Science Software Evaluation
Lindsey Young
Grand Canyon University
TEC 537 Strgs &Intrg Prod. Software
August 18, 2010
Science Software Evaluation
Educational software is an important component integrated into most current curriculums. However, as an educational facilitator it is important to evaluate the software being incorporated and utilized by the students. Because instructional time is limited, it is imperative that each educational piece be relevant to the students learning and the overall educational goal. A great way to rate, or evaluate, is through the careful creation of a rubric. A rubric not only organizes the key elements, but it also breaks down these key elements and arranges them by relevance. The attached rubric allows the rater to evaluate technical and educational aspects of educational software. It checks the significance of the software’s content, the accuracy of the content, active or inactive links embedded in the software, graphics, layout, material that students are expected to know to be able to utilize the software effectively, age and grade appropriateness, and curriculum connections. Using the rubric, one can evaluate the overall effectiveness of two online educational software tools. For example, Sheppard Software was created by Brad Sheppard, to provide an educational tool for students in all subjects. Using the rubric, lets evaluate Sheppard’s Chemistry games on the periodic table. There was little content to speak of, however, the purpose and the theme of the site was very clear. There were however a few broken links rendering the user incapable of utilizing specific games. This is important because if the user does not have a strong background in those specific areas, it will be very difficult of the user to progress through the other games. The layout was simple and user friendly, neither busy nor difficult to understand. This site was age and grade level appropriate lending itself to middle school to upper level education depending on the game level and the users level of understanding. There was no mention, however, of state or national standards. This site rated a 23 out of a possible 32 points. The Fun Brain periodic table software is another type of educational software with the purpose of providing a tutorial for users wishing to practice the parts of a periodic table. Fun Brain was minimal in comparison to Sheppard’s Software. There is very little content, however, what little is there is accurate. The links were all active, but few are provided. The Periodic game, itself, had no real graphics, it is two-dimensional, and the speaker is very monotone. The layout is simple and boring. The level is appropriate for target the audience, but some portions may be too easy. The features are very simple in nature. There were no apparent curriculum connections, giving this site a score of 18 of a possible 32. Both Sheppard Software and Fun Brain are functional educational software for the Science curriculum. After, evaluating the software using the attached rubric, it is clear that the Sheppard Software is a better choice because it is the most relevant, engaging, and interesting of the two. Teachers should evaluate any software being used to enrich curriculum to ensure productive use of time and educational relevance.
|Teacher Name: Mrs. Young | | | |
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|Student Name: ________________________________________ | |
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|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |
|Content |The site has a well-stated |The site has a clearly |The purpose and theme of the|The site lacks a purpose and|
| |clear purpose and theme that|stated purpose and theme, |site is somewhat muddy or |theme. |
| |is carried out throughout |but may have one or two |vague. | |
| |the site. |elements that do not seem to| | |
| | |be related to it. | | |
|Content Accuracy |All information on the Web |Almost all the information |Almost all of the |There are several |
| |site is accurate and all the|on the Web site is accurate |information provided on the|inaccuracies in the content |
| |requirements of the |and all requirements of the |Web site is accurate and |provided OR many of the |
| |assignment have been met. |assignment have been met. |almost all of the |requirements were not met. |
| | | |requirements have been met. | |
|Links (content) |All links point to high |Almost all links point to |Most links point to high |Less than 3/4 of the links |
| |quality, up-to-date, |high quality, up-to-date, |quality, up-to-date, |point to high quality, |
| |credible sites. |credible sites. |credible sites. |up-to-date, credible sites. |
|Graphics |Graphics are related to the |Graphics are related to the |Graphics are related to the |Graphics seem randomly |
| |theme/purpose of the site, |theme/purpose of the site, |theme/purpose of the site, |chosen, are of low quality, |
| |are thoughtfully cropped, |are of good quality and |and are of good quality. |OR distract the reader. |
| |are of high quality and |enhance reader interest or | | |
| |enhance reader interest or |understanding. | | |
| |understanding. | | | |
|Layout |The Web site has an |The Web pages have an |The Web pages have a usable |The Web pages are cluttered |
| |exceptionally attractive and|attractive and usable |layout, but may appear busy |looking or confusing. It is |
| |usable layout. It is easy to|layout. It is easy to locate|or boring. It is easy to |often difficult to locate |
| |locate all important |all important elements. |locate most of the important|important elements. |
| |elements. White space, | |elements. | |
| |graphic elements and/or | | | |
| |alignment are used | | | |
| |effectively to organize | | | |
| |material. | | | |
|Learning of Material |The student has an |The student has a good |The student has a fair |Student did not appear to |
| |exceptional understanding of|understanding of the |understanding of the |learn much from this |
| |the material included in the|material included in the |material included in the |project. Cannot answer most |
| |site and where to find |site. Can easily answer |site. Can easily answer most|questions about the content |
| |additional information. Can |questions about the content |questions about the content |and the procedures used to |
| |easily answer questions |and procedures used to make |and procedures used to make |make the web site. |
| |about the content and |the web site. |the web site. | |
| |procedures used to make the | | | |
| |web site. | | | |
|Age/Grade Level |REading level is appropriate|Reding level is appropriate |Reading level is often too |Reading level is not |
| |for target audience. Product|for target audience, but |easy for target audience. |appropriate for target |
| |is suitable for the age and |some portions may be too |Many features are unsuitable|audience. Product is not |
| |grade level. Directions are |easy or too difficult. Most |for the age and grade level.|suitable for the age and |
| |clear and complete enough |features are suitable for |Directions are sometimes |grade level. Directions are |
| |for sutdents to perform |the age and grade level. |unclear or ambiguous. |inadequate and incomplete. |
| |required tasks. |Most directions are clear, | | |
| | |but some are ambiguous or | | |
| | |confusing. | | |
|Curriculum Connections |National and state standards|National or state standards |Some relation to state |National or state standards |
| |are accessible within the |are available, but may be |standards are located within|are not accessible within |
| |product and may be easily |linked to lessons. Outlines |the product. Lists some |the product and there are no|
| |linked to lessons. Gives |background knowledge |background knowledge |apparent links to the |
| |background information and |necessary for comprehension |necessary for comprehension |learning activities. No |
| |skills necessary for |and success. In compliance |and success. Uses some real |background knowledge is |
| |comprehension and success. |with most subject based |workd examples. complies |given. No real world |
| |Uses several real world |guideline. |with some subject based |examples are utilized. |
| |examples to make the | |guidelines. | |
| |instruction relevant for the| | | |
| |learner. Complies with all | | | |
| |subject based guidelines. | | | |
Fun Brain- (200-2010) Proton Don Pearson Education: U.S.