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Technology In Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury

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By its very definition, technology refers to the machines and devices that are scientifically developed. From its definition, technology sounds completely harmless, built only to help the human race thrive. But has anybody thought of the effects of using these machines and devices too much? In the novel Fahrenheit 451, the author, Ray Bradbury, addresses the effects of using technology to do everything. Set in a futuristic dystopian society, Fahrenheit 451 describes the monotone lives that people lead when it’s dominated by technology. Through his application of similes and hyperboles, Bradbury conveys that the negative influence of technology can cause people to become oblivious to their environment.
Using similes, Bradbury demonstrates the …show more content…
In example, while Beatty is talking to Montag about why books are banned in their society, he wonders why people “learn anything save pressing buttons, pulling switches, [and] fitting nuts and bolts,” (53). Fitting nuts and bolts, pulling switches, and pressing buttons, require no effort or thought. This expression is an exaggeration because there are other things that people think are important to learn. The use of a hyperbole shows that the people of Montag’s and Beatty’s society just go along with what they’re told to do, because like Beatty, they think it’s unnecessary to expand a person’s education, when whatever needs to be done requires as little thought as pushing a button. This causes people to be oblivious to everything that’s going on around them, from how they’re being held captive through their TV screens, to what ideas books really hold. The mindset of the people of the society is brought about by using technology excessively. The people have gotten so accustomed to the presence of unlimited technology, that they don’t understand why they have to broaden their knowledge of their environment when everything that they need is provided by machines. Evidently, Bradbury is depicting the blindness of people due to the excessive use of technology.
Although Fahrenheit 451 was published in the early 1950s, Bradbury could almost exactly predict what it’s

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