...evangelists emerged and began preaching with fire-and-brimstone on their tongues; declaring the only way to find salvation was through conversion. This spirited revival became what is known as the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening empowered people to begin thinking on their own, making their own decisions, which brought them closer in relationship with God. The Great Awakening is believed to be one of the reasons the colonists lost favor with the British Empire, and gave rise to the beginnings of the American Revolution. The Great Awakening The Great Awakening had its beginnings in the American colony of New Jersey. Frelinghuysen and Gilbert Tennent are recognized as the first to organize the Awakening. Frelinghuysen, a Dutch pastor raised in the Dutch reformed churches, began teaching the necessity of deep transformation in the 1720’s. Tennent followed his father when he continued organizing the “log colleges” where many young evangelists received their start in ministry. The works of these two men caused the spark, which ignited the great rivals of the 18th century. In 1734, the Great Awakening continued to spread into the Massachusetts, where a young preacher named Jonathan Edwards pursued it with a passion. Edwards became a well-known pastor, and through his intense sermons the Holy Spirit caused the...
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...WORLD CHRISTIANITY: HOW THE GLOBAL CHURCH IS INFLUENCING THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT AND DISCUSS THEOLOGY Name: Course: Professor’s Name: Date: Timothy C. Tennent, an American theologian, is Professor of World Missions and Indian Studies and the current president of Asbury Theological Seminary. Dr. Tennent and wife, Julie Myers, reside in Ipswich, Massachusetts, with their two children, Jonathan, and Bethany. Tennent (born on September 24, 1959) did his college education B.A. from Oral Roberts University, quickly followed by a Masters’ degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. He later did a Doctorate of Philosophy degree from the University of Edinburgh's in Scotland, where his dissertation was on Brahmabandhab Upadhyay, an Indian theologian. His teaching career started at Toccoa Falls College. At Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts, he served as professor of world missions and Indian studies. He was elected to his current office as president of Asbury Seminary in 2009. He still a visiting professor at the Luther New Jr. Theological College of Dehradun, India. He authored "Building Christianity on Indian Foundations" together with "Christianity at the Religious Roundtable". He has also published items in the series “Encountering Mission” and “Invitation to Theological Studies.” In November 2009, Tennent had signed an ecumenical statement differing categorically with rules and laws permitting abortion, same-sex marriage. Often called the Manhattan Declaration...
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...theology relates to missionary, church leaders and lay people not in fulltime ministry. Old Testament and New Testament “The mission of God lies behind the whole of the Old Testament as well as the New Testament and the particular task which we call missions today” [3]. In the Old Testament, God is a sending or missionary God. In Mark 16:15-16 (NIV), God said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved…”. Just as Saul did, in 1 Samuel 15:20, “I went on the mission of the Lord assigned me”. The Old Testament accounts of the mission of the son of God, which appear in the New Testament as a description _____________________________ [1] Butselaar, 358 [2] ibid, 358 [3] Tennent of how Jesus lived his life, as a prophet of God ministering to those He met on his missionary travels. We also see this further in Acts 1:8,...
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...business accounting compiles a complete record on different financial activities of the business. He or she analyzes the financial statements, trends, and insights into the business financial decisions and ensures this information is correct. The four financial statements are income statements, retained earnings statement, statement of cash flow, and the balance sheet. The income statement provides information on profit and losses, which gives a summary of the company financial performance, usually for a specific period, a month, quarter, or one year. The summary outlines the company operation and “non” operation financial performance on how the company incurs revenues, expenses, gains, and losses by deducting expenses from revenues (Tennent, 2008). The company income statement is vital because this information determine whether the business is over or under budget for that specific period. When a company during normal operation does not make a profit at the bottom of the income statement will state net loss for that period. When the company is doing well and making a profit, the bottom of the income statement will indicate a net income. The income statement information under revenues is service revenue, the next line starts expenses, salaries expense, supplies expenses, rent expenses, insurance expenses, interest expense depreciation expenses, total expenses, and net income. The retained earnings statement covers a specific period same as the income statement. Retained...
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...Read the following articles from Unit 5, jotting down your first impressions of each article to use in the reflections. * Sleeping with Guns by Bruce Holbert * My Daughter Smokes by Alice Walker * A Drunken Ride, A Tragic Aftermath by Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson * Young and Isolated by Jennifer M. Silva Sleeping With Guns By BRUCE HOLBERT THE summer before my sophomore year in high school, I moved into my father’s house. My father had remarried and the only unoccupied bedroom in his house was the gun room. Against one wall was a gun case he had built in high school, and beside it were two empty refrigerators stocked with rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. My bed’s headboard resided against the other wall and, above it, a resigned-looking, marble-eyed, five-point mule deer’s head with a fedora on its antler rack. The room had no windows, so the smell of gun oil filled my senses at least eight hours each day. It clung to my clothes like smoke, and like a smoker’s cigarettes, it became my smell. No one in my high school noticed. We all smelled like something: motorheads of motor oil, farm kids of wheat chaff and cow dung, athletes like footballs and grass, dopers like the other kind of grass. It did not appear to anyone — including me — that residing within my family’s weapons cache might affect my life. Together, my three brothers own at least a dozen weapons and have yet to harm anyone with them. Despite their guns (or, arguably, because...
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...Understanding Islam Victoria Mullally REL/134 May 30, 2016 J. O’Briant To begin to understand anything, you must first know the history. The same is true of Islam. Understanding Islam takes more than just a history lesson though. It is also important to understand the importance of the Qur’an, the Five Pillars, and Ramadan. Equally important is knowing that, like other religions, Islam consists of different branches with similarities and differences in their traditions. Muhammad was the prophet of Islam, born around 570. He was a young orphan, raised by his uncle and worked as a merchant. He married a wealthy widow, Khadija, and had six children. Her status helped to raise Muhammad’s among Meccan society. It was said he began to have visions and hear voices. (PBS.org, n.d.). “Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth, Createth man from a clot. (96:1-2. The Clot.) We will call the guards of hell. Nay, Obey not thou him. But prostrate thyself, and draw near (unto Allah) (96:18-19. The Clot).” Muhammad was commanded to read these words three times by a presence that came to him during a religious retreat at Mount Hira. After much discrepancy, Muhammad decided these voices were not of evil, but from the angel Gabriel. As he continued to get revelations he shared them with family and friends. These were the first Muslims, meaning “people who submit” to God (Allah). (Molloy. 2013. p. 411). As could be guessed a man who claims to be seeing and hearing voices of angels was...
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...while according to Bhimani (2008) is a set of action plan that represent in quantitative expression and proposed by the manager for the future period. So it can be concluded that a budget is used in the financial projections and forecast the financial position of a company for their development. Budgeting is an important process of management, mapping the present and he future for a small business. A completely budget can be used to examine the business owner whether the overall plan can be adapted closely. A business owner is allowed to determine how well the firm is operating within the stipulated budget by developing budgets for the present. If the cost used is more that the budgeted, the business owner have to figure out why. (John Tennent, Guide to Financial Management, p179) mentioned that for a business planning on budgeting is a process used by management to create the blueprint for achieving that success. Why a budgeting is needed for a company management the short and long term planning? Budgeting helps to provide a structure for the company, especially giving guidance regarding direction of the company’s further operation and development expenses. Budgeting also aimed to predict cash flows. When a company growing rapidly, such as having seasonal sales or irregular sales patterns, it will be a difficult time for the management to estimate how much cash they likely to have in the near term. In the result, there is possibility for regular cash-related crises to happen...
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...discrimination because she was terminated for not strictly following the employer's dress code of not having any facial jewelry except for earrings. "Kimberly M. Cloutier, Plaintiff, Appellant, alleges that her employer, Costco Wholesale Corp. (Costco), failed to offer her a reasonable accommodation after she alerted it to a conflict between the “no facial jewelry” provision of its dress code and her religious practice as a member of the Church of Body Modification. She argues that this failure amounts to religious discrimination in violation of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a), and the corresponding Massachusetts statute, Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 151B, § 4(1A). Religious beliefs that she be allowed to wear facial jewelry are found in the tennents of her religious organization" It would be up to The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, and then subsequently the US appeals court to make rulings either for or against the appellant. Costco has developed an extensive dress code policy and expected all of its employees to follow this policy strictly to be able to maintain a business atmosphere. After the employee failed to remove her facial jewelry, Costco suspended the employee due to...
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...| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...(1703-1758) of Northampton. In1736 Jonathan Edwards wrote an article called “A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God. This article soon became a popular book relating to how people had been converted and saved. On July 8, 1741 Jonathan Edwards delivered a sermon, “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God” was example of the Great Awakening of hell-fire and brimstone preaching. Revival sermons like Jonathan Edwards caused people in attendance to weep and scream. Jonathan Edwards believed that the Great Awakening was the work of God and had resulted in many genuine conversions. Just as quickly the Great Awakening began it was brought to a halt. By 1749 the Church had returned to its ordinary state, one of the well-known revivalists Gilbert Tennent stated that The Great awakening was dead. Pentecostalism is arguably the most important mass religious movement of the twentieth century. Today, this movement is the second largest sub-group of global Christianity. It has over 30 million American adherents and a worldwide following of 430 million. Pentecostalism grew out of the Holiness revival during the second half of the nineteenth century. This revival was an expression of both social and theological discontent among the nation’s lower and middle-class groups. Not...
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...Furniture'); INSERT INTO CATEGORY(catcode,catname) VALUES ('BATH','Bathroom'); INSERT INTO CATEGORY(catcode,catname) VALUES ('LNG','Lounge Furniture'); -- Prompt adding rows into SUPPLIER table; INSERT INTO SUPPLIER (suppcode,suppname,city,statecode) VALUES (1,'SJ & M Smith','Melbourne','VIC'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER (suppcode,suppname,city,statecode) VALUES (2,'Tyler Town','Sydney','NSW'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER (suppcode,suppname,city,statecode) VALUES (3,'Noble House','Geelong','VIC'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER (suppcode,suppname,city,statecode) VALUES (4'Souza Palooza','Melbourne','VIC'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER (suppcode,suppname,city,statecode) VALUES (5,'Pond & Song','Sydney','NSW'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER (suppcode,suppname,city,statecode) VALUES (6,'Tennent Emphorium','Newcastle','NSW'); -- Prompt adding rows into PRODUCT table; INSERT INTO PRODUCT (prodid,descr,sellingprice,purchasecost,weight_kg,catcode,suppcode) VALUES (1,'Table Black',699,200,18,'GF',2); INSERT INTO PRODUCT (prodid,descr,sellingprice,purchasecost,weight_kg,catcode,suppcode) VALUES (2,'Chair Black',129,40,3.5,'GF',2); INSERT INTO PRODUCT (prodid,descr,sellingprice,purchasecost,weight_kg,catcode,suppcode) VALUES (3,'Devon Bed',1250,400,55,'BED',5); INSERT INTO PRODUCT (prodid,descr,sellingprice,purchasecost,weight_kg,catcode,suppcode) VALUES (4,'Supreme quilt',259,100,4,'BED',4); INSERT INTO PRODUCT (prodid,descr,sellingprice,purchasecost,weight_kg,catcode,suppcode) VALUES (5,'Comfortable Sofa',2799,1200,,95,'LNG',3); INSERT...
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...Executive Summary This document is prepared for the purpose of scope management and financial data analysis for investment decision making. URP consultant is hired by New Jersey department to do projects analysis. The project chosen is Project IHTRHU. Collection of data, detailed analysis, findings and conclusion method has been conducted in providing comprehensive report. However, some data is limited and assumptions are made for sensivity analysis purpose. There are three significant findings based on the scope management plan and financial analysis conducted. On the scope management plan, it has been found that the tracking and monitoring of performance report was lacking as expert advice was not consulted and project scope was not well defined. Findings revealed that among the three projects, Project IHTRHU is the best project due to highest positive NPV rates based on the financial analysis. The discussion analysis comprises IRR, discounted rate, hurdles rate, cash flow, inflation and interest rate for the sole purpose of investment returns. As observed the scope management plan is overall good. Recommendation for improvement on report and tracking performance can be enhanced in avoiding delay and mitigate risk. Also, various financial methods has been used to determine quick cash flow returns. Calculation on NPV is the best recommendation provided based on the exclusive mutually project factor as well as financial analysis views concluded from scholars. ...
Words: 5316 - Pages: 22
...Bulmer’s Sunshine Effect Addressing members of the Irish food industry at a national conference in 2006, the message, Maurice Breen, Marketing Director for C&C plc delivered was simple: building a successful brand takes time and money. As producers of Bulmer’s Original Irish Cider, C&C plc was well placed it seemed, to advise other Irish companies on branding. The beverages manufacturer had successfully repositioned the once tired Bulmer’s brand as a traditional handcrafted premium category drink aimed at up-and-coming professionals. In the process Bulmer’s had revitalised the entire cider sector, endowing the golden juice with respectability and aspirant values. With advertising capitalising on good summer weather and long evenings, cider sales had soared as consumers flocked to the prospect of socialising with friends over a refreshing bottle of Bulmer’s Cider poured over ice. That halcyon association had been dubbed the ‘Sunshine Effect’ by the UK’s National Association of Cider Makers, its sparkle catching on in the UK as C&C stormed the largest cider market in the world during the hot summers of 2005 and 2006. While initially successful ultimately the Sunshine Effect proved to be both the making and breaking of the Irish company’s market strategy for the years that followed. After 3 years of sales decline, its new CEO John Dunsmore, recruited in mid-2008 from competitor Scottish & Newcastle , was left wondering what options did the Irish cider brand face in international...
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...Replace this file with prentcsmacro.sty for your meeting, or with entcsmacro.sty for your meeting. Both can be found at the ENTCS Macro Home Page. An Example Paper My Name 1,2 My Department My University My City, My Country My Co-author 3 My Co-author’s Department My Co-author’s University My Co-author’s City, My Co-author’s Country Abstract This is a short example to show the basics of using the ENTCS style macro files. Ample examples of how files should look may be found among the published volumes of the series at the ENTCS Home Page http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs. Key words: Please list keywords from your paper here, separated by commas. 1 Introduction This short note provides a guide to using the ENTCS macro package for preparing papers for publication in your conference Proceedings. The Proceedings may be printed and hard copies distributed to participants at the meeting; this is an option to Conference Organizers may choose to exercise. The Proceedings also will be par of a volume in the series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), which is published under the auspices of Elsevier Science B. V., the publishers of Theoretical Computer Science. It’s home page is http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs The ENTCS macro package consists of two files: entcs.cls, the basic style file, and 1 2 3 Thanks to everyone who should be thanked Email: myuserid@mydept.myinst.myedu Email: couserid@codept.coinst.coedu c 2003 Published by Elsevier...
Words: 3473 - Pages: 14
...nheuser-Busch InBev Company Profile Anheuser-Busch InBev is a publicly traded company (Euronext: ABI) based in Leuven, Belgium, with American Depositary Receipts on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUD). It is the leading global brewer and one of the world's top five consumer products companies. Beer, the original social network, has been bringing people together for thousands of years and our portfolio of well over 200 beer brands continues to forge strong connections with consumers. We invest the majority of our brand-building resources on our Focus Brands - those with the greatest growth potential such as global brands Budweiser®, Stella Artois® and Beck’s®, alongside Leffe®, Hoegaarden®, Bud Light®, Skol®, Brahma®, Antarctica®, Quilmes®, Michelob Ultra®, Harbin®, Sedrin®, Klinskoye®, Sibirskaya Korona®, Chernigivske®, Hasseröder® and Jupiler®. In addition, the company owns a 50 percent equity interest in the operating subsidiary of Grupo Modelo, Mexico's leading brewer and owner of the global Corona® brand. AB InBev’s dedication to heritage and quality originates from the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium dating back to 1366 and the pioneering spirit of the Anheuser & Co brewery, with origins in St. Louis, USA since 1852. Geographically diversified with a balanced exposure to developed and developing markets, AB InBev leverages the collective strengths of its approximately 116,000 employees based in 23 countries worldwide. In 2011, AB InBev realized 39.0 billion...
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