...Technology and Our Kids Cheryl Swallow BIS/220 Rob Chubbuck Technology and Our Kids The Internet has become more popular with our youth than television. Kids as young as 3 have entered the vast world of technology , they have smart phones and laptops use these as both a learning to and a tool to play games . However, in most homes the kids are monitored. At age four they enter the public school system. Because children are online a great deal of their day and technology has advanced so much both social and ethical issues have arisen the Children’ s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 1998 and The Children’s Internet Protection Act, 2000. We legislated to protect our kids from unsavory elements they could come across in a Public school setting. The law protects our kids while they search the internet in Federal funded Schools and Libraries. The schools and libraries must adhere to the safety policies that help protect our kids from online predators an any inappropriate materials. This legislation The Children’s Online Privacy Act (COPPA), was put in place because a child does not understand , the potential dangers of divulging personal information online . If a website is knowingly collecting information from a child 13 or younger they must report to The Federal Trade Commission. The internet is used daily and for this reason we need these laws to keep our kids safe. We cannot...
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...The Effects of Technology on Kids There are many positive effects of the technological boom happening in our society today, such as a device like the cellular phone now has applications including Internet access and video gaming. Another example of great technology is the high definition televisions and video game systems that allow viewers to see details and intricate designs crystal clear. Also the high demand of cellular phone productivity has increased the security and communication of cell phone users everywhere across the globe. Though the effects aforementioned are incredible, a child does not view these technological advances the same way as an adult may. Therefore, the effects of technology on children tend to be more negative mainly because of excessive use. Television has become a necessity in every household and can be found in almost every room of the house. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that seven in ten children in the District of Columbia have a television set in their room, and time spent watching television has increased by an hour and a half within the last five years (Lamontagne, Paloski, and Singh, 2010). Television viewing has increased because programs are designed to immediately grab anyone’s attention. If the program fails to do so, the viewer just simply changes the channel. As for a child, the child can subconsciously relate the same concept of...
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...because they let the kids get too addicted to the technology. This story is about a family who let their kids get too addicted to their technology house that the kids get so addicted to a room called the nursery which is like a virtual room. Early in the story the kids did not come to dine becase they were too addicted to the nursery. The kids called in from the nursery which is like virtual reality “but with out the headset” they said we may be a little late, but after a little while they called back and said they won't be at the diner. “At dinner they ate alone” This proves that the kids are too addicted to the nursery that they would not even spend time with their parents. Later in the story the parents are to blame for their own deaths. The parents thought that the nursery was too much for the kids and they turned it off and the kids asked to just turn it on for a couple minutes they did, then the kids cried from the nursery and tricked...
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...Since the beginning of time, technology has been used to change the way society operates. People viewed technology as something to make everyday life easier, when in reality, individuals are adapting to the environment, including adaptations to the technology in use. Today, there is so much new technology introduced to the world at a rate that seems like every minute. Society has to continually adapt to this new technology, teaching the younger generations how to use it so they can pass those skills on to others. Technology has become so prevalent in society today that it has seemingly taking over people's lives. Due to society’s dependence on it, technology is causing people to lose critical social and workplace skills. With the introduction...
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...Technology affecting families With technology becoming more prominent these days it’s affecting families in a negative way. All of the social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Myspace and more don’t help with this problem. While technology has it’s downfalls it has its benefits also like with safety and communication. However, there's no doubt technology within family life has its conflicts. In addition the conflicts have only amplified as the Internet and social media have joined distractions such as TV, the cell phone and the computer. They will continue to increase if we don’t change are habits now and stick to it. This paper will look into five ways technology has negatively affected families. Away we go. Meagre performance in school is becoming problematic with kids not paying adequate attention. “Kids who get too much "screen time" -- through watching lots of TV, surfing the Internet and playing video games.”(Williamson) Too much screen time is triggering kids to get desensitized and then kids can’t focus on the simplest task like reading a book. Playing video games so much these days is causing the reading skills to decline. It is virtually impossible to get your entire family around a dinner table anymore. “Traditionally a haven from the outside world and a chance...
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...Technology’s Effects on Modern Life Modern technology improved many things such as schools, kids can now easily learn things through the aid of computers and internet; Science and medicine, scientist with the aid of new technology can now eradicate many diseases, and illnesses; Communication, social networking and blogging has improved quite a lot people all around the world can communicate with each other via Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc.; Businesses, companies have become more profitable due to the help of advanced technology. Technology has single handedly increased the simplicity of the human race, by making it easier to connect with friends, aiding scientist to eradicate fatal illnesses and diseases. Most teenagers do not know the world without apps like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Teenagers use these apps to stay connected to friends as if they were thousands of miles away. Teens abuse these apps by constantly going onto those apps to check what their friends are doing. Thanks to the advancements of technology and science diseases like smallpox, and rinderpest are no longer a problem to worry about thanks to the great improvements in science and technology. Modern society cannot function without the use of a cell phones, computer, or a tablet. Everything now-a-days is digitized. There used to be a time where kids would just tease and joke around with each face to face but now kids go online and make fun of each other. Most people do not get why the evolution of...
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...race has increased immensely. Knowledge on every topic from science to mathematics to technology has developed not only over time, but also through each year. Over the past few decades, the usage of technology has also expanded in our country. Children in kindergarten now have phones or easy access to the internet. The only reason in which these kids now have access to this abundance of technology is because the previous generation which invented this easy to use technology. This generation does lack the amount of knowledge not because they are dumb but because they were allowed so much access to technology because of the previous generations,...
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...Too Much Freedom As technology is advancing, more and more people are using it. Everyone is glued to their phones, tablets, and computers, whether it’s for work, school, or pleasure. Some can admit that technology is taking over our lives, which by most is seen as an issue. But what is really concerning, is seeing how technology is now becoming a huge part of young peoples’ lives too. We see far too many kids as young as two years old playing games on their parent’s phones or watching YouTube videos. It’s amazing to see how kids can just pick up a phone or tablet and learn how to use it and search the internet. What is even more amazing, though, is how no one seems to care what their kids are looking at while on the internet. There are not enough parents filtering what their children can see and there is not enough censorship on the internet in general. When kids get on the internet, they are free to search whatever they want. Some kids will search inappropriate things purposefully, but some can actually come across things they shouldn’t be seeing accidentally. In, “No Place for Kids?”, it is...
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...Technology’s Effect on Reading Skills Things are much different from the generation in which I grew up technology-wise. We had few television shows for kids other than Saturday morning cartoons. Computers, even the PCs at home, were used for accounting programs or very early e-mail. There were very few games for kids and it took those forever for them to load. There were not many game systems and none of them were portable. We also did not have the cell phones that are available now with internet access. We did not even have internet. Things have come a long way since then. Today’s kids have access to cell phones, iPods, tablets, laptops, and a lot more options available to them. Modern technology has had both a positive and a negative impact on the current generation's ability to improve their reading skills. Kids growing up in 2015 are growing up in a different world. Life has a much faster pace in this era of technology. People can get things on demand and immediately. Kids in school have a harder time paying attention for long periods of time. This makes sitting still and paying attention to a teacher’s lecture difficult. It also makes getting past a possible slow part of a book or passage tough. Most of their electronics come with many different options and if they don’t like whatever is on they can change it. This makes teaching students what is needed for them to pass the standardized test very difficult. Another issue students have is lowered comprehension. Students...
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...Caleb Rosenberger BIS/220 Information Technology Acts Paper Bruce Yates 04/02/2013 Information Technology Acts In today’s society we rely on technology more than ever. As the world keeps growing, more innovative ideas for technological advances are created. In the United States as the technology further grows we put different acts in place to kind of control that technology. Two acts that are interesting in technology today are the No Electronic Theft Act (1997) and the Children’s Internet Protection Act (1988). The NET Act is in place to stop the reproduction, sharing, or distributing of copyrighted movies, songs, or even software programs. Before this Act was in place, people would still make money off reproducing original copyrights and sale them for more money than there worth. Not all people were in this for a gain but more rather wanted a free movie or song. Today when you watch movies, most of the time you will see the screen that says the result that will happen when you reproduce this movie. If people actually try and make profit for reproducing or distributing it can lead up to three years in prison and a 250,000 dollar fine. The first films that were available online were shot from cam recorders and were not the actual copy right. Just a little stat was between 2000 and 2003 when the sales in the music industry dropped 31 percent (In House of Representatives, June 2004); this was due to a lot of people downloading music for free on the internet. The CIPA...
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...How Technology Affects the Growth of Children in Grade School Robert Pulley Abstract It is thought that too much exposure to electronic devices is causing negative effects on the development, growth and health of children. Their development is very important in how they establish habits for the rest of their lives. The habits children learn at young ages will stick with them for the rest of their lives, impacting the way they learn. Constant exposure to portable technology platforms is thought to create distractions in children at young ages. There has been an increase in the number of technological platforms that are portable, distracting children from tasks they are supposed to be completing. Constant distraction at young ages can create the habit of getting distracted for the rest of their lives, and can develop into developmental delays. Developmental delays inhibit children from learning as quickly as the other children in society, putting them at a disadvantage. The increase in portable technological devises is causing an increase in developmental delays and learning disabilities in children. Technology and the Development of Developmental Delays in Children Introduction Technology has had a growing impact in our community. There has been more exposure with the advancements, and technology has been replacing more traditional items, in a workplace, at home, and even in...
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...The two kids in the Veldt Wendy and Peter are responsible for the death of their parents because they are the ones who were controlling the nursery to do what they wanted to happen to the point where they were addicted “Oh, I hate you!" "Insults won't get you anywhere." "I wish you were dead!". The parents did the responsible thing they were supposed to do and shut the nursery down for good and try to go on outside or a vacation. But then the kids Peter and Wendy hacked into the machine and change the permissions to kids only so then the parents can no longer access the nursery so now that they had it to themselves. They killed their parents because they found out about the nursery and they couldn't get the door to open because the permissions...
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...Evans EDU 225 April 7, 2015 Cecilia Szymanski Technology to Support Assessment of the Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan Today being able to assess our students is a great deal. Assessing our students lets us know if our kids are progressing. Many teachers teach lessons all week and then get test on Fridays to see what the kids have learned. We are at a point where technology has completely taken over. There are so many innovations that can be used to assess kids other than by written tests. Students should be prepared for the future, and this is why they should be introduced to technology in the form of assessments. Assessments are more likely to be valid and productive measures of student development if they are underpinned by a model of learning that both explains and charts the trajectory of learner development from novice to expert in the discipline (Pellegrino, Chudowsky and Glaser, 2001). This particular way would allow kids to be independent, and they would enjoy test taking even more. There are specifically two types of assessments that can be used with any type of learning. Formative assessment and Summative assessment are used quite frequently. Formative assessment would allow a teacher assess kids through a series of assignments and activities to make sure that the students are working towards mastering the information. Summative assessments can be given at any time. Many teachers let kids take online quizzes on books that they have read that previous...
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...Technology is relatively new in terms of its prevalence with children. As many parents are not as up-to-date with the latest gadgets, they tend to have little knowledge on the possible effects technology might bring. But technology, while useful, brings many negative effects to teens' lives. Parents who have technophile kids should be aware of the possible risks and dangers. Predators Informed parents know that the media blows the prevalence of online sexual predators out of proportion. However, they do exist, and they often go after easy targets, namely children. Technology such as the Internet and smart phones give both children and predators the ability to make contact with large amounts of new people. Uninformed children might feel they are making a friend but in fact are running the risk of being preyed upon. The key risk here, though, is not the predator but the lack of adult knowledge about technology and the lack of supervision parents give to their children’s online behaviors. Parents who feel bad prying into their children’s lives are ignoring the fact that most children, especially teens, are sexually curious, willing to take risks, and have poor decision-making behaviors. So, while not common, sexual predators do exist and should be something parents talk to their kids about before allowing them full reign online. Mental Health Problems Clinical coordinator at Illinois Addiction Recovery Shannon Chrismore wrote in the book, “Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide...
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...Schools have not kept pace with the significant technological changes that have altered the way we think, communicate, play and learn. Moving Forward We must recognize that technology use in schooling is often not about technology at all. It is most often about * People-their feelings, beliefs, practices, motivation, etc. * Psychology of change –personal and organizational * What we as a society value * What we as a society want and expect for the future * Economic and Politics * Community of educators being supportive of different/new practice * Tolerance for what is not fully understood or readily observed * Respect for what teachers/students want to try * Appreciation for teachers trying something new, big or small, and that initial implementations may not result in perfection Rethinking Learning Teachers operate within a complex organizational system, where pressures of varying kinds, from various parts of the system, greatly influence what happens in classrooms. Also, external pressures influence the goals and outcomes of education. Therefore, it is in the interest of our students and the future of schooling, to reframe what it means to learn in a world where technology is ubiquitous, highly valued, and used daily. Pressures From Technology ‘In the Real World’ 1. Forces a new perspective on what it means to learn, pay attention, play, communicate and socialize. 2. Continues to compete for (and win) student...
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