...MODULE A2003 ENGLISH FOR TECHNICAL PURPOSES 2 INTRODUCTION and GUIDE CURRICULUM GRID | TOPIC |UNIT |TIME ALLOCATED | |Application for Industrial Attachment |1 |4 weeks (8 hours) | |Processes and Procedures |2 |4 weeks (8 hours) | |Instructions |3 |3 weeks (6 hours) | |Description of Object |4 |3 weeks (6 hours) | UNIT 1 : APPLICATION FOR INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT 1. Letter of Application for Attachment for Industrial Training 2. Confirmation by Telephone for Industrial Attachment 3. Thank You Letters UNIT 2 : PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES UNIT 3 : INSTRUCTIONS UNIT 4 : DESCRIPTION OF OBJECT Introduction This module is designed for second semester students taking technical courses at the polytechnic. The learning materials provided in the module will help you improve your language proficiency to handle communication situations as well in English. The module is designed for 30 contact hours. This includes assessments and class activities. General...
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...Every Filipino child now has access to early childhood education through Universal Kindergarten. At 5 years old, children start schooling and are given the means to slowly adjust to formal education. Research shows that children who underwent Kindergarten have better completion rates than those who did not. Children who complete a standards-based Kindergarten program are better prepared, for primary education. Education for children in the early years lays the foundation for lifelong learning and for the total development of a child. The early years of a human being, from 0 to 6 years, are the most critical period when the brain grows to at least 60-70 percent of adult size..[Ref: K to 12 Toolkit] In Kindergarten, students learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors through games, songs, and dances, in their Mother Tongue. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners (Contextualization and Enhancement) Examples, activities, songs, poems, stories, and illustrations are based on local culture, history, and reality. This makes the lessons relevant to the learners and easy to understand. Students acquire in-depth knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through continuity and consistency across all levels and subjects. Discussions on issues such as Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation, and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) are included in the enhanced curriculum. Building Proficiency through Language (Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual...
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... VISUAL ARTS Paper 2 (General) Examination to begin (see Note 4) MUSIC 2 (General) Practical Examination to begin (see Note 8) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 2 Technical – 2 hr 40 min CLOTHING & TEXTILES 2 General – 2 hr 10 min ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 2 General – 2 hr 40 min PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT 2 (General) Practical Examination to end INTEGRATED SCIENCE SA 3/2*** # General – 2 hr 10 min Tuesday 05 May Wednesday 06 May ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION & MGT 2 General - 2 hr 20 min Thursday 07 May TECHNICAL DRAWING 3 General – 3 hr 10 min PHYSICS 3/2***# General – 2 hr 10 min Copyright: Every application to register for the examination will be deemed to constitute an assignment by the candidates to the Council of the future copyright of all their examination work, practical or written. 2 2015 Friday 08 May MORNING AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE D/A 1** AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE S/A 1** General – 1 hr 15 min MUSIC PAPER 1 Section 1 # General – 1 hr ## MUSIC PAPER 1 Sections II and III # General – 1 hr 15 min AFTERNOON HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY 2 # General – 2 hr MUSIC 2 (General) Practical Examination to end Monday 11 May AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE D/A 2**# AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE S/A 2**# General – 2 hr THEATRE ARTS 1 General – 1 hr 40 min ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY 1 Technical – 1 hr 15 min...
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...( TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE EMPLOYMENT NEWS / ROZGAR SAMACHAR DATED 29-102011) FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA NOTICE Combined Recruitment for Assistant Grade III in General, Depot, Technical and Account Cadres and Hindi Posts (AG-II and Typist) in the FCI, 2012 Closing Date: 25.11.2011 (Last Date : 02.12.2011 For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and for candidates residing abroad. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED LATE WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.) Date of Examination : 04.2.2012 & 05.2.2012 Assistant Grade – III (AG-III) Posts (General/ Accounts/ Technical/ Depot) Date of Examination: 22.1.2012 Assistant Grade-II (AG-II) and Typist (for Hindi Posts) The Food Corporation of India (FCI), one of the largest Public Sector Undertakings, dealing with Foodgrain supply-chain management wishes to recruit young and skilled Category III personnel for manning posts in its depots and offices spread all over the country. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals who fulfill the prescribed qualifications and age etc. for the posts indicated below. Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Government of India, will make recruitment to these posts on behalf of the Food Corporation of India under special dispensation given by the Government. The candidates selected through this recruitment for posts in...
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...be held during period 02 -11 May (see note 4) FRENCH 3 (General) SPANISH 3 (General) Oral Examinations to end (see Note 5) MUSIC 2 (General) Practical Examination to begin (see Note 8) Tuesday 03 May MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 2 Technical – 2 hr 40 min ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 2 General – 2 hr 40 min CLOTHING & TEXTILES 2 General – 2 hr 10 min PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT 2 (General) Practical Examination to end Wednesday 04 May ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION & MGT 2 General - 2 hr 20 min Thursday 05 May TECHNICAL DRAWING 3 General – 3 hr 10 min PHYSICS 3/2*** General – 2 hr 10 min Copyright: Every application to register for the examination will be deemed to constitute an assignment by the candidates to the Council of the future copyright of all their examination work, practical or written. *** For PRIVATE candidates only. NOT for candidates registered in schools and recognized full-time educational institutions. 2 2016 MORNING Friday 06 May AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE D/A 1** AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE S/A 1** General – 1 hr 15 min AFTERNOON HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY 2 General – 2 hr MUSIC PAPER 1 Section 1 General – 1 hr ## MUSIC PAPER 1 Sections II and III General – 1 hr 15 min Monday 09 May MUSIC 2 (General) Practical Examination to end AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE D/A...
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...adopted by SARSO and made available to the SAARC Member States. Article 1 Establishment of the South Asian Regional Standards Organisation i. There is hereby established a body to be known as the South Asian Regional Standards Organisation (hereafter referred to as the ‘Organisation’). ii. The Organisation shall have full legal personality. iii. The legal capacity of the Organisation shall include: (a) the capacity to contract; (b) to sue and be sued in its name; and (c) to acquire, hold and dispose of properties. iv. The location of the Organisation shall be in Dhaka, Bangladesh. v. The Organisation shall be a regional organisation which will conduct its affairs under the provisions of this Agreement, its Statutes, Rules of Procedure and bye laws. vi. Adoption of the Organisation’s decisions shall be by consensus. Article 2 Objectives and Functions The objectives and functions of the Organisation shall be i. To promote and undertake harmonization of national standards of the SAARC Member States with a view to removing the technical barriers to trade and facilitate flow of goods and services in the region. ii. To develop SAARC standards on the products of regional/sub-regional interest. iii. To encourage the use of...
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...Part 1: English Proficiency Tests and their actual value. GRE Graduate Record Exam. It is a primary exam which focuses on admission for graduate courses. Its English language testing skills include Critical thinking skills in linking sentences logically and interpreting their meaning to answer various questions in the text with respect to grammar, vocabulary, logical correctness, reasoning and common sense. IELTS this exam’s primary focus is on the use of the English language in communicating. This test focuses on four aspects of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. This is a much practical than technical approach to usage of English. TOEFL it is a English proficiency test which tests the students ability to understand and use English on the university level. This test designed for High school graduates to enter into university. The object of any of these tests is to simple prove the ability of use and understanding of English Language at a certain level to the universities or any governing authority about the students capabilities. This clearly on the way teaches some of the students who take learning and preparing for these tests very seriously. The entry requirements for majority of the universities are at level which would be considered less than average. This is to keep the influx of the students for approval high. So in almost all of the cases these tests are seen as a hurdle to enter the gates of an university education rather than an actual learning...
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... • Organize fundraising events Novadanza (Dance Company) Guayaquil, Ecuador Dance Instructor May 2013- January2015 • Provided help to build the annual showcase • Provided dance lessons to children ages 2-16 • Involved in many competitions as both dancer and coreographer Conejo de la Suerte (Kindergarten) Guayaquil, Ecuador English Teacher September 2014-November2014 • Provided English lessons to kids ages 2-5 • Schedule, organize and execute showcases for parents • Worked with autistic children Carola Vogl TanzSchule (Dance Company) Berlin, Germany Dance Instructor January 2012- March 2012 • Helped to do advertise around the city to bring new clients • Provided help to children with dance skills in jazz, hip hop, lyrical and ballet styles. LEADERSHIP/INVOLVEMENT Accounting Society Member August 2015- Present • Attend workshops that explore how accounting affects lives. RELEVANT COURSES • Business Statistics I and II...
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...English Language Proficiency Assessment in the Nation: CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE PRACTICE Edited by Jamal Abedi U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I F O R N I A , D AV I S • S C H O O L O F E D U C A T I O N Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California The work reported herein was supported in part by the National Research and Development Centers, PR/Award Number R305A050004, as administered by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The findings and opinions expressed in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the Institute of Education Sciences, or the U.S. Department of Education. T his study required the participation of all fifty states, their assessment directors, particularly those involved with the NCLB Title III assessments. Their cooperation and patience is much appreciated, and their dedication to educating young people is greatly admired. We cannot thank the states enough for their collaboration with this project. Many people generously contributed to the development of this report. We are especially indebted to the chapter authors for their invaluable contributions and for their patience throughout this process. Sue Rigney from the U.S. Department of Education contributed greatly to the quality of this work by providing excellent comments and suggestions. We are so grateful for her support, advice and contribution to this report. Kathleen Leos of the U.S...
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...utilizing abilities developed through my experience and education, with the opportunity for professional growth based on performance. I feel that my heterogeneous experience has provided me with the ability to perform well under pressure, meeting deadlines and successfully achieving targets while effectively utilizing my management, business and technical skills as part of a team. Work Experience: - Oct 2010 Till Now Cairo University-Banha University Technical Analysis Fundamental Analysis Stock markets Futures & Options Assistant Lecture (Mandatory) Economics Finance Portfolio Management Forex - Sept 2014 ADMIRAL MARKETS INTERNATIONAL BROKERAGE SENIOR TECHNICAL ANALYST & FUTURES TRADER TRAINER - Dec 2012 VENUS INTERNATIONAL SENIOR TECHNICAL ANALYST & FUTURES TRADER (OPTIONS &COMMODITIES) - June 2009 ELHORREYA BROKERAGE SENIOR TECHNICAL ANALYST - Oct 2006 - Oct 2005 - Oct 2004 TECHNICAL ANALYST & OPERATION MANAGER. INTERNATIONAL SHARES & BONDS CENTER (ISBC) U.A.E LUXOR SECURITIES BROKERAGE & BOOK KEEPING EL-REBDI FOR STOCK EXCHANGE INVESTMENTS IN SAUDI ARABIA TECHNICAL ANALYST & FUNDAMENTAL ANALYST. TECHNICAL ANALYST & MONITORING & EXECUTION. Education: - Preparing (PHD) in Economics in Faculty of Commerce Ain-shams University Under Supervision of Dr.Ali Lotfy the previous former prime minister and Dr. Essam Khalifa The President of the National Bank Funds. - Completed Preliminary of Doctoral Degree in Economics in Faculty of Commerce Ain-Shams...
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...regarding the future implications of foreign award and foreign arbitration vis a vis jurisdiction of Indian Courts | | |was passed on 6 September 2012 by the Constitutional Bench of the Hon'ble Supreme Court comprising Hon'ble Chief Justice J.N. Patel, Justice | | |Surinder Singh Nijjar, Justice D.K. Jain, Justice Mrs. Ranjana Desai, Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar. This landmark judgment passed in Civil | | |Appeal No. 7019 of 2005 (Bharat Aluminium Co. vs. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service, Inc.) along with 7 other Appeals lays down a new | | |foundation in India in respect of foreign arbitrations and foreign awards passed in respect thereof. | | |The Indian Arbitration Act, 1996 ("said Act") is divided into four Parts with Part I dealing with arbitration held in India and Part II | | |dealing with foreign awards. For the purposes of the above mentioned landmark judgment passed on 6 September 2012, we are concerned with Part | | |I and Part II of the said Act. | | |Previous decisions of the Supreme Court: | | |Section 2(2) of Part I of the said Act provides that "this Part shall apply where the place of arbitration is in India", It is pertinent to | | |note that Part I of the said Act contains provisions...
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...the correct time due to undue delays in the selection process. The following key problems are caused to affect the Banking Trainee selection process. • Lack of technical competencies • Lengthy selection tools • Too more Documentation (1.4) Objectives of the Studies General Objectives Successfully completion of the professional Qualification in Human Resource Management conducted by IPM To improve my knowledge related to the Research methodology and Human Resource Management To give inputs to up brings the effectiveness of the Banking Trainee selection process of the Bank Specific objective To identify the factors affecting to delaying the selection process Create solution to improve the effectiveness of the selection process Fine tune the existing Banking trainee selection process (1.5) Scope of investigation Have to consider standard and time saving selection process in the field According to Research, Researcher would like to address the best practices in the selection process and need to consider novel selection tools and process Need to identify the factors affecting to delay the selection process and give recommendation to eliminate such. (1.6) Conceptual Frame Work (1.7) Hypotheses Independent variable Lack of technical competencies Lengthy selection tools Negligence Dependent...
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...Bus Services A. Shatabdi paribahon ltd. B. Nishorgo bus services Route: A. Shatabdi Paribahon Ltd. - Mirpur 14 to Motijheel B. Nishorgo Bus Services - Mirpur 14 to Motijheel Stoppage: Shatabdi paribahon ltd. Police Smriti College, Police Fari, 1 number building, Mirpur- 13, Mirpur- 10, Mirpur- 2, Mirpur- 1, Ansar Kemp, Technical, Kollanpur, Shyamoli, College gate, Asad gate, Mohammadpur, Dhanmondi (Shankar, 15 number, Zigatola). Nishorgo bus services Police Smriti College, Police Fari, 1 number building, Mirpur- 13, Mirpur- 10, Kazipara, Shewrapara, Taltola, Sishu mela, College gate, Asad gate, Mohammadpur, Dhanmondi (Shankar, 15 number, Zigatola). Shatabdi paribahon ltd. Available bus: 22 buses. Staff: 03 persons in a bus. Main stoppage: Mirpur - 14 Starting time: From 6:30 am & every 30 minutes later till 9:00 pm Stoppage: Police Smriti College, Police Fari, 1 number building, Mirpur- 13, Mirpur- 10, Mirpur- 2, Mirpur- 1, Ansar Kemp, Technical, Kollanpur, Shyamoli, College gate, Asad gate, Mohammadpur, Dhanmondi (Shankar, 15 number, Zigatola). Fare: From Mirpur 14 to - Police Smriti College, Police Fari, 1 number building, Mirpur-13 = 2/3 Tk. Mirpur-10 = 5 Tk. Mirpur-2,...
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...Exam. System 1. BCS Examination A) Total No. of Cadres BCS Exams are held for 28 different cadres. B) Eligibility AGE i) 21 to 30 years (for General candidates) ii) 21 to 32 years: a) for Freedom Fighter's Children and Health cadre, b) tribal candidates for only general education cadre. C) Preliminary Examination This examination is a screening test conducted on the following pattern: Subject : Bangla, English ,General Knowledge, Bangladesh & International affairs, General Science and Technology, Mathematical Reasoning and Mental Ability Everyday science Duration : 1 hr Marks : 100 Question Type : Objective type D) Subjects for written Examination i) For General Cadres: Nine Compulsory subjects. General Bangla = 200 Marks General English = 200 Marks Bangladesh Affairs = 200 Marks International Affairs = 100 Marks Mathematical Reasoning and Mental Ability = 100 Marks General Science and Technology = 100 Marks Viva Voce = 100 Marks ii) For technical cadres: Seven compulsory subjects and two post related subjects. General Bangla = 100 Marks General English = 200 Marks Bangladesh Affairs = 200 Marks International Affairs = 100 Marks Mathematical Reasoning and Mental Ability = 100 Marks Two Papers for post Related subject = 200 Marks Viva Voce = 200 Marks iii) One applying for both cadres: Nine compulsory subjects and two post related subjects. E) Place of Examination Preliminary Test and written examination held in Dhaka...
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