1 3Total 247 27 26 This table presents the views of teachers about workload related factors which affect their performance. 77% teacher’s view that teachers in schools are expected to do difficult amount of record keeping and clerical work. Some of them (79%) teachers says that extra co-curricular workload decreases their morale.