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Teammate Lacking Dedication


Submitted By ufer
Words 375
Pages 2
First and foremost, I would reiterate and stress the importance of team goals and that they must be attained in a timely fashion. As team leader, I would really get to know and understand my teammate who appears to lack time management skills. By understanding my teammate, I can determine if the reason for his underperformance is due to a lack of skill or a lack of will.
If my teammate is lacking in skill set, but motivated and willing to learn, I would spend more time with him and hone his skills or assign him tasks more tuned to his expertise. As team leader, I would ensure my teammate knows his importance to the team and why an improvement in his work is necessary. On the other hand, if my teammate appears to be uninspired, I must find a way to properly motivate him to achieve the team’s goals. His current work may bore him thus he would be better suited to carry out different tasks than previously assigned. My responsibility would be to determine how to keep him engaged and stimulated, lest he will continue to miss deadlines.
Meanwhile, I would make certain my other teammates who are performing at or above expectations do not feel ‘snubbed’ by the extra attention I may be giving the teammate missing deadlines. I would thank them for their continued support and effort while explaining that by taking a little time with this teammate right now, I will be saving them time and decreasing their workload in the foreseeable future as deadlines would no longer be missed. Moreover, I would suggest that they might need extra help in the future and consequently, they should not complain. Keeping my team’s faith in my leadership is crucial in this situation, as they would learn that I want them around and I am willing to support them through a difficult time.
Ultimately, the team must meet both deadlines and goals. If the teammate cannot pick up the slack and help my

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