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Technology In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Many famous dystopian novels and short stories are about advanced futuristic societies that have amazing technology. This is not the case with Anthem by Ayn Rand in the future technology has taken steps backwards; in Anthem it seems to be intentional to keep citizens in line and complacent. The leaders of the society are purposely holding back technology as well as schooling to form more of control of their citizens and if the leaders keep control of the citizens by limiting their technology it will allow them to keep citizens from developing pride and individuality.
The leaders of this society purposely do not school children to keep them complacent. While at the Home of the Students children learn many things unfortunately some of the things …show more content…
They do their best to stifle the growth and development of the citizens and it is apparent that it works showing that there has been one invention discovered in the past 100 years “how to make candles for wax and string”(page 24) which seems to be unusually quick as before that Equality says “only 100 years ago”(page 24). By not allowing this alone time it seems obvious that this is one of the things that have made these citizens so brainwashed. They spend absolutely no time away from their “brothermen” and they truly believe that this is the way it should be and it’s best for them. Equality was convinced that he was sinning by spending this time alone away from everyone, but when he was by himself he discovered more than anyone else in the society could by making discovering electricity and creating a “box from glass, devised to give forth the power of the sky of greater strength than we had ever achieved before. And when we put our wires to this box, when we closed the current- the wire glowed! It came to life, it turned red, and a circle of light lay on the stone before us.” (page 59) which was built using remains from the “Unmentionable Times”which to just speak about them could be punished with 3 years in the Palace of Corrections.

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