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Texas Workforce Case Study

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Deep breaths—that was all I could do after entering the building, especially since my son had to accompany me this visit. When my Texas Workforce case manager came up front, I became consumed with the need to get out of this situation. I received unemployment benefits for three months.
I was raised with a mentality to help others, but not to ask for help. That mentality was deeply ingrained inside me that I was naturally drawn to a degree in Sociology. I was newly married, moved into a new home, and two days after being laid off my first professional job, I gave birth to my son. Bills began piling up. I felt visits with my case manager were unnecessary and often suppressed my desire to be defiant with them. I was capable of doing my case manager’s job. I had to constantly remind myself that they were helping me help myself get out of the situation I was in. I ended up applying all the things I have done with families on myself. This experience drew me to the field of Social Work and the significant impact it has for any member of society. …show more content…
I became realistic explaining to them that it will require work on their end to get where they want to be. I learned the importance of problem-solving and empowering clients with decision making. I understood why a client will refuse assistance or regress before they are ready to change their circumstance, so not to take it personal. I am there to help a client become resourceful and informed so they can improve their individual advancement, social advancement, or just realizing they matter. These beliefs were learned through my personal and professional experiences—values incorporated in my profession and essential to the practice of social

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