...Linda Chapel Programs April 7 , 2014 Reflection This was my first year attending Azusa Pacific University. When I first attended last semester in the fall of 2013, I had a difficult time transitioning as APU isn’t always transfer friendly. As a transfer student, one leaves an institution and then is just getting used to another school. Academically APU has challenged me in ways I never imagined. The history department has been incredible with the level of difficulty. My only disappointment has been that APU does not or has not offered historiography in quite some time. At other educational institutions, history majors are required to take historiography in order to know and understand what type of history we would like to study. I understand that the department is small, but it would great to see a variety of courses. For example, Latin American history or even a course on women’s history in the United States. I look forward to the courses being offered next semester that will be taught by Dr. Mazza. When I was deciding on which university to attend, I was unsure of where to go. Ultimately, I chose APU because of its location, not its religious affiliation. Being at a Christian university has been a far more different experience than I could have ever imagined. Everyone on this campus is beyond friendly and has helped me grow in my faith in ways I never imagined. I rather enjoy attending chapel it’s a much more personal experience. I don’t enjoy going to chapel in the...
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...Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Thank you How do you serve 120,000 people in one year; all from different countries, cities, and backgrounds? How do you greet them when English is met with a confused stare? How do you teach a 35-year-old what a dime is? When I first walked through the old, archaic doors of the historic Ohio State Reformatory for my first day as a docent, these were not the questions I was expecting to answer. “Hello, welcome to the Ohio State Reformatory.” “Vad? Ne? Qué? What?” Tour season has an average of 300 guests a day, and a black polo with a beckoning STAFF printed across the back always means help. Three hours into my shift I met a group of four men who looked very confused. I greeted them, asked what they needed, and was promptly met with a rapid string of Japanese. The realization quickly fell on both parties of our lack of understanding. Pulling out a map, I began pointing to different areas of the building. When I got to the area we were...
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...The Battle for Courage and Honesty The story begins during the New Year's feast in King Arthur's court. Then a green knight enters asking all of the knights in the court if they would like to play a game. The game is he will allow which ever knight that chooses to challenge him one swing with a battle ax to try and chop off his head, but in order to play the game, the accepting knight must meet the green knight one year later at the green chapel. The brave knight Sir Gawain accepts to the challenge of the green knight. Sir Gawain takes one swing and chops off the head of the green knight. Right after the green knight's head is chopped off he gets up immediately, picks up his head and leaves. Once a year passes, Gawain sets off on a journey to find the Green Chapel. He arrives at a castle in which a lord welcomes him to stay for several days (Gawain only needs to stay there for three). The next morning the lord makes an agreement to share everything he gets during these three days with Gawain, but Gawain must agree to do the same. During days one and two the lord's wife tries hitting on Gawain, but he only allows her to give him a few kisses. At these days Gawain shares what he got to the lord for what he has hunted those days. On the third day, Gawain finally accepts to take a magic girdle from the lord's wife, but he didn't share it with the lord. This magic girdle helped Gawain survive the three fatal swing's of the green giant's ax, only leaving him with a little nick. After...
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...comes the fury of love”? E: YES! That’s it. She was feeling death coming closer to her, she wanted to accept the fact. And she had her own belief in God so she wished her big heart could have taken all the pain and lost, to accept all the sadness and pressure, either for living or dying. But it was still hard, since she emphasized “I promised it is very large, a monster of sorts”. She was describing it as a monster, a tired, mindless monster that just want to eat all the pressure but it seemed like her heart was still not big enough. She was having too much suffering. Q: Thank you for your time! E: No problem my heart is big enough (laughing) I just want to mention, don’t ignore the valuable little things in your life. Some day they all come together and that can be a very powerful spirits that help you get through a hard time. So you can have a heart that’s big enough for all the pressure we face in life. Thank you. …However, here’s a big turning point at the line “soul is spurting out upon them, bleeding on them, messing up their clothes” blah blah, it’s showing that her sickness sometimes could have hurt her dear friends and she felt so bad and she hated it. Q: Excuse me for the interruption. Then what about the one saying “God is filling me” and the last sentence “a monster of sorts, takes it all in-- all in comes the fury of love”? E: YES! That’s it. She was feeling death coming closer to her, she wanted to...
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...------------------------------------------------- College History... Ladies College Colombo was founded as a self supporting institution in 1900 by Liiian Nixon from Ireland and Ms Elizabeth Whitney from Canada at the behest of the Church Missionary Society. The history of the school is woven round the seven principals of the college who were responsible for its founding, expansion and ethos. There is no doubt it was due to their Christian faith and commitment that Ladies College grew from a rented bungalow in Slave Island with two students to what it is today... Quoting Ladies' College 1900-2000 Several issues fascinated us. …… How a Christian Missionary school like Ladies’ College, established in 1900 within a colonial ethos, adapted itself to the social, cultural, and economic changes that were ushered in with independence in 1947? How did the school come to terms with the subsequent shifts in educational policy by successive governments especially during the second half of the last century? How did the school cope with such dramatic changes and do so while still remaining geared to the national system of education? How did Ladies’ College not only survive for a period of a hundred years, but grow from strength to strength? Lilian Nixon BA Cert. Ed Principal (1900 - 1914). | At Ladies' College Cheltenham Lilian Nixon came under the influence of its famous Principal Dorothea Beale who brought to the realm of women’s education a vision and determination that had...
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...| ELIXUUM | Draft II | ARTH 72 | Ariya Behjat | 3/20/2012 | | Our recent discovery of a label-less object from the third millennium in a remote area near the North Pole, has opened new vistas to understand the cultural and social behavior of people who lived about a thousand of years ago. It is perplexing to see how such objects without proper labels were used and for what purposes these objects were utilized by the people of the pre-ice age era. Needless to say it is an established convention, in which every object should have a brand, an instruction manual for use, or at least a technical drawing. Similarly, in the earlier days, labels were almost obvious on everything we have ever made, whether it is giving credit to the builders or stating a basic function. However, the piece that I have discovered through our recent excavation is very unique, and I would like to call it the Elixuum. The name elixuum comes from the combination of the words elixir and vacuum. The piece is cylindrical, with a seven millimeter opening, and they come in a small variety of six to eight inches in length. They come in a striped pattern of white and primary colors. It is made of mainly two materials; polypropylene and polystyrene, making the piece compressible yet hard enough not to be torn. The elixuum was found in a suburban city, not far from Canada, which was the fastest freezing place that the ice-age took over. Fortunately, we found the tallest structure there, making...
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...What Would Hayek Say Today? As the economic crisis continues, the less believable are sticking plaster solution. Four years in, Europe is moving forward toward a nasty recession, China is heading for a hard landing, the governor of the Bank of England is talking about a systemic banking crisis and George Osborne has annunciated spending cuts that will continue on the next six years. The United States is the only place where the news has been a little better, as the housing market is improving and unemployment is falling. What’s happening in America is that the Federal Reserve decided to use two rounds of quantitative easing to increase the money supply and enunciated its intent to keep interest rates low. This has helped people to believe that resurgence will eventually arrive, if the policy response is large enough for a long time. It is not known yet if this is indeed the case, since there have been many false starts after the financial system began failing in 2007. An authentic strength of the US economy will be divulged early next year, when tax breaks supporting consumption and investment expire, not to mention, when the world’s biggest economy begins to feel the influence of stagnation on this side of the Atlantic. There is another way of looking at the crisis. We are inhabiting a world of the living dead: a eurozone which will not collapse, but cannot be reformed; banks that are kept going by colossal amounts of electronically generated cash, yet cannot...
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...revival of the midsummer celebration of its heritage, talents and interests. There was a latent hunger for a fuller cultural and community life - a hunger which helped secure the success of the Barnaby Festival. This evaluation demonstrates how the benefits to the town extend from the immediate economic impact to a more substantial social and cultural legacy. There is a widely held feeling that the Festival has been the catalyst for a growth in confidence and sense of identity, and has heralded a richer civic life in Macclesfield. Barnaby 2012 has again been a huge task for the team of volunteers and would have been impossible without the unstinting support of local businesses, the local authority, grass-roots groups and umpteen helpers. Thank you, Macclesfield, and long may it continue! Lynne Jones (Chair), Fiona Bailey, Aileen McEvoy, Jane Munro, Ian Musgrave and Anna Riordan, Board of Trustees, Macclesfield Barnaby Festival, a charitable company run entirely by volunteers. 2 © Fiona Bailey EVALUATION REPORT 2012...
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...better place to volunteer than a soup kitchen. While I returned to the soup kitchen multiple times to get in my hours, my first visit changed me in a way that cannot be explained. The kitchen was located in the Christ Episcopal Church in Suffern, situated in a common room that connected to the kitchen, where the food was served from. While my mother was driving me to the kitchen on my first day, she looked me in the eyes, seriousness etched in her face like stone, and said, “Logan, you are going to see a different side of our community than you have before.” Before I had time to process what this meant, she was ushering me out of the car, and the two of us walked into the Church together. The church was in decent condition overall, the chapel a magnificent pillar of worship, albeit the supplies that we, the volunteers, were left with were slightly sub-par. We were greeted by the head volunteer, a stout woman named Cathy who was rarely seen without a cigarette in her mouth. She was surprisingly nice, given her charisma, and ushered us over to giant bags full of leftover bread. We were to sort through the bread, placing fresh loaves in a separate bin, and leaving the stale ones for the garbage crew. While I was sorting through the bread, picking up some baguettes that were so hard that they could stop a bullet, I couldn’t help but ask, “Where are all of the people?” My mom, guessing by my intonation, stated that, “They are going to come in once we are prepared. And don’t act...
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...myself this can’t be how he really acts all the time. I had a lot of questions for him and I was not sure if he could answer them. I can specifically remember sitting at Elizabeth’s Pizza in Wilmington on August, 20th, 2013 and having Philip offer the opportunity to walk along side of him and have him invest in me. I remembering not knowing how to feel, for this man did not know me from Adam; however, he cared enough to simply offer the invitation. After only two months of being a part of a little missional community, Philip pushed me to step forward and become a part of the leadership of The Anchor by inviting me to attend a two year Learning Community led by Three Dimensional Movements. Philip continued to invest in all aspects of my life giving me opportunities to grow, build self-worth and embody hope. I remember the first time he let me preach after only knowing me for three months. I prepared my sermon and I wanted him to go over it to see if it met his expectations. He told me he did not need to read it unless I wanted him to because he trusted me. That moment impacted me so much, for up to this moment I never felt that I had someone who did not just believe in me but actually trusted me. Philip went from simply being a pastor to becoming a friend, mentor, and brother. I can think back many times in our relationship where the conversations were not always light-hearted, times where we were not happy with each other, times where we just needed a break, but at the end of the...
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...Codell 1 Jack Codell Mr. O’Sullivan Life in Christ 27 January 2016 Article 1: God’s Original Plan: A Just Community Original holiness is the original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him. Original justice is the state of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, with each other, and with all creation. In the first few chapters of the Book of Genesis, there are 3 important truths that are revealed. God has given human beings a share of his divine life; human beings were created to live in communion with God; God created human beings to live in loving communion with one another. These truths lead to important social justice principles. Each human life has great worth & must be protected. We must promote values that emphasize the inherent worth of each individual; as human beings we cannot find the happiness we long for by pursuing things that do not lead to God; God intends that human beings form communities of love & justice to work together for the common good; we must have the same concern for other people’s welfare that we do for our own. Out of this article, I feel like original holiness & original justice are the two main goals that all human beings want to achieve. I think that genocide is a very bad thing and that no human beings deserve to die. Also, I got out that all human beings are born with Original Sin because of the Fall with Adam & Eve. Article 2: The Social Dimension of God’s Plan...
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...At nine o'clock in the morning, the crowd outside of St. Jerome's cathedral was almost as large as the crowd that attended Victor's funeral, which, in and of itself, almost was enough to take the eye away from the faux splendor of the chapel itself. Events like this only happened two or three times in the life of a Quercasian, and for a nation as small as theirs, this kind of ordeal was gigantic. Luckily, my father and I appeared inside of the cathedral. We were in a hallway outside of the main corridor, our micro-bot forms assembling in a place where no one could see us. My father appeared in a formal suit, a solid black covering his form save for his white button-down and green scarf. Wanting to be as formally supportive as I could, I appeared...
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...Investigation of Irregular Classes in the Department of African and Afro-American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenneth L. Wainstein A. Joseph Jay III Colleen Depman Kukowski October 16, 2014 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 1 II. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 7 III. INVESTIGATIVE PLAN AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 9 A. B. C. D. E. F. IV. The Scope of the Investigation............................................................................................. 9 Preliminary Steps of the Investigation ...............................................................................10 1. Review Prior Reports .............................................................................................10 2. Consult with District Attorney Woodall and the SBI .......................................10 3. Request Input from the Public..............................................................................11 4. Secure Access to FERPA Information ................................................................11 5. Distribute Broad Document Preservation Directive .........................................11 Collection and Review of Electronic...
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...English Study Guide E period Beowulf * The Wrath of Grendel Grendel, a murderous, powerful monster lurks outside Hrothgar’s a Danish King’s, extravagant party. God drove out the demons, but they split into many forms of evil spirits, fiends, goblins, monsters, and giants. Grendel is a demonic monster. At night, when the party ended, Grendel ate 30 guests and left blood everywhere. In the morning, the people of Herot and Hrothgar mourned the deaths of Grendel’s victims. However, Grendel came again and ate all of Hrothgar’s soldiers, leaving Herot bare. Hrothgar was incredibly saddened by this. However, God protected him and no help came from the pagan sacrifices. The only protection came from God. * The Coming of Beowulf In the land of the Geats, ruled by Higlac, Beowulf was the greatest and strongest of all the men. He decided to go to see Hrothgar, because he has heard of the horrors Grendel brought. The Geats egged on his adventure, so Beowulf took a crew of the mightiest men he could find and set forth on his journey. They arrived at the Danish shore and were questioned by the guard, who thought they might be raiders or pirates. Beowulf explained they were Geats; his father was Edgetho, a famous soldier and explained why they were there. The guard lets them pass. They enter Herot and are called to see the King. Beowulf is greeted by Hrothgar and explains why he is there. He says he will fight and kill Grendel without fear, and if he looses to...
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...performance of British Brass band music, since you said yourself you do want to see you favorite type of music die. Before they got into the performance the audience was giving a brief overview of what the performance would consist of like Disney music from old school Disney movies like Snow white, Pinocchio, Indiana jones a Temple of doom, and a Disney Fantasy. Also they played Patriotic music in order to honor and pay tribute to American's veterans, for example they played "Armed Forces Salute," and "The Stars and Stripes Forever," The Orchid City Brass Band Consisted of E Flat soprano horn player, flog old horn player, ten B Flat Cornets players, baritone horn B Flat players, two euphoniums players, two trombones players, one trombone bass player and one percussion player in the back that basically controlled the tempo. The Performance was held in the Michael and Andrew Gosman Amphitheatre. The Amphitheatre was a beautiful setting, it is outside not to far away from the ocean under the stars. The stage was well lit with blue, white, red and purple lightning. Seating options included chairs bleachers, the fresh lawn or any seat you decided to bring with you to enjoy the music. I like the fact that the music was performed outside since the concert I went to previously (The PBA Symphony) was inside a small chapel which my the music sound way to loud at certain points, but it was still a great concert I just would have liked it better if it was outside or host in a larger room...
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