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Team Strategy Plan


Submitted By cococlassiic
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Team Strategy Plan

1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing.

Strategy Strengths Weaknesses

Communication Employees who speak about and bring ideas to the table Employees who feel a lack of connection to other members of the team

Personalities and attitudes Employees who speak openly about ideas and accept others ideas in a professional manner Employees who may get worked up easily when spoken upon

Conflict resolution Employees who resolves issues and conflicts easily and effectively Employees who may not work well under pressure or under leadership

Identifying and creating objectives Employees of the team who may be creative and works well with creating plans and identifying right from wrong Employees who may not have the mindset of creating and planning out strategies

Feedback Employees who provides helpful information and effectively communicate with the members about the choices being made Employees who may not speak on how they feel about the outcome but may speak on it outside the environment

2. Identify the team formation strategy that is most suitable for Riordan Manufacturing, and provide the rationale for the decision. Your response should be at least 100 words.

The team formation strategy more suitable for this organization would include current employees and some new hires to provide an equal ratio. The decision is based on the right give all employees a chance to work together in helping to organization succeed. It is also allowing us to equally distribute any assistance to all employees so that all tasks and duties can be completed in a timely manner without hesitation. It is a major duty to fit the needs of the company but allow the employees to reach our goals.

3. What potential barriers may arise during team formation? How will you address these barriers? Your response should be at least 100 words.

Some potential barriers that may arise during the team formation may be employees who may not feel comfortable with working with others, who will take the leading position of the teams, and which team members work well under supervision. It is always a must to allow a leading spot but also let it known that we are all working together as one to meet the needs of the organization. These barriers will be addressed by daily meetings or memos to remind everyone that we all will either make or break this company and we definitely do not want to break it.

4. What measures will be put in place to evaluate if the team is operating successfully?
Some measures to be put in place to make sure the team is operating successfully will be to require a daily report on how things are flowing with the teams. That way it will be known which team is reaching the goal and meeting the objectives. Another way would be to meet on a regular basis to allow the teams to share ideas to maybe come together and make that final decision.

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