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Technology and Accounting


Submitted By sholly1029
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Effects technology has on the accounting profession
Sarah Holly
June 29, 2015
Sander Moran

Effects technology has on the accounting profession

“The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential,” Ballmer (2001-2015). Accounting is the language of business. The way accounting is handled has changed so much through the years. Technology is always changing and making accounting better and easier. Technology has increased the efficiency and the accuracy in accounting as well as improving the security of accounting data and speeding up the process of the manual accounting tasks.
The first attempt at something to assist with accounting was the adding machine. Once the adding machine was successful, the introduction of a calculator came into play. The calculator was designed to make information more accurate. Accountants still had to keep track of so much through paper and pencil because calculators and adding machines could not do it all. Near the end of the twentieth century, we were finally bringing in computers and different software that would help accountants with their many tasks. Microsoft Excel makes it possible for accountants to keep track of so much information by spreadsheets. This technological advance has made it possible to eliminate adding machines, paper and pencil, and calculators. Technology has made the job of keeping track of information less tedious as it was previously.
The use of technology has not only made keeping track of information easier, it has also made it more efficient and accurate. Information can be sent via internet or intranet. More information can be input through technology (Pepe, April 19, 2011). Software such as QuickBooks lets a person keep track of all the information they need. Information such as money coming in and going out as well as inventory. Data can be input and useful information is taken from that. When you can have all this information in one place, it is easier to find and track. An accountant can input the information into a program on their computers. The digital technology can then take the information and organize it. Once it is organized, the computer will put the information where needed and process the data. A person can program a computer to reject information that it sees as bad input. This helps make it more accurate. The accountant can analyze the information and help the company make the right choices for them. Once all the information is input, it is then stored on the computer’s hard drive which will help with any further accounting things such as doing the taxes for a business.
The use of more technology has come with more hurdles and learning as well. When companies start keeping track of all their information through computers, software, and the internet, there is the possibility of people trying to hack it. There has been quite a bit of hacking in the past from companies systems. It is now getting better because as technology continues to get better, the security of the information is getting better. Passwords and ways to identify is a big step in the security of accounting information. Before computers, there could be papers just lying around where anybody can see them. Accounting information can now be encrypted through computers and software so that it can protect against unauthorized individuals accessing the information. “What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done” O'Reilly (2001-2015). The advancement in technology has taken the accounting profession much further than it was in the past. Technology has made it safer through requiring authorization through computer systems. The advancements in technology have now made the task of an accountant much easier. The information is more accurate and efficient thanks to the technology at people’s hands. It is possible to have real time reporting so people are up to date minute to minute instead of waiting for all the information (Simkin, Rose, & Norman, 2012, Chapter 1). Technology has changed the way accounting is handled substantially and it has made the change for the better.

O'Reilly, T. (2001-2015). Brainy Quote. Retrieved from
Ballmer, S. (2001-2015). Brainy Quote. Retrieved from
Pepe, A. A. (April 19, 2011). The evolution of technology. Retrieved from
Simkin, M. G., Rose, J. M., & Norman, C. S. (2012). Core Concepts of accounting information systems (12th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook collection database.

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