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Technology Ethics in the Classroom


Submitted By jrockd88
Words 987
Pages 4
April 3, 2011
EDU-225 Instructional Technology

Technology Ethics in the Classroom Technology is one of the most used tools in society today. Some of the growing concerns while using technology can be what ethical and what is not ethical. Everyone has the right to use the internet how they want to in the privacy of their own computers. The information on the internet is unlimited and has no regulation on what sites are available to anyone who uses it. Technology has grown at an unbelievable rate and has possibilities that are endless. The question is how we as teachers and parents show our children and students how to be ethical while using the internet. The ambivalence of technology has become a standing topic in the public, philosophical and scientific debate (Mitcham, 1994). Ethics is the concept of what is right and wrong. Some people will tell you it is measured by a person’s morals. Ethics is usually similar with what others believe what is right and wrong, but we cannot rely on that belief. It can be difficult to measure a person’s moral compass and trust their judgment if you do not know them personally. That is something that is brought up when using technology in the classroom. Ethics of technology is addressing ethical questions specific to the Technology Age. Technology is not capable of possessing moral or ethical qualities since it is a tool. It is up to the user to decide what is ethical and what is not ethical. When using technology in the classroom students must use good judgment on what sites they are going to look at. Most homes and schools use technology to help with gathering information for personal use. At school teachers and administrators will set rules and regulations for students to use while working with the internet. With the help of parents this can be achieved without any problems. We must take in consideration not

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