...COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS FOR “BLUFFING” Answer the following questions in full sentences. Support your answers with examples from the story. Knowledge (30 marks) 1. Explain the meaning of the term “bluffing.” (1 mark) 2. Whose point of view is represented in the story? Is the narrator reliable? Support your answer with two examples from the story. (3 marks) 3. What is the setting of the exposition? What concrete information about Gabriela is revealed in the first three paragraphs? (2 marks) 4. What inferences can be drawn about the relationship between Gabriela and Liam based on the first flashback on page 72? (2 marks) 5. What is your first impression of Liam? Does it change throughout the story? How? (2 marks) 6. What are Liam’s potential character flaws? Give three examples from the text. (3 marks) 7. Explain the term foreshadowing. How does Liam handle the two hikers on their way to the lake? Why? What does this incident foreshadow? (3 marks) 8. What announcement does Liam make when they reach the lake? Describe Gabriela’s reaction. (2 marks) 9. How does Gabriela want to deal with the grizzly sow in front of her? How does she expect Liam to cooperate? (2 marks) 10. What is Liam’s reaction during the bear attack from Gabriela’s point of view? (1) 11. How does Liam explain his reaction to Gabriella in the hospital? (1) 12. Describe the final scene between Gabriela and Liam in the hospital. What is the importance of the title “Bluffing” for this scene? (3 marks) 13. The story...
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...Love in a man’s life is indispensable. To exclaim this in the words of Max Muller: just how a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, a man cannot live without love. However distressing love’s consequences and imminent conclusion may be, to have loved, suffered and endured is to have lived life to its truest and fullest sense. A life without love is like a flower without petals, a perfume without fragrance, a rainbow without colors. So when Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson writes -- Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, he is correct. This assertion has best been validated in popular literature, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ being a good example. Writer John Green’s global phenomenon ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ follows the poignant story of a young teenage girl named Hazel Grace who has been diagnosed with terminal Stage IV thyroid cancer which has spread to hers lungs. She lives a near-hopeless life idling away her hours waiting to die. But her forlorn life is about to change when one day, while reluctantly attending a support group to appease her much-loved parents, she meets Augustus Walters, a charming and confident teenage boy who is in remission from a rare form of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer, after a leg amputation. There is a spark between them and they instantly fall in love with each other. Augustus arranges for a Dutch themed picnic where he announces his plans to take Hazel to Amsterdam where she could meet her dearly esteemed author of The Imperial...
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...PLOT: INTRODUCTION: -introduced to main character, Hazel Grace, who has cancer -see what it's like to be a teenager living with cancer -hovering/worrying parents -missing school/losing touch with friends -watching a lot of reality TV -going to a support group -doesn't want to become her illness RISING ACTION: -Hazel meets Augustus Waters at support group -hit it off immediately, and from this point Hazel's point of view changes -Hazel discusses her favourite book (An Imperial Affliction) and gives it to Augustus to read, and soon they're discussing in depth the ending of the book -Hazel sees a life outside of her cancer one after she meets Augustus -Augustus uses his Wish Foundation wish to take him, Hazel, and Hazel's mom to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Houten, the author of An Imperial Affliction -all while e-mailing Peter Van Houten, so Hazel can meet her idol, and all while trying to convince Hazel's parents and doctors to let her go -Hazel and Augustus are falling more in love, but Hazel can't express it due to her holding back and not wanting to hurt Augustus -because of her illness and because of what previous happened to Augustus CLIMAX: -Hazel and Augustus are in Amsterdam and everything leads up to their time spent together there -Peter Van Houten turns out to be a drunken and rude man -Augustus yells at him for being rude and vague to Hazel when she asks him questions -his assistant Lidewij, quits and takes Hazel and Augustus to explore...
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...Push by Sapphire is about a young sixteen-year-old girl who writes a story through her everyday life experience. She has been physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. She lives in Harlem New York and her mother beats her. Her father sexually abuses Precious and only visits when he wants sex. Precious has been abused since the age of three. Her father abused her in front of her mother and the mother does nothing. Pregnant at twelve, she has to take care of her fathers baby. She then gets pregnant at the age of sixteen again with her father being the babies dad. With this, Precious begins to struggle in school and gets herself suspended. Precious’ mother did not believe in an education for her daughter. She believed Precious should stay home with the kids and take care of her mother. She believed that welfare was the way to go. Precious never wanted that to be the life she has to live so she goes to school to get an education and eventually learns to read. She recited the ABC’s to her children for practice for them, but she also by doing this, shows signs of being a better parent than her mother is. The school is all girls but is specifically for young girls like Precious. The majority, if not, all the girls are missing the basic reading, writing, and math skills that would usually be acquired at their age. Most of the girls have also been in situations just like Precious such as rape, prostitution, and drug abuse. When starting at her new school, she begins...
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...1. Respond to the questions following Case 22.3, Terry v. Sapphire Gentlemen's Club on page 729. In the case Terry v. Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club, the performers filed a case against the club claiming to be employees and therefore required to be paid at least minimum wage under the law. In the end the federal court ruled them as employees and required minimum wage to be paid to the performers. Had the performers had the status of independent contractors, Sapphire would not have to pay them minimum wage. As an independent contractor, the performers would be operating as a separate business entity (Cihon & Castegnera, 2015). Sapphire would have an economic incentive to classify them in this way because if they were considered a separate business they would not have to pay the performers a minimum wage. In addition to this, the court held that the individual “entertainment agreements” between the performers and Sapphire were not definitive of the relationship between the performers and the club. The reason they did not hold this as definitive is because there was no way to determine if the performers were contracted or employed by Sapphire. Finally, the court looked to the federal courts’ use of the “economic realities” test to determine the status of the performers for state minimum wage because under federal statues if the employee is given certain rules by the employer then they are considered an employee under federal law (Cihon, et al, 2015). After reviewing this case, the...
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...When asked about the author of a book, rather than the book itself, nobody seems to know whom you are talking about. Authors are not considered celebrities when it comes to the scale of how famous they are. However, John Green captured the minds of a diverse group of people that included teenagers, adults, and kids old enough to understand his book, The Fault in Our Stars. Many people had read his other books including, but not limited to, An Abundance of Katherines and Looking For Alaska. Once people started reading TFIOS, or The Fault in Our Stars, word got around about all of the tears shed, goose bumps felt, and smiles captured with this read. Through this fictional book, Green’s inspiration is based entirely on a real life story. Hazel is a fictional character and in many ways, completely different from Green’s friend who died of cancer in August 2010 when she was 16. Green’s friend, Esther, meaning “Star” in Persian, had the empathy of a counselor but the spunky teenage way that all young adults should have. Green took that and formed Hazel Grace Lancaster’s character, who was not a part of the book at the time of his friendship, because the story was extremely different prior to Esther passing away. Esther loved reading, and Green wrote books. Green was intrigued to know Esther and her family, so they spent time and took on the internet together. Their relationship grew stronger as they got closer and Esther got more sick. She showed Green that dying is inevitable...
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...ph/banking/bspsup_rural.asp https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=298736910283770&set=vb.211921458965316&type=2&theater http://prezi.com/2l36dp1y17iy/stimulus-motives-and-motivation/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/23973102/motivation-and-types-of-motives http://books.google.com.ph/books?id=Yz8HuBFXb6cC&pg=PA308&lpg=PA308&dq=Sensory+stimulation+as+stimulus+motives&source=bl&ots=SohwCKd-Wg&sig=ofU9VKEAP7Q3tMwkBkzy2bTQvr8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zUIWU_n-MqmXiQfV34GwDQ&ved=0CFsQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Sensory%20stimulation%20as%20stimulus%20motives&f=false http://www.csus.edu/indiv/b/blakeh/mgmt/documents/OPM101SupplC.pdf http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/13-things-remember-when-life-gets-rough.html http://thefaultinourstarspdf.com/docs/tfios-jg-english.pdf http://www.petron.com/web/Media/uploads/Petron_2012_Annual_Report_-_FORGING_AHEAD.pdf http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/financialHighlights?symbol=PCOR.PS http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/financials/ratios.asp?ticker=PCOR:PM http://www.bsp.gov.ph/banking/bspsup_rural.asp http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/tm/profile for conclusion http://www.investopedia.com/university/banking-system/banking-system9.asp Formula http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/econ2199 http://educ.jmu.edu/~drakepp/principles/module2/finratios.html...
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...Get quotes daily Join Goodreads Quotes About Life Quotes tagged as "life" (showing 1-30 of 3,000) “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss tags: attributed-no-source, cry, crying, experience, happiness, joy, life, optimism, sadness, smile, smiling 132914 likes like “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” ― Marilyn Monroe tags: attributed-no-source, best, life, love, mistakes, out-of-control, truth, worst 115438 likes like “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.” ― William W. Purkey tags: dance, heaven, hurt, inspirational, life, love, sing 89292 likes like “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ― Mae West tags: humor, life 76368 likes like “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” ― Robert Frost tags: life 70442 likes like “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” ― Narcotics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous tags: humor, insanity, life, misattributed-albert-einstein 50112 likes like “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde tags: life ...
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...equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation — well, these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation."- Eddington It's easy to tell there's not much that's more constant than that. Entropy in a closed system always increases, why does it matter? Imagine a bowl of sand, one side, exactly red and the other exactly blue. If you mix up the grains of sand, returning them to that state would take a very long time. Why? There are more ways to be chaotic than there is to be in order. That is what life is. That is what I've realized from all the books I've read. From TFIOS to Barabbas to Night I've learned that it's so easy for your world to go to complete chaos. It's so easy to get lost in your life and goals and forget everyone else. That it's so easy to lose control while finding control. And that it's harder, but better to have your friends along the way. They're as constant as you'll get. The people who you surround yourself make you feel relevant. So much so that you remember that you live in the present and neither the past nor future. I woke up around 7:50 AM on a rainy November 12. It was an almost unbearable day in terms of weather. I walked to the gym and met up with one of my friends. They started singing happy birthday for me at the squash courts and I sat there. I loved the sentiment but hated...
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