...Today, we live in a world where technology is forever increasing and impacts our everyday lives. IPads, IPods, laptops, computers, YouTube, Facebook, are all things we all are familiar with and probably use every day. Not one day goes by without me surfing the internet. People exercise the use of our technology to make their lives easier. Technology can be defined as the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science (Dictionary.com). The computer, for example, is a common resource I use every day, even for the simplest tasks. Research, navigation, weather, sports, whatever it may be, have never been so easy. I find out now that I am in college, just how essential technology is. I believe the role of technology in college and careers is to create higher education, help make things more accessible, thus making our jobs or learning experiences easier and enjoyable for people but, just as technology may be beneficial to people, there can also be some hindrances. Technology is beneficial to me in college in so many ways. To begin with, technology helps me learn and get my school work done efficiently. By using laptops, smartphones, IPods, and things such as those, I believe my learning is better because I am more of a visual learner and growing up in this day and age, it is something that I am...
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...Journal of Information Science and Technology THE ROLE AND EFFECT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SUSTAINABLE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE A. Talebnejad[1] Faculty of Management and Accounting Shahid Beheshti University Email: taleb149@yahoo.com Abstract -By the appropriate use of information technology, organizations can achieve sustainable competitive advantages. This technology because of including some characteristics such as being up-to-date, fast and precise and having different geographic localities all the time, has improved organizational efficiency, effectiveness and performance. In this article, we intend to investigate the role and effect of information technology in the creation and maintenance of sustainable competitive advantages from two different approaches: market-based approach and the resource-based approach. In the Market-based approach, meeting customer's and creating values for them, using information technology and the issue of achieving the competitive advantage and position in the market by organizations are addressed. In the resource-based approach, compatibility of the organization's resources such as those of information technology and organizational skills, particularly managerial ones are investigated. Amongst different organizational skills and resources, only managerial skills of information technology can create a sustainable competitive advantage. Keywords: Information Technology, Sustainable Competitive Advantage...
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...Technology back in the 70’s wasn’t as useful as it is nowadays. Especially in the 1970’s which was when technology was beginning to evolve. Back then all they had was simple items, unlike what we have now. Today we have smart phones that do fit in your pocket, laptops, tablets, flat screen TV’S, and even better cameras than they had back then. In the 1970’s, Technology was affected by NASA and many other things. One of the big things NASA did in the 1970s was Apollo 13-17 which inspired people to better technology by wanted a more advanced place to live in. The black hole theory was also one of the biggest reasons people started making technology more advanced in order to work the black hole. What they had back then wasn’t all that great....
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...Technology has always been a part of society and since the beginning technology has only improved, but also grown to be a bigger part of society now than ever seen before. There have been many successes made in the technology field that made human survival easier. People were allowed more free time and technology made life easier for most people, but for some technology was seen as a threat. People lost their jobs because it was cheaper and more efficient to have a machine do the work instead of paying a man to do it. People would rebel against technology, but technology has not gone away. Technology has been seen as a useful tool and also seen as a menace, but no matter how people see it technology is here to stay as a part of civilization. People who in the early 19th century made a living from working in factories began to see the early introduction of technology and machines into factories as a hazard. These people began to get enraged because they were losing their jobs and were no longer capable of providing for their families. Many of these employees began to revolt and fight back not against the owners of the factories, but the machines themselves. These people began to devastate machines and revolt against the technology itself that took their jobs away from them. The men who began to rebel made a name for themselves and were called the...
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...Technology, while integral to our modern, everyday lives, has not always been where it is. Technology in prehistoric times was nothing more than simple torches or sharpened rock bound to sticks, and a future with encyclopaedias that fit in our pocket or the ability to travel the world in a matter of days was inconceivable, and the visionaries who dreamed of these things were simply written off as mad in such times. While the unified ‘We’ featured in Anthem is hardly as primeval, they are still far from even our present and even farther from other fictional futures, as their ‘perfect and equal’ system has slowed any progress to a dreadful crawl. The design of this society inherently hinders technological progression, and is decades behind the present in terms of technological ability and eons behind the capabilities of other imaginary dystopian worlds. Any sort of advance for humanity, beneficial or otherwise, is strictly forbidden as long as it is the effort of a lone man. An invention, the creation of which must be overseen by many for it not to be considered a cardinal sin, must go through an egregiously sluggish process in which every ranking leader in the world must approve of the invention. After...
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...MSc International Business and Management 2011/2012 Module: Global technology and operations management - Assignment 1 Introducing Global Technologies The role of World Exhibitions Student: Milica Andjelkovic 4003/2011 Mentor: Prof. dr Maja Levi Jaksic I Introduction • • Technological development and globalization Strategic technology management II Historical Role of World Exhibitions in the introduction of new technologies • • World Exhibitions as the first steps of Globalization in the 19th century Shaping the Modern Image of World Exhibitions in the 20th century III Case study Aichi 2005- Shanghai 2010 • • • Search for sustainable development Technologies development in the 21st Century Expo 2005 Aichi Japan – “Nature’s wealth” Expo 2010 Shanghai China – “Better city better life” IV Conclusion • An overview of the technological rather than commercial meaning of World Exhibitions and future trends V Literature 2 Technological development and Globalization Technological innovation is, without doubt, the major force for change in modern Society - a force of knowledge (Betz, 2011). Technology and organization development have always been focusing on finding relevant connections between social, historical and technological achievements within one specific period of time, therefore specific technological findings have marked and even named entire periods in human evolution: from the stone age, through iron age and all the way till industrial revolution...
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...Role of Age in Technology Adoption Decisions in Organizations Aashish Jagini University of Missouri Technology has become a vital and integral part of every organization. From multi-national corporations who maintain mainframe systems and databases to small businesses that own a single computer, technology plays a role. Technology has become indispensable because it has made its way into all the areas of an organization. Adoption of technology in an organization may influence performance and growth through improvement in productivity, competitiveness, efficiency, and effectiveness. Technology helps an organization to re-engineer work practices, improve speed, maintain consistency and accuracy and increase reliability. In the past two decades, research has focused on the notion of technology adoption. Studies have examined various aspects of technology adoption at an individual and organizational level and in this paper will analyze if age can be a differentiating factor in adoption of technology in the workplace. Research examining age differences in technology adoption decisions A research study was conducted by Micheal G.Morris and Viswanath Venkatesh in the year 2000 to investigate age differences in individual adoption and sustained usage of technology in the workplace using the theory of planned behavior. The theory of planned behavior is a theory which links beliefs and behavior. The study was done over a period of 5 months among 118 workers. User reactions...
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...In the period before the Industrial Revolution, the narrowness of the recognition base of "useful knowledge" was not exceptional, it was normal. Most of the technology before 180 years was born as a result of accidental discovery, trial and error, sharp craftsmanship intuition, no one got a clue to the principle working there, and used it for production. In other words, it is the so-called "tacit knowledge". However, if the epistemological basis of technology is narrow, it is expanded, refined and new applications are rarely done. This became possible from about 180 years because the whole propositional knowledge has expanded and deepened, and the "scientific revolution" makes a great contribution to the movement through influencing the industrial...
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...Paper title The role of effective communication in managing Information Technology projects Specific instructions Write academic paper in which you discuss the role of effective communication in managing IT projects. * The paper should be well-researched and conceptualised, drawing on arguments in published books and academic articles. * It should critically discuss the role of effective communication from a broad perspective, paying attention to the implications for team dynamics, management of conflict, dissemination of project briefs, management of meeting, collection and management of information etc. * The paper should cite at least three published books and three journal articles. These sources must be cited in-text and a complete reference list provided at the end of the paper. * It should be written in very formal academic English, with no contractions, clichés, slang, abbreviations, emotive and/or gender insensitive words. * Your arguments and/or claims must be logical and well-developed using sufficient examples and supporting data from your research. You might consider using sub-headings to enhance readability. * Paper should have an abstract of 200words and a methodology section. It should also have a declaration and a content page. * The entire paper should not exceed 12 pages and it should be carefully edited for style and language. * It should be typed in Arial font size 12 with sub-headings in 14. It should be in 1.5 line...
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...“Information Communication Technology –Role, Usage, Awareness by the Distance Learner” Authors Information Name Shukla Pankaj Designation State Head Institute Knowledge Management Research Organization (KMRO) E-Mail address write2pankajshukla@gmail.com Name Chirag V.Jiyani Designation Lecturer Institute Aroma Commerce College E-Mail address write.chiragpatel@gmail.com Submitted to: National Conference “Business Strategies and India’s Economic Growth” R.B.Institute of Management Studies. Ahmedabad Abstract. This research paper is based on the different role of ICT in providing education to the distance learner and different types of ICTs being used in ODL and their specific applications to the various facets of the mode of delivery .Researcher is interested to find out the level of awareness of ICTs and it is utilization by the distance learner of the Ahmadabad region. Researcher also identify whether quality of education is ensured in a technology-driven system of teaching and learning. Based on the data collected through secondary sources and a primary survey, the researcher in this paper makes an assessment of the extent of usage, awareness, quality of education prevalent, among distance learner of Ahmadabad region. KEY WORDS : - Information Communication Technology (ICT), Open Distance Learning (ODL), role, utilization, awareness and quality of education through ICT. Table of Content Particulars | Page no | Objectives | 4...
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...Accounting Information System ACT 564 Homework Problem 1.1 Information technology is continually changing the nature of accounting and the role of accountants. Write a two-page report describing what you think the nature of the accounting function and accounting information system in a large company will be like in the year 2020. When thinking about the future of accounting and the accounting function and accounting information system, it is hard to imagine what it will be like in the future. We have come so far in such a little time technology wise. The year 2020 isn’t that far off into the future if you actually think about it and so much is bound to change! Though as a side note, if I started thinking about the Mayan calendar and how they believe the world will end on December 21, 2012. If this is true, will there even be the year 2020 to look forward to? I can remember my cousin, who is an accountant, doing all her work on paper and in a book. She always stayed late to make sure she wouldn’t get behind on her work. Now ten years later ninety percent of her work is all on the computer. Not only does this save her time but it can also make things easier when automated. In the next eight years, I believe that ninety-eight percent will all be done on the computer. The only thing that will need to be hands on or on paper will be backup copies in case something happens to the computer database. I expect large companies will only need maybe two accountants...
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...Role of Technology BIS 318 August 19, 2011 Role of Technology In this paper the subjects to describe are how technology is utilized in retail environment, how has impacted the retail business and customers, and will address the most critical technologies in the retail today. Technology in Retail Environment Consumers have choices on what and where to buy their goods. Retailers have many choices in the business activities when involved in selling goods to consumers for their families, personal, and household use to increase their revenue. It includes sale from meals at restaurants, movie ticket, cars, etc. Retail is the last stage of the distribution process, and consists of sale merchandise from a fixed location such as boutique, department store, or by mail for a direct consumption by the customers. Consumers also have choices in decide what and where to purchase their goods. Retailers decide how to bring customers’ business to increase revenue and trying to find the way to reduce cost. Technology is something that people cannot escape from. It plays a big role in most aspects of our lives, and answers many of Mankind problems. Is very importance because always directs for easiness in our lives, and aims comfort of use in whatever form it is. Technology helps retailers and allows the company keeps up with the inventory, customers’ satisfaction, the chain management, and loss prevention. “Because of the advancement of computers, now is...
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...What is the role of technology? Is the role different than of your view of today’s technology role? How does uncertainty impact your ability to plan for the future work? Predicting the future, or in this case the future of work, has and always will be one of those uncertain tasks that all individuals, managers, entrepreneurs, etc. question and try to determine. Although predicting the future of work is impossible, it doesn’t mean that one can’t reasonably assume what lies ahead. As the videos allude to, research, analyze and be certain in your direction! The technology has morphed throughout history, from ancient civilization techniques to modern computer devices, and one to believe that technology can’t and won’t change in the future will be left behind. Technology will always drive the workplace, regardless of the industry. Without technology, it will be very difficult to nearly impossible to be transparent, flat, competitive, and on demand. Today’s world of technology is a phenomenon in which people can interact, communicate, plan, organize, and manage work from across the globe in mere seconds and at little to no cost. Technology as we know it today may be much different in 2, 5, 10, and even 20 years from now. Innovation drives technology. Today’s role of technology isn’t much different than my view of its role. As a public employee, it has been difficult at times to “keep up” with the latest and greatest technological enhancements available due to budget and work constraints...
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...The Role of Technology in Education Freeman Dyson, an American theoretical physics and mathematical, once said, “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it’s perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It’s the mother of civilization, of arts and of sciences.” The role of technology in education in this world is increasing day by day. There are a lot of ways technology helps with improving education, but combining technology with education is the most important and effective way. Technology plays an important role in developing the education, and at the same time it made the process of learning and teaching easier and more enjoyable. Technology has changed the way of education in the last twenty years; it has made students’ lives easier, and increased knowledge more than in previous eras , but at the same time it has increased students’ opportunity for cheating. To begin with, technology has made students life easier. Twenty years ago, students had to carry heavy books and a pile of notebooks to class, and the class was just about listening to the teachers and using pens and papers. Now, students can use more than a pen and paper to learn and express themselves; they can use a software to create projects and make presentations, which makes learning more enjoyable for them. Besides, students can carry iPad instead of big fat books and a pile of notebooks, which is easier for them and even healthier for their bodies, so their back won’t hurt because of carrying...
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...Role of Technology Pooch BIS 318 04/10/2012 John Perry Role of Technology Technology is utilized in the retail environment to allow more greater and meaningful interaction with the customer and headquarters for a better understanding of store operations. The retail business has been around for many years. Retail has been in progress with the public commonly where people in the neighborhood would shop for needed items. As societies highly developed with people increase leading to expanded in different places, and newly developed technologies gave rise to interconnectivity as well as easily communicating with the society. One of the most critical technologies in the retail business today is point of sales purchase (POS). POS system is one of the most fast and efficient system for retail business. Technology Most all shoppers go the store with a credit or debit card to avoid carrying great amount of cash. When people enter the store he or she most likely does not know the vast amount and level of style of the technology needed to keep the store running. “Technology resource from mainframe only to today’s highly complex, interconnected, wirelessly networked business environment” (Rainer 2009). Using technology is an opportunity to enhance retail shopping experience, produce new retail channels, and offer new and more different products efficiently. The retail industry...
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