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Submitted By mkcdef
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Question 1

An internal accountant should always take the following step after exhausting all avenues of appeal within the organization when there is a difference of opinion with top management on an accounting or financial reporting matter: Answer Inform the SEC Terminate employment with the entity Seek legal advice before taking any action All of the above

Question 2

Choosing the action with the best overall consequences for everyone concerned is an example of: Answer the principle of egoism the principle of ethics the principle of deontology the principle of utility

Question 3

Each of the following is an element of honesty according to the Josephson Institute except for: Answer Reliability Loyalty Fairness Integrity

Question 4

If one's reputation is tainted it may create a: Answer Conflict of interests Loss of independence Lack of trust All of the above

Question 5

In the Student's Dilemma case, the main ethical issue for Helen is whether: Answer She should use the copy of the final exam given to her by her friend to maximize her grade in the course. She should give a copy of the final exam she found in the Accounting department to her friend. She should steal the final exam from the instructor's mailbox. She should tell the instructor that her friend stole the final exam.

Question 6

Many critics say the biggest fault with utilitarianism is that it: Answer Does not work in the real world Makes people appear helpless Makes everyone on equal footing It's impossible to foresee and measure all consequences

Question 7

The best restatement of Kant's categorical imperative is: Answer Do to others as you would have everyone do unto you. Consider others needs before you act. That those with a smaller stake should have a smaller say compared to those with a bigger stake. Don't be cruel until someone is cruel to you.

Question 8

The method of ethical reasoning that deals with making decisions after considering the interests of others is: Answer Egoism Enlightened Egoism Utilitarianism Rights Theory Question 9

The method of ethical reasoning that evaluates actions in terms of harms and benefits is: Answer Act Utilitarianism Rights Theory Justice Virtue Question 10

The most important duty of public accounting is to the: Answer Securities Exchange Commission Current stockholders Management Investing public

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The stichomythic language engages the audience which allows us to be seduced by Richard, for example when Lady Anne say, ‘‘o wonderful, when devils tell the truth’ and Richard replies ‘More wonderful, when angels are so angry’. This short declarative verbal exchange creates momentum in the scene resulting in the audience being in a state of anticipation. 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Van Tassell July 3, 2014 Card v. American National Property and Casualty Spencer E. Richards Page 2 APPEARANCES For the Plaintiff: Kenneth L. Christensen Matthew Hansen Jake Lee CHRISTENSEN & HYMAS 11693 South 700 East, Suite 100 Draper, Utah 84020 For the Defendant: Sade A. Turner STRONG & HANNI 102 South 200 East, Suite 800 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Also Present: (Via Telephone) Dorothy Clay Sims Oregon Hunter Page 4 *** INDEX EXAMINATION By Mr. Christensen By Ms. Turner By Mr. Christensen PAGE 3 132 157 EXHIBITS No. 1 No. 2 3-19-14 Ltr, Turner to Richards 11-14-13 Deposition Transcript Excerpt 86 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 3 Uh-huh. MS. TURNER: Mr. Christensen, these are the medical records because we didn't print them all out. MR. CHRISTENSEN: I figured. And you had sent me those, but I appreciate you bringing them. We might open them up and refer to them, actually. Q. Did you happen to have in your file your billing for your services at all? A. No. Q. And why is that? A. My wife takes care of that so I don't keep a record with me of billing. Q. How does she typically do that? MS. TURNER: Objection. Foundation. Answer it if you know. A. I give her the hours that I spent working on the case and then she sends an invoice. Q. 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What does a burn‐down chart show?  3. What are the principles outlined in the Agile Software Development Manifesto?  4. If our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of  valuable software, in general, how can we do that?  5. In agile software processes are the highest priorities to satisfy the customer through  early and continuous delivery of valuable software?  6. What traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team?  7. In agile development is it more important to build software that meets the customers'  needs today than worry about features that might be needed in the future?  8. The ____ phase of the SDLC includes four main activities: requirements modeling, data  and process modeling, object modeling, and consideration of development strategies.  9. One of the main activities in the systems analysis phase is ____ modeling, which  involves fact‐finding to describe the current system and identification requirements for  the new system.  10. How is planning performed on projects that use Agile approaches?   11. Who should be the main judge of the business value (think of the various roles within an  agile team)?   12. How should work be allocated and who should allocate the work to the team in an Agile ...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 443 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Humn/162308" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-free-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Free Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Humn</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...Identifying Good or Bad Statements Anit Maharjan HUMN210-H5WW Meghan Roehll Franklin University 4th April, 2013 a. Nobody in the world today is really good. Yes, I have heard of good people, but not really good people. - Good statement. b. The world is not flat. Well, if you look at a map it is: - in what point of view - bad statement. c. I will need an extended period of laborious cogitation to assimilate the missive. This doesn't make any sense - bad statement. d. The number 2 is odd. Are we talking about an even number? I believe your confusion comes from the fact that 2 is a prime number, but it is still even. It is the only even number that is prime – false statement. e. If you believe in evolution, then your ancestors were filthy apes. There are two kinds of people in the world: - one is god prayer and the next is science believer. If you support the statement from the point of scientific theory of evolution by Darwin, then yes our ancestors are filthy apes, whereas if you think form the side of god’s prayer then the statement is false – good statement. f. Some swans are black. In this statement, I am not sure that some swans are black or not, all swans could be black or white – good statement. g. If you are a human, then you are a person. If you are an individual, then you are alive. Human is a person and of course the person becomes an individual and every individual breaths...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 384 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/The-Rain-Came-Analysis/202024" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">The Rain Came Analysis</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...អាណាចក្រភ្នំ អាណាចក្រភ្នំ គស​ 50-630 ទីតាំង * ៣០០លី លិចលីនីយ(ជនជាតិចាម) * ៧០០០លី Jenan(តុងកឹង) * ឈូងសមុទ្រធំមួយ * ទន្លេរធំមួយ លិចនឹងពាយព្យគឺសមុទ្រ * ១លី=៥៧៦ម=១៧២៨គម=> 1. កម្ពុជា 2. កម្ពុជាក្រោម 3. ថៃ(ភាគកណ្តាល) រាជវង្សមាន៖ 1. លីវយី(៥០-៦៨) 2. ហ៊ុនទៀន(៦៨) 3. ហ៊ុនប៉ានហួង៖ដែលជាមេទ័ពបានប្រើល្បិចវាយក្រុងទាំង៧នឹងបានដណ្តើមអំណាចពីព្រះ បាទហ៊ុនទៀន 4. ហ៊ុនប៉ានប៉ាង៖ជាកូនហ៊ុនប៉ានហួង 5. ហ្វាន់ជេម៉ាន់៖ជាអ្នកសំលាប់សោយរាជ្យបន្តរឺក៍ហ៊ុនប៉ានប៉ាងផ្ទេរអំណាចអោយ 6. គិនចេង(២២៥)៖ត្រូវជាកូនរបស់របស់ហ្វាន់ជេម៉ាន់ពីព្រោះគាត់បានស្លាប់ពេលវាយ នៅ គិនស៊ីន 7. ហ្វានឆាន(២២៥-២៤៥)៖បានសំលាប់គិនចេងដើម្បីសោយរាជ្យបន្តដែលត្រូវជាក្មួយហ្វាន់ជេម៉ាន់នឹងត្រូវជាបងប្អូនគិនចេង 8. ហ្វានឆាង(២៤៥-២៥០)៖ជាកូនពៅរបស់ហ្វានជេម៉ាន់បានមកសងសឹកនឹងសោយរាជ្យបន្ត 9. ហ្វានស៊ីយ៉ុន(២៥០-២៨៩)៖បានសំលាប់ហ្វានឆាងសោយរាជ្យបន្ត 10. ធៀនឈូឆានតាន(៣៥៧) 11. កៅណ្ឌិន្យ(៣៥៧)៖គាត់មានកូនពីរគឺស្រីឥន្រ្ទវរ្ម័ននឹងស្រេស្ធវរ្ម័ន 12. កៅណ្ឌិន្យជ័យវរ្ម័ន(៤៤២-៥១៤)៖មានបុត្រាពីរគឺគុណវរ្ម័នជាប្អូននឹងរុទ្រវរ្ម័នជាបងក៍ប៉ុន្តែគុណវរ្ម័នជាអ្នកសោយរាជ្យដែលត្រូវជាកូនកុលប្រភាវតីជាមហេសីរីឯរុទ្រវរ្ម័នជាកូនស្នំ។ដោយមិនសុខចិត្តព្រោះខ្លួនជាបងមិនបានសោយរាជ្យក៍ប្រើល្បិចសំលាប់ប្អូនដើម្បី សោយរាជ្យម្តង។ 13. គុណវរ្ម័ន 14. ចេនឡា ចេនឡា រុទ្រវរ្ម័ន(៥១៤-៥៥៦) គស ៥៥០-៨០២ 15. ឥសីកម្ពុស្វយម្ហូវ៖ 16. ស្រុតវរ្ម័ន៖ 17. ស្រស្ធវរ្ម័ន៖ 18. វីរវរ្ម័ន៖ 19. ភវរ្ម័ន(៩០០-៩២២)៖ * ទីតាំងរបស់ចេនឡានៅត្រង់តំបន់បាសាក់តាមដងទន្លេរមេគង្គដែលច្ចុប្បន្ននៅភាគ អាគ្នេយ៍ប្រទេសឡាវ...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 350 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/General/189589" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-free-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Free Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">General</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...– – – – • – – • – • • • • – – – – • • • – – – – – – Wood Stick Holder Premium Wood Stick Holder Glow in the Dark Stick Holder Brass Burner Premium Brass Burner Aroma Ring Votive Holder NIPPON KODO INCENSE HERB & EARTH STICKS STICKS Classic STICKS CONES AFRICAN AMERICAN Family Unity – – Rhythm Sensuality Spirituality • • • • Bergamot Cedar • • • Fashion & Style • Number 4 - 100-st Number 6 - 100-st Chamomile Frankincense Jasmine Lavender Orange Patchouli Peppermint Rose Sandalwood Vanilla GONESH DIFFUSER SETS 3 fl.oz. Coconut Lime Mango Peach Sweet Apple Vanilla Cream REFILLS - 6 oz Coconut Lime Mango Peach Sweet Apple Vanilla Cream HOLIDAY TRADITIONS Number 8 - 100-st Number 10 Number 12 Number 14 Variety 1 (6,8,12) - 30 st Variety 2 (2,4,10) - 30 st MORNING STAR STICKS GONESH® EXTRA RICH Amber Apple Cider Jasmine Lavender Sandalwood Christmas Dream (Winter) Nutcracker Dance (Winter) Snowy Sensations (Winter) Holiday Memories (Winter) SCENTED REEDS & OILS REEDS OILS Black Cherry Cedarwood Cherry Blossom Cinnamon Coconut Dragon’s Blood...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 477 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Robotics-Collision-Lab/240596" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Robotics Collision Lab</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...Mr. Weidenboerner Period 7 Purpose: To explore sensors and use them to knock down a box filled with bean bags without going over the edge of a precipice. Hypothesis: I think that designs with a high point of impact and and sensor placed out in front of the robot will have the best results. Group 2 | Trial | Distance from the Egde | 1 | 28 mm | 2 | 32 mm | 3 | 35 mm | 4 | 22 mm | 5 | fail | Average | 32 mm | Competion | Group | Average | 1 | 23 mm | 2 | 32 mm | 3 | fail | 4 | 7 mm | Program Flow: 1. #Include “Main.h” 2. 3. void main (void) 4. { 5. int limitswitch; 6. 7. // 0 is pressed 8. // 1 is not pressed 9. Wait (5000) 10. while (1==1) 11. { 12. limitswitch = Get DigitalInput (1); 13. if (limitswitch==1) 14. { 15. Set Motor (1.0); 16. Set Motor (10.0); 17. Wait (200) 18. } 19. else 20. } 21. Set Motor (1.-40); 22. Set Motor (10.40); 23. } 24. } 25. } Results: Group 1 cam in second place with an average of 23 mm from 5 trials. Group 2 (my group), came in third place with an average of 32 mm from the edge of the table. Group 3 came in last place with one fail and not having completed the rest of the trials yet. Group 4 came in first place with an average of 7 mm from the edge of the table. Conclusion: I think that...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 371 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Raw-Data/244208" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Raw Data</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...@; do rep=1 to 3; do s1=1 to 3; do s2=1 to 2; input y @@; output; end;end;end; datalines; 1 1 12 13 14 15 23 22 15 16 17 18 24 15 26 25 18 19 20 21 1 2 23 10 23 20 15 33 26 13 26 23 16 12 18 36 29 16 29 26 1 3 21 15 34 23 16 19 24 18 37 26 17 17 19 22 27 21 40 29 2 1 13 18 23 14 18 21 16 21 26 17 19 20 21 24 19 24 29 20 2 2 16 16 13 25 19 21 19 19 16 28 20 18 22 24 22 22 19 31 2 3 17 24 15 17 19 21 20 27 18 20 20 26 22 24 23 30 21 23 ; proc print; run; /* lets consider A and B are random, and of course rep, samoplings ( s1 and s2 ) all are random */ proc glm; class a b rep s1 s2; model y=a b a*b rep(a*b) s1(rep*a*b); random a b a*b rep(a*b) s1(rep*a*b); run; proc varcomp method=type1; class a b rep s1 s2; model y=a b a*b rep(a*b) s1(rep*a*b); run; output: The SAS System 10:46 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 21 Obs a b rep s1 s2 y 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 2 1 1 1 1 2 13 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 4 1 1 1 2 2 15 5 1 1 1 3 1 23 6 1 1 1 3 2 22 7 1 1 2 1 1 15 8 1 1 2 1 2 16 ...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 1626 - Pages: 7</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Formula/238782" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-free-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Free Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Formula</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...To Write a Chemical Formula in OWL Enclose subscripts with underscores _. Enclose superscripts with carats ^. The underscore key is next to the number zero on the keyboard. The carat key is the number six on the keyboard. H_2_O = H2O Cr^3+^ = Cr3+ Combined: SO_4_^2−^ = SO42− Ions Unit Charge Ions Write the number first and then the charge. Do not include the number one in unit charge ions. N^3−^ = N3− Ca^2+^ = Ca2+ Na^+^ = Na+ Cl^−^ = Cl− Using the Chemical Formula Input The chemical formula input box displays the superscripts and subscripts as you enter the formula. There are 3 ways to use the input box. • Keyboard: Use the keyboard to enter underscores and carats on your own. • Buttons after: Enter the formula without underscores or carats, then highlight each superscript and/or subscript, click the appropriate subscript or superscript button, and the underscores or carats will be filled in automatically. • Button during: Use the subscript or superscript buttons to enter the underscores and carats while you type the formula. To Write a Chemical Formula in OWL Enclose subscripts with underscores _. Enclose superscripts with carats ^. The underscore key is next to the number zero on the keyboard. The carat key is the number six on the keyboard. H_2_O = H2O Cr^3+^ = Cr3+ Combined: SO_4_^2−^ = SO42− Ions Unit Charge Ions Write the number first and then the charge. Do not include the number one in unit charge ions. N^3−^ = N3− Ca^2+^ = Ca2+...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 264 - Pages: 2</p></div><div class="results__item"><a href="/essay-on/Random/256166" style="text-decoration:none"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o results__item__icon" aria-hidden="true"></i><div class="mt-splat-paper-container__is-premium-tag margin--bottom-0-25"><div class="relative grid items-center font-sans font-bold uppercase whitespace-nowrap select-none border border-gray-900 text-gray-700 py-1.5 px-3 text-xs rounded-lg essayChip" style="opacity:0"><span class="">Premium Essay</span></div></div><h4 style="color:#0e709f" class="results__item__title display-inline">Random</h4></a><p class="m-0 #0a0a0a 0.9rem" style="color:#0a0a0a;font-size:0.9rem">...Grade 5 Math STAAR Student Workbook © Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C. Page 1 Table of Contents STAAR Reporting Category 1: Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning TEKS 5.1(A) Read, Write, Compare, and Order Whole Numbers (Supporting) TEKS5.1(B) Read, Write, Compare, and Order Decimals (Supporting) TEKS 5.2(A) Generate Equivalent Fractions (Readiness) TEKS 5.2(B) Generate Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions (Supporting) TEKS 5.2(C) Comparing Fractions (Readiness) TEKS 5.2(D) Relate Fractions to Decimals (Supporting) TEKS 5.3(A-C) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division (Readiness) TEKS 5.3(D) Identify Common Factors of a Set of Whole Numbers (Supporting) TEKS 5.3(E) Addition and Subtraction of Fractions (Supporting) TEKS 5.4(A) Estimation (Supporting) STAAR Reporting Category 2: Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking TEKS 5.5(A) Relationship of Data (Readiness) TEKS 5.5(B) Identify Prime and Composite Numbers (Supporting) TEKS 5.6(A) Solution Sentences (Supporting) STAAR Reporting Category 3: Geometry and Spatial Reasoning TEKS 5.7(A) Geometric Properties (Supporting) TEKS 5.8(A and B) Transformations (5.8A Readiness/5.8B Supporting) TEKS 5.9(A) Locate and Name Points on a Coordinate Grid (Supporting) STAAR Reporting Category 4: Measurement TEKS 5.10(A) Perform Simple Conversions (Supporting) TEKS 5.10(B) Formulas for Perimeter, Area, and Volume (Supporting) TEKS 5.10(C) Length, Perimeter, Area, and Volume (Readiness) TEKS 5.11(A) Changes in Temperature...</p><p class="m-0 #888 0.9rem" style="color:#888;font-size:0.9rem">Words: 3028 - Pages: 13</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="row"><div class="columns margin--top-5 margin--bottom-5"><div class="relative flex flex-col bg-clip-border rounded-xl bg-white text-gray-700 shadow-md"><div class="p-6 callout callout-list-box"><h3 style="color:#994800" class="callout-list__heading mb-4">Popular Essays</h3><div class="popularEssays"><div class="callout-list__item"><a href="/essay-on/Imf-Structure-And-Process/174108" title="Imf Structure and Process 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She should give a copy of the final exam she found in the Accounting department to her friend. She should steal the final exam from the instructor's mailbox. She should tell the instructor that her friend stole the final exam.\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nQuestion 6\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nMany critics say the biggest fault with utilitarianism is that it: Answer Does not work in the real world Makes people appear helpless Makes everyone on equal footing It's impossible to foresee and measure all consequences\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nQuestion 7\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nThe best restatement of Kant's categorical imperative is: Answer Do to others as you would have everyone do unto you. Consider others needs before you act. That those with a smaller stake should have a smaller say compared to those with a bigger stake. Don't be cruel until someone is cruel to you.\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\n Question 8\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nThe method of ethical reasoning that deals with making decisions after considering the interests of others is: Answer Egoism Enlightened Egoism Utilitarianism Rights Theory Question 9\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nThe method of ethical reasoning that evaluates actions in terms of harms and benefits is: Answer Act Utilitarianism Rights Theory Justice Virtue Question 10\u003cbr /\u003e\n\u003cbr /\u003e\nThe most important duty of public accounting is to the: Answer Securities Exchange Commission Current stockholders Management Investing public"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"19:T783,...LAB MANUAL\n  SUBJECT:  WEB TECHNOLOGY\n\n  CLASS : T.E (COMPUTER)\n\n  SEMESTER: VI\n\n\f INDEX\nNo.\n\nTitle\n\nPag\ne \nNo.\n\n1\n\nImplements Basic HTML Tags\n\n3\n\n2\n\nImplementation Of Table Tag\n\n4\n\n3\n\nImplementation Of FRAMES\n\n5\n\n4\n\nDesign A FORM In HTML(Yahoo registration form)\n\n6\n\n5\n\nValidation Of FORM Using Java Script.\n\n7\n\n6\n\nImplementation Of CSS(All 4 Types)\n\n8\n\n7\n\nDevelop  A Clock Using Java Script\n\n9\n\n8\n\nDHTML(Layer/DIV)\n\n10\n\n9\n\nASP­Implement Response Object\n\n11\n\n10\n\nConnectivity To Database Through ASP\n\n12\n\n11\n\nPROJECT­Develop A E­Commerce Web Site\n\n13\n\n\fPractical 1\nTitle:                            Implements Basic HTML Tags.\nAim:                             Create a home page which has an image and a list to \n                                      navigate to other pages of the same site.\nReferences:                   Kriss Jamsa­\nRequirements:             Write a program which will perform the following tasks:\n1. Use of \u003cHTML\u003e\u003cHEAD\u003e\u003cTITLE\u003e\u003cBODY\u003e Tags\n2. Use of \u003cH1\u003e to \u003cH6\u003e Tags\n3. Use of \u003cimg\u003e Tag\n4. Use of \u003cbr\u003e,\u003chr\u003e,\u003cp\u003e Tags\n5. Use of All Text Formatting Tags like \n\u003cb\u003e,\u003ci\u003e,\u003cu\u003e,\u003cem\u003e,\u003cbig\u003e,\u003csmall\u003e,\u003csub\u003e,\u003csup\u003e,\n\u003caddress\u003e,\u003cdel\u003e,\u003cins\u003e\n6. Use Of Hyperlink i.e. \u003ca\u003e\u003c/a\u003e Tag.\n\n\fPractical 2\nTitle:                           Implementation Of Table Tag\nAim:                             To display UniversityMarksheet Using Tables Tag\nReferences:                   Kriss Jamsa­\nRequirements:            Tables are defined with the \u003ctable\u003e tag. A table is divided into \nrows (with the \n  \u003ctr\u003e tag), and each row is divided into data cells (with ...1a:T6a4,...免费下载-分享--Excel VBA 应用教程—\r\n\r\n目\r\n\r\n录\r\n\r\n一、VBA语言基础 ...................."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"...............................................................................................1 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第五节 标识符...................................................................................................................................1 . 运算符...................................................................................................................................1 . 数据类型...............................................................................................................................1 . 变量与常量............................................................................................................................1 数组.......................................................................................................................................2 .\r\n\r\n第六节 注释和赋值语句....................................................................................................................2 第七节 书写规范...............................................................................................................................2 . 第八节 判断语句...............................................................................................................................2 . 第九节 循环语句...............................................................................................................................3 . 第十节 其他类语句和错误语句处理......................................................................1b:T5ea,...Symbols of faith final paper\r\nBiblical Numerology Backstage\r\n\t| \r\n\r\n\r\nThe world is composed of complicated mathematics. \r\nWe often speak of its ability to expose and explain a number of beliefs and scientific happenings. Truth is, it has found itself to be both the ‘chicken and the egg’ to most arguments. Numerical significance can be both a proof, demonstration of an idea, or it can be the reason for the thought, concept, or philo"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"sophy. By definition, scholars believe that numerology is the placing of meaning on numbers in the Scriptures. Numerology is by no means restricted to Christianity, even though we choose to make it our focus for the purpose of this paper. Numerology attempts to explain the reason why God used numbers as he did, and what he was potentially trying to tell us. Thorough analysis and interpretation efforts have taken place along the years, in other to find meaning behind this scientific, most often philosophical, symbol use. \r\n\r\n“The Pythagoreans made number games philosophically respectable, and the great authority of Plato raised mathematics into theological realms. But at the lowest level, numbers remained magical.” \r\n\r\nThe fall of the Roman Empire, caused a challenging transition for many, especially in terms of religion. From Paganism to Christianity, many had to look for a meaning, and be convinced, or understand, regardless of doubts that a new religion was to emerge. The early years of Christianity revolved around strong thinkers who were...1c:T5ed,...Unit 4 Homework Solutions\r\n\r\nChapter 16 Writing a Textbook Case\r\n\r\n1.\tAdd any additional activities that you think are necessary to the project.\r\n\r\nNo correct answer. \r\n\r\n2.\tDraw the network diagram for this project.\r\n\r\nFirst, let us create a table of the information:\r\n\r\n Task #\t| Description\t| Follows:\t| Time (wks)\t|\r\n 1\t| Write prospectus\t| -\t| 4\t|\r\n 2\t| Discuss with publisher\t| 1\t| 1\t|\r\n 3\t| Conduct focus groups\t| 1\t| 1\t|\r\n 4\t| Select publisher\t| 2\t| 2\t|\r\n 5\t| Update prospectus\t| 3,4\t| 4\t|\r\n 6\t| Negotiate with publisher\t| 5\t| 3\t|\r\n 7\t| Write Chaps 1 – 8\t| 6\t| 4 wks per chapter\t|\r\n 8\t| Write Chaps 9 – 16\t| 6\t| 4 wks per chapter\t|\r\n 9\t| Review chapters\t| As chapters are avail\t| 4 wks per chapter\t|\r\n 10\t| Revise 1 - 8\t| As reviews avail\t| 2 wks per chapter\t|\r\n 11\t| Revise 9 – 16\t| As reviews avail\t| 2 wks per chapter\t|\r\n 12\t| Photo list\t| As chapters avail\t| 24 weeks\t|\r\n 13\t| Select other writers\t| 6\t| 4\t|\r\n 14\t| Define CD\t| 6\t| 2\t|\r\n 15\t| Write IM\t| "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"As soon as ½ revise\t| 12\t|\r\n 16\t| Write TB\t| As soon as ½ revise\t| 12\t|\r\n 17\t| Write Soln Manual\t| As soon as ½ revise\t| 12\t|\r\n 18\t| Write PowerPoint\t| As soon as ½ revise\t| 12\t|\r\n 19\t| Design cover\t| 6\t| 8\t|\r\n 20\t| Design Mktg\t| 6\t| 6\t|\r\n 21\t| Produce galley proofs\t| 10, 11\t| 6\t|\r\n 22\t| Proofread galley proofs\t| 21\t| 4\t|\r\n 23\t| Produce CD\t| 15, 17, 18\t| 4\t|\r\n 24\t| Print texts\t| 20, 21\t| 16\t|\r\n\r\n3.\tDetermine how long it should take to complete the project.\r\n\r\nThe network on the next page shows the order of operations. However, it...1d:T5fe,...By considering the connections between the texts, we gain an insight into the way values have changed over time. To what extent is this true of the two texts you have studied? (Minimum any 2 scenes, 4 quotes and roughly 1200 words)\r\nIt is the relationship between context, text and responder that helps the audience to create meaning from a text. Through Pacino recontextualising Shakespeare’s Richard III, the audience is able to develop a better understanding and newfound appreciation of Shakespeare’s text. By comparing the structure and language of both texts the responder is able to go on their own journey of understanding and interpretation. Pacino builds a bridge that enables us to cross over and understand Shakespeare’s context. Pacino develops our understanding of ‘Richard III’ and helps us to recognize how values can be encoded within a text.\r\nThis can be seen through the different values, beliefs and attitudes towards women reflected in Richard III texts in Act 1 scene 2. The wooing of Lady Anne demonstrates the climax of Richard’s role as a villain. The stichomythic language engages the audience which allows us to be seduced by Richard, for example when Lady Anne say, ‘‘o wonderful, when devils tell the truth’ and Richard replies ‘More wonderful, when angels are so angry’. This short declarative verbal exchange creates momentum in the scene resulting in the audience being in a state of anticipation. It reveals the power of language to persua"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"de and Richard is able to capture...1e:T5f1,...East, Suite 100 Draper, Utah\r\n\r\n* * *\r\n\r\nWade J. Van Tassell - Certified Realtime Reporter Registered Merit Reporter DepomaxMerit Litigation 801-328-1188 Wade J. Van Tassell\r\n\r\n\fJuly 3, 2014\r\n\r\nCard v. American National Property and Casualty\r\n\r\nSpencer E. Richards\r\nPage 2\r\nAPPEARANCES For the Plaintiff: Kenneth L. Christensen Matthew Hansen Jake Lee CHRISTENSEN \u0026 HYMAS 11693 South 700 East, Suite 100 Draper, Utah 84020 For the Defendant: Sade A. Turner STRONG \u0026 HANNI 102 South 200 East, Suite 800 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Also Present: (Via Telephone) Dorothy Clay Sims Oregon Hunter\r\n\r\nPage 4\r\n\r\n*** INDEX EXAMINATION By Mr. Christensen By Ms. Turner By Mr. Christensen PAGE 3 132 157\r\n\r\nEXHIBITS No. 1 No. 2 3-19-14 Ltr, Turner to Richards 11-14-13 Deposition Transcript Excerpt 86 86\r\n\r\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25\r\nPage 3\r\n\r\nUh-huh. MS. TURNER: Mr. Christensen, these are the medical records because we didn't print them all out. MR. CHRISTENSEN: I figured. And you had sent me those, but I appreciate you bringing them. We might open them up and refer to them, actually. Q. Did you happen to have in your file your billing for your services at all? A. No. Q. And why is that? A. My wife takes care of that so I don't keep a record with me of billing. Q. How does she typically do that? MS. TURNER: Objection. Foundation. Answer it if you know. A. I give her the hours that I spent working on the case and then she sends an invoice. Q. And where is the documentation...1f:T6d7,...INSS 370 Final Exam Study Guide  Below is a study guide for your final exam.  There will be a combination of true/false and multiple  choice questions. \r\n\r\n1. Who is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog?  2. What does a burn‐down chart show?  3. What are the principles outlined in the Agile Software Development Manifesto?  4. If our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early an"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"d continuous delivery of  valuable software, in general, how can we do that?  5. In agile software processes are the highest priorities to satisfy the customer through  early and continuous delivery of valuable software?  6. What traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team?  7. In agile development is it more important to build software that meets the customers'  needs today than worry about features that might be needed in the future?  8. The ____ phase of the SDLC includes four main activities: requirements modeling, data  and process modeling, object modeling, and consideration of development strategies.  9. One of the main activities in the systems analysis phase is ____ modeling, which  involves fact‐finding to describe the current system and identification requirements for  the new system.  10. How is planning performed on projects that use Agile approaches?   11. Who should be the main judge of the business value (think of the various roles within an  agile team)?   12. How should work be allocated and who should allocate the work to the team in an Agile ...20:T5ed,...Identifying Good or Bad Statements\r\nAnit Maharjan\r\nHUMN210-H5WW\r\nMeghan Roehll\r\nFranklin University\r\n4th April, 2013\r\n\r\n a. Nobody in the world today is really good. \r\n Yes, I have heard of good people, but not really good people. - Good statement. \r\n b. The world is not flat. \r\nWell, if you look at a map it is: - in what point of view - bad statement.\r\n c. I will need an extended period of laborious cogitation to assimilate the missive. \r\nThis doesn't make any sense - bad statement.\r\n d. The number 2 is odd. \r\nAre we talking about an even number? I believe your confusion comes from the fact that 2 is a prime number, but it is still even. It is the only even number that is prime – false statement.\r\n e"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,". If you believe in evolution, then your ancestors were filthy apes. \r\nThere are two kinds of people in the world: - one is god prayer and the next is science believer. If you support the statement from the point of scientific theory of evolution by Darwin, then yes our ancestors are filthy apes, whereas if you think form the side of god’s prayer then the statement is false – good statement.\r\n f. Some swans are black. \r\n In this statement, I am not sure that some swans are black or not, all swans could be black or white – good statement.\r\n g. If you are a human, then you are a person. If you are an individual, then you are alive. \r\nHuman is a person and of course the person becomes an individual and every individual breaths...21:Tef6,"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"...អាណាចក្រភ្នំ\r\nអាណាចក្រភ្នំ\r\n\r\n\t\tគស​ 50-630\r\n\tទីតាំង\r\n * \t៣០០លី លិចលីនីយ(ជនជាតិចាម)\r\n * \t៧០០០លី Jenan(តុងកឹង)\r\n * \tឈូងសមុទ្រធំមួយ\r\n * \tទន្លេរធំមួយ លិចនឹងពាយព្យគឺសមុទ្រ\r\n * \t១លី=៥៧៦ម=១៧២៨គម=\u0026gt;\r\n 1. \tកម្ពុជា\r\n 2. \tកម្ពុជាក្រោម\r\n 3. \tថៃ(ភាគកណ្តាល)\r\n\tរាជវង្សមាន៖\r\n 1. \tលីវយី(៥០-៦៨)\r\n 2. \tហ៊ុនទៀន(៦៨)\r\n 3. \tហ៊ុនប៉ានហួង៖ដែលជាមេទ័ពបានប្រើល្បិចវាយក្រុងទាំង៧នឹងបានដណ្តើមអំណាចពីព្រះ បាទហ៊ុនទៀន\r\n 4. \tហ៊ុនប៉ានប៉ាង៖ជាកូនហ៊ុនប៉ានហួង\r\n 5. \tហ្វាន់ជេម៉ាន់៖ជាអ្នកសំលាប់សោយរាជ្យបន្តរឺក៍ហ៊ុនប៉ានប៉ាងផ្ទេរអំណាចអោយ\r\n 6. \tគិនចេង(២២៥)៖ត្រូវជាកូនរបស់របស់ហ្វាន់ជេម៉ាន់ពីព្រោះគាត់បានស្លាប់ពេលវាយ នៅ គិនស៊ីន\r\n 7. \tហ្វានឆាន(២២៥-២៤៥)៖បានសំលាប់គិនចេងដើម្បីសោយរាជ្យបន្តដែលត្រូវជាក្មួយហ្វាន់ជេម៉ាន់នឹងត្រូវជាបងប្អូនគិនចេង\r\n 8. \tហ្វានឆាង(២៤៥-២៥០)៖ជាកូនពៅរបស់ហ្វានជេម៉ាន់បានមកសងសឹកនឹងសោយរាជ្យបន្ត\r\n 9. \tហ្វានស៊ីយ៉ុន(២៥០-២៨៩)៖បានសំលាប់ហ្វានឆាងសោយរាជ្យបន្ត\r\n 10. \tធៀនឈូឆានតាន(៣៥៧)\r\n 11. \tកៅណ្ឌិន្យ(៣៥៧)៖គាត់មានកូនពីរគឺស្រីឥន្រ្ទវរ្ម័ននឹងស្រេស្ធវរ្ម័ន\r\n 12. \tកៅណ្ឌិន្យជ័យវរ្ម័ន(៤៤២-៥១៤)៖មានបុត្រាពីរគឺគុណវរ្ម័នជាប្អូននឹងរុទ្រវរ្ម័នជាបងក៍ប៉ុន្តែគុណវរ្ម័នជាអ្នកសោយរាជ្យដែលត្រូវជាកូនកុលប្រភាវតីជាមហេសីរីឯរុទ្រវរ្ម័នជាកូនស្នំ។ដោយមិនសុខចិត្តព្រោះខ្លួនជាបងមិនបានសោយរាជ្យក៍ប្រើល្បិចសំលាប់ប្អូនដើម្បី សោយរាជ្យម្តង។\r\n 13. \tគុណវរ្ម័ន\r\n 14. \t\tចេនឡា\r\n\tចេនឡា\r\nរុទ្រវរ្ម័ន(៥១៤-៥៥៦)\r\n\t\r\n\t\tគស ៥៥០-៨០២\r\n 15. \tឥសីកម្ពុស្វយម្ហូវ៖\r\n 16. \tស្រុតវរ្ម័ន៖\r\n 17. \tស្រស្ធវរ្ម័ន៖\r\n 18. \tវីរវរ្ម័ន៖\r\n 19. \tភវរ្ម័ន(៩០០-៩២២)៖\r\n * \tទីតាំងរបស់ចេនឡានៅត្រង់តំបន់បាសាក់តាមដងទន្លេរមេគង្គដែលច្ចុប្បន្ននៅភាគ អាគ្នេយ៍ប្រទេសឡាវ..."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"22:T4a3,...– – – – • – – • – • • • • – – – – • • • – – – – – –\r\nWood Stick Holder Premium Wood Stick Holder Glow in the Dark Stick Holder Brass Burner Premium Brass Burner Aroma Ring Votive Holder\r\n\r\nNIPPON KODO INCENSE HERB \u0026 EARTH\r\nSTICKS STICKS\r\n\r\nClassic\r\nSTICKS CONES\r\n\r\nAFRICAN AMERICAN\r\nFamily Unity – – Rhythm Sensuality Spirituality • • • • Bergamot Cedar\r\n\r\n• • •\r\n\r\nFashion \u0026 Style •\r\n\r\nNumber 4 - 100-st Number 6 - 100-st\r\n\r\nChamomile Frankincense Jasmine Lavender Orange Patchouli Peppermint Rose Sandalwood Vanilla\r\n\r\nGONESH DIFFUSER SETS 3 fl.oz.\r\nCoconut Lime Mango Peach Sweet Apple Vanilla Cream REFILLS - 6 oz Coconut Lime Mango Peach Sweet Apple Vanilla Cream\r\n\r\nHOLIDAY TRADITIONS\r\n\r\nNumber 8 - 100-st Number 10 Number 12 Number 14 Variety 1 (6,8,12) - 30 st Variety 2 (2,4,10) - 30 st\r\n\r\nMORNING STAR\r\nSTICKS\r\n\r\nGONESH® EXTRA RICH\r\nAmber Apple Cider\r\n\r\nJasmine Lavender Sandalwood\r\n\r\nChristmas Dream (Winter) Nutcracker Dance (Winter) Snowy Sensations (Winter) Holiday Memories (Winter)\r\n\r\nSCENTED REEDS \u0026 OILS\r\nREEDS OILS\r\n\r\nBlack Cherry Cedarwood Cherry Blossom Cinnamon Coconut Dragon’s Blood...23:T5eb,...Mr. Weidenboerner\r\nPeriod 7\r\n\r\nPurpose: \r\nTo explore sensors and use them to knock down a box filled with bean bags without going over the edge of a precipice.\r\n \r\nHypothesis: \r\nI think that designs with a high point of impact and and sensor placed out in front of the robot will have the best results.\r\n\r\n Group 2\t|\r\n Trial\t| Distance from the Egde\t|\r\n 1\t| 28 mm\t|\r\n 2\t| 32 mm\t|\r\n 3\t| 35 mm \t|\r\n 4\t| 22 mm\t|\r\n 5\t| fail\t|\r\n Average\t| 32 mm\t|\r\n\r\n Competion\t|\r\n Group\t| Average\t|\r\n 1\t| 23 mm\t|\r\n 2\t| 32 mm \t|\r\n 3\t| fail\t|\r\n 4\t| 7 mm \t|\r\n\r\nProgram Flow: \r\n\r\n 1. #Include “Main.h”\r\n 2. \r\n 3. void main (void)\r\n 4. {\r\n 5. int limitswitch;\r\n 6. \r\n 7. // 0 is pressed\r\n 8. // 1 is not pressed\r\n 9. Wait (5000)\r\n 10. while (1==1)\r\n 11. {\r\n 12. limitswitch = Get DigitalInput (1);\r\n 13. if (limits"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"witch==1)\r\n 14. {\r\n 15. Set Motor (1.0);\r\n 16. Set Motor (10.0);\r\n 17. Wait (200)\r\n 18. }\r\n 19. else\r\n 20. }\r\n 21. Set Motor (1.-40);\r\n 22. Set Motor (10.40);\r\n 23. }\r\n 24. }\r\n 25. }\r\n\r\nResults:\r\nGroup 1 cam in second place with an average of 23 mm from 5 trials. Group 2 (my group), came in third place with an average of 32 mm from the edge of the table. Group 3 came in last place with one fail and not having completed the rest of the trials yet. Group 4 came in first place with an average of 7 mm from the edge of the table.\r\n\r\nConclusion:\r\nI think that...24:T5e3,...@;\r\ndo rep=1 to 3;\r\ndo s1=1 to 3;\r\ndo s2=1 to 2;\r\ninput y @@;\r\noutput; end;end;end;\r\ndatalines;\r\n1\t1\t12\t13\t14\t15\t23\t22\t15\t16\t17\t18\t24\t15\t26\t25\t18\t19\t20\t21\r\n1\t2\t23\t10\t23\t20\t15\t33\t26\t13\t26\t23\t16\t12\t18\t36\t29\t16\t29\t26\r\n1\t3\t21\t15\t34\t23\t16\t19\t24\t18\t37\t26\t17\t17\t19\t22\t27\t21\t40\t29\r\n2\t1\t13\t18\t23\t14\t18\t21\t16\t21\t26\t17\t19\t20\t21\t24\t19\t24\t29\t20\r\n2\t2\t16\t16\t13\t25\t19\t21\t19\t19\t16\t28\t20\t18\t22\t24\t22\t22\t19\t31\r\n2\t3\t17\t24\t15\t17\t19\t21\t20\t27\t18\t20\t20\t26\t22\t24\t23\t30\t21\t23\r\n;\r\nproc print;\r\nrun;\r\n/* lets consider A and B are random, and of course rep, samoplings ( s1 and s2 ) all are random */\r\nproc glm;\r\nclass a b rep s1 s2;\r\nmodel y=a b a*b rep(a*b) s1(rep*a*b);\r\nrandom a b a*b rep(a*b) s1(rep*a*b);\r\nrun;\r\nproc varcomp method=type1;\r\n class a b rep s1 s2;\r\n model y=a b a*b rep(a*b) s1(rep*a*b);\r\n run;\r\n\r\n\r\noutput:\r\n\r\n\r\n The SAS System 10:46 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 21\r\n\r\n Obs a b rep s1 s2 y\r\n\r\n 1 1 1 1 1 1 12\r\n 2 1 1 1 1 2 13\r\n 3 1 1 1 2 1 14\r\n 4 1 1 1 2 2 15\r\n 5 1 1 1 3 1 23\r\n 6 1 1 1 3 2 22\r\n "])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1," 7 1 1 2 1 1 15\r\n 8 1 1 2 1 2 16\r...25:T5fe,...To Write a Chemical Formula in OWL\r\nEnclose subscripts with underscores _.\tEnclose superscripts with carats ^.\r\nThe underscore key is next to the number zero on the keyboard.\tThe carat key is the number six on the keyboard.\r\nH_2_O = H2O\tCr^3+^ = Cr3+\r\nCombined: SO_4_^2−^ = SO42− \r\n\r\nIons\tUnit Charge Ions\r\nWrite the number first and then the charge. \tDo not include the number one in unit charge ions. \r\nN^3−^ = N3− \r\nCa^2+^ = Ca2+\tNa^+^ = Na+ \r\nCl^−^ = Cl−\r\nUsing the Chemical Formula Input\r\nThe chemical formula input box displays the superscripts and subscripts as you enter the formula. There are 3 ways to use the input box. \r\n•\tKeyboard: Use the keyboard to enter underscores and carats on your own.\r\n•\tButtons after: Enter the formula without underscores or carats, then highlight each superscript and/or subscript, click the appropriate subscript or superscript button, and the underscores or carats will be filled in automatically.\r\n•\tButton during: Use the subscript or superscript buttons to enter the underscores and carats while you type the formula.\r\n\r\n\r\nTo Write a Chemical Formula in OWL\r\nEnclose subscripts with underscores _.\tEnclose superscripts with carats ^.\r\nThe underscore key is next to the number zero on the keyboard.\tThe carat key is the number six on the keyboard.\r\nH_2_O = H2O\tCr^3+^ = Cr3+\r\nCombined: SO_4_^2−^ = SO42− \r\n\r\nIons\tUnit Charge Ions\r\nWrite the number first and then the charge. \tDo not include the number one in unit charge ions. \r\nN^3−^ = N3− \r\nCa^2+^ = Ca2+...26:T5ea,...Grade 5 Math STAAR Student Workbook\r\n\r\n© Forde-Ferrier, L.L.C.\r\n\r\nPage 1\r\n\r\n\fTable of Contents\r\nSTAAR Reporting Category 1: Numbers, Operations, and Quantitative Reasoning TEKS 5.1(A) Read, Write, Compare, and Order Whole Numbers (Supporting) TEKS5.1(B) Read, Write, Compare, and Order Decimals (Supporting) TEKS 5.2(A) Generate Equivalent Fractions (Readin"])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"ess) TEKS 5.2(B) Generate Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions (Supporting) TEKS 5.2(C) Comparing Fractions (Readiness) TEKS 5.2(D) Relate Fractions to Decimals (Supporting) TEKS 5.3(A-C) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division (Readiness) TEKS 5.3(D) Identify Common Factors of a Set of Whole Numbers (Supporting) TEKS 5.3(E) Addition and Subtraction of Fractions (Supporting) TEKS 5.4(A) Estimation (Supporting) STAAR Reporting Category 2: Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking TEKS 5.5(A) Relationship of Data (Readiness) TEKS 5.5(B) Identify Prime and Composite Numbers (Supporting) TEKS 5.6(A) Solution Sentences (Supporting) STAAR Reporting Category 3: Geometry and Spatial Reasoning TEKS 5.7(A) Geometric Properties (Supporting) TEKS 5.8(A and B) Transformations (5.8A Readiness/5.8B Supporting) TEKS 5.9(A) Locate and Name Points on a Coordinate Grid (Supporting) STAAR Reporting Category 4: Measurement TEKS 5.10(A) Perform Simple Conversions (Supporting) TEKS 5.10(B) Formulas for Perimeter, Area, and Volume (Supporting) TEKS 5.10(C) Length, Perimeter, Area, and Volume (Readiness) TEKS 5.11(A) Changes in Temperature..."])</script><script>self.__next_f.push([1,"7:[[\"$\",\"div\",null,{\"className\":\"row\",\"children\":[\"$\",\"$L16\",null,{\"data\":[{\"text\":\"Home page\",\"url\":\"/\"},{\"text\":\"Business and Management\",\"url\":\"/subcategory/Business-And-Management/1\"}]}]}],[\"$\",\"$L17\",null,{\"essayMetaData\":{\"title\":\"Text 1\",\"titleColor\":\"#0a0a0a\",\"titleSize\":\"h1\",\"category\":\"Business and Management\",\"categoryUrl\":\"/subcategory/Business-And-Management/1\",\"submittedBy\":\"mkcdef\",\"wordCount\":381,\"pageCount\":2,\"premium\":false,\"essayFullViewURL\":\"/document/174107\"},\"essayContent\":\"$18\",\"similarEssays\":[{\"title\":\"Articles\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Articles/469275\",\"essaySnippet\":\"$19\",\"wordCount\":1381,\"pageCount\":6,\"premium\":false,\"freemiumTag\":\"Free Essay\",\"titleColor\":\"#0e709f\"},{\"title\":\"Profile of Working Students and It' S Implication on Academic Standing\",\"titleSize\":\"h4\",\"essayUrl\":\"/essay-on/Profile-Of-Working-Students-And-It/96446\",\"essaySnippet\":\"...gain again or worst you may never have it at all. So the time these are wasted for nothing, for sure the blame for this mistake will be felt truly.\\n\\tWhen looking at the profile of those students who are working and at the same time is studying, you would notice that they never dare wasting their time. For them, every second counts. Make an observation and you will find out that almost all of the working students are working too hard to finish their studies. For them, wasting their effort, time and money is such a big mistake.\\n\\nOBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY\\n\\tThe objective of studying this matter is to know the profile of the working students and the implication on the class standing. Specifically, they need to answer these following questions:\\n 1. What was the working students are going through while they are studying and at the same time working?\\n 2. 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