Good morning to the staff of , Last Resort. My name is Dr. Kimberly T Cunningham. Today I have come to speak with you all about Mrsa. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a bacterium responsible for many of our hard to treat infections in humans. It is an bacteria that is hard to treat because it has become resistant to many of the commonly used antibiotics (web md). This bacteria can cause infection to many of the different parts of the human body. Staphylococcus aureus is also known as staph.
Staph, can cause a range of skin infections, from small to large. These infections can be somrthind simple a common as a boil, or much more complex as being in the bloodstream on in wounds. Many people has staph bactreia that is found in the nose. Stach become a problem once it is transmitted into our bloodstream.
Staph can be very harmful in a long term care facility. One to three million infections orrur every year in these type of facliticies. Many of the infections cause prolong hospitalizations and death. We want to protect and help our residents from acquiring Mrsa. In prevention of Staph infections there are simple thing we can do to help our community of elderly patients healthy.
Hand washing is the most effective way to prevent staph infection. As Staff members we should always wash our hand prior to touching a resident. A resident that that may have any open wounds or cuts, or any type of infected drainage gloves should be used. Hand washing should consists of vigorlouly washing the whole hand and inbetween the fingers with soap for at least 25 minuntes. Hand washing should also be used when leaving a resident room. Basically handwashing should be used before and after interacting with our residents and before caring for the next resident. If the idea soap and water is not avialible then cleaning yor hand with an alcohol based hand sanitizer is