... Cosmic Myths Worksheet Choose two myths from each of the following myth categories: creation, flood, afterlife, and apocalypse. Answer the following questions for all eight myths. Creation Myths |Myth 1: |Religion or culture of origin: | |Myth 2: |Religion or culture of origin: | • Who created the world? o Myth 1: o Myth 2: • Who were the main characters involved? What was the process? o Myth 1: o Myth 2: • What was the motivation to create the world? o Myth 1: o Myth 2 • How did humankind come into being? o Myth 1: o Myth 2: • Did the original creator maintain involvement in the newly created world? o Myth 1: o Myth 2: Flood Myths |Myth 1: |Religion or culture of origin: | |Myth 2: |Religion or culture of origin: | • Who or what caused the flood? o Flood Myth 1: o Flood Myth 2: • Who were the main characters involved? o Flood Myth 1: o Flood Myth 2: • What was the motivation for causing the flood? o Flood Myth 1: ...
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...Cosmic Myth Worksheet Jbone Eng/155 Mythology in Literature and Life Cosmic Myth Worksheet Choose two myths from each of the following myth categories: creation, flood, afterlife, and apocalypse. Answer the following questions for all eight myths. Creation Myths Myth 1: GENESIS | Religion or culture of origin: HEBREW | Myth 2: Big bang theory | Religion or culture of origin: science | * Who created the world? * * Myth 1: “GOD created the heavens and the earth.” The Earth was formless and empty.”The spirit of God was hovering over the waters. * Myth 2: Big bang theory is that the universe is a hot dense mass that was and Continues to rapidly expand. The theory is that the universe expanded so rapidly that it exploded. * Who were the main characters involved? What was the process? * Myth 1: GOD, Jesus was the main characters involved in the creation of the world. God spoke the creation of the world into existence. Jesus existed before the creation of the world. * Myth 2: Monsignor Georges Lemaitre proposed the theory in 1927. Also Alexander Friedman as well as Edwin Hubble and Fred Hoyle were involved in this theory. The process was theorized that the universes’ rapidly expansion...
Words: 852 - Pages: 4
...University of Phoenix Material Cosmic Myth Worksheet Choose two myths from each of the following myth categories: creation, flood, afterlife, and apocalypse. Answer the following questions for all eight myths. Creation Myths |Myth 1: In the beginning was Chaos. Then came Earth |Religion or culture of origin: | |which produced Sky. Covering Earth each night, Sky |Greek Creation | |fathered children upon her. Earth was personified as | | |Gaia/Terra and sky was Ouranos (Uranus). | | |Myth 2: |Religion or culture of origin: | |Their children included the Titan parents of most of |Greek Creation | |the Olympian gods and goddesses, as well as many other| | |creatures, including the Cyclopes, Giants, | | |Hecatonchires, Erinyes, and more. Aphrodite was the | | |offspring of Ouranos. | | ...
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...Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Team C HUM/105 Mrs. Julia Reeves October 15, 2012 Week 3: Afterlife Myths Briefly compare and contrast at least two myths from your reading which deal with the afterlife. |FIRST Afterlife MYTH: “Thor’s duel with Hrungnir” |REGION or CULTURE: Iceland, Norse | |What are the names of the places where people go when they die? |Valhalla, Nifleheim, and Hel, | |(All of the names of the places, not just one). | | |What are the characteristics of the different realms of the |Valhalla, is the hall of dead warriors legendary for their valor,| |afterlife? What form do people take when they go there? |Nifleheim, is the perpetually dark and frozen land of the dead, | | |and Hel, is the last step for those that did not die in battle, | | |but of disease and old age. In Valhalla the dead are dressed in | | |their fighting gear, Nifleheim, the people are frozen, and Hel, | | |the people are of skull and bones | |Who goes to which location and how do they get...
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...compared to the beliefs of modern day religions. The myth “The Death of Osiris” played a major role in their faith in a continued existence after death, their complex funeral rites, and their desire for immortality. This influenced their everyday life and was a prominent role in their myth, religion and culture. The Osiris myth is arguably one of the most well known Egyptian myths to this day. This myth revolves primarily on the death and rebirth Osiris. It shows his transcendence from the primeval king of Egypt to the king of the dead, Osiris. The myth of Osiris is the most influential myth in Ancient Egyptian times due to the significance of Osiris’...
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...World Creators Creation myths are stories about the birth of our world and the people that inhabit it. Every culture has a myth or story on how the world was created and where civilization began. During ancient time creation myths and stories were their cosmological research. Creation myths reveal a lot about the thoughts of humans from the past and how they saw and understood the world during their time. Their minds were not that much different than ours, and the myths of the past teach us a lot about ourselves today. Even though it is not the oldest of the creation myths it is however one of the oldest that is documented. Enuma Elish or also known as the Babylonia creation story begins with the creation of the world with a battle for sovereignty between the Gods. According to the myth the Babylonian God Marduk defeats the gods of old that the neighboring culture inherited. When it comes to the actual creation of the world, which is my main interest in the epic, Enuma Elish has two separate accounts of it. The first one is in the beginning, where the waters of Tiamat and Apsu are joined, and the second one is when Marduk has killed Tiamat and uses her corpse to build the world (Stenudd, N.d.). Another myth that I found to be interesting was Xingo or The creation of man from Brazil, in this myth the world was already created but man was not. This myth begins with Mavutsinim, the primordial deity whom may or may have not created the world. The story of Mavutsinim is that he...
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...ENH251 World Mythology: Lesson 1 Assignments 1 & 2 Due 3/30/2013 Assignment 1 Read the foreword in your textbook on pages 8 and 9. Then, answer the following questions, using three or four sentences. a. As you begin this course, you undoubtedly have an idea of what a “myth” is. Your textbook’s editor, however, tells you that in Campbell’s view, “Any good story . . . can teach us something, but only certain beguiling visions, stories with the power to shape and control our lives, can inspire and, far too often, destroy us.” These “potent timeless tales” are the only ones he would consider true myths. What about these stories do you think would make them potent? What would make them timeless?--Answer below: What makes these stories potent are the lives these people had. Their journeys through trials, love, and adversity that brought them closer to the true understanding of themselves and the world around them. What makes these stories timeless is how they were told and how the characters were portrayed. They stir up something in us that give us a glimpse into ourselves and makes us want to share these stories fro generations to come.b. Campbell also said that, “Every myth . . . is symbolic. Its narratives and images are to be read, therefore, not literally, but as metaphors.” How would you define the difference between reading something literally as opposed to reading it as a metaphor? Then, as an example, explain the following sentence first literally and then metaphorically:...
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...question such as, what is a myth? Starting with basic questions may ease fears and doubts about studying mythology. This paper will attempt to define a myth and will also look at the similarities between myths and different cultures, the relationship between mythology and religions, and how mythology is relevant in today’s society. Myths Defined When we hear the word myth today it is commonly associated with something false. Often myths are related to stories, fables or tales that are not based on facts but traditions or legends that have been passed on throughout time. A myth is a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without determinable basis or fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite or phenomenon of nature. (“Mythology,” 2009) In an academic context the word myth is defined as narratives with legendary plots and mythic elements, while anthropologists define myths negatively as pre-modern thought patterns. (Tofighian, 2010) Similarities Myths from all different cultures share similar themes such as, what is the purpose of life, how we got here, and why do we behave and act the way we do. Myths were used to explain why people should be good and avoid using bad behaviors. Myths were used to promote belief in a higher power and in some cultures it was believed that goodness would be rewarded in the afterlife. Other cultures did not...
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...Modern World History Gabrielle Wilhelm September 12, 2011 Egyptian Religion Religion is defined by many people as a belief in a “greater power” as well as personal morals. Most religions usually include a system of values as well as various practices. Egyptian religion included their ancient gods, the mythology of the gods, and other parts of their religion. For example their religion explained and included creation, death and the afterlife, and the cults that worshiped the gods. In Egypt, the king or pharaoh played a very important part in their religion and what the gods expected of the people also. Egyptian religion consisted of many myths and rituals too. Religion was a very influential part of Ancient Egyptian culture and shaped their ancient civilization of the Nile greatly. Like most other cultures, the ancient Egyptians wanted to find the meaning for their existence, but there were also other influences on their religion, such as the need to justify kingship, along with many others. Egyptians have numerous Gods in there culture and they feel that the Gods walk among them, invisibly on Earth. Ra is the most central God of the Egyptian gods. Known as the sun god, Ra was the most important element of life in ancient Egypt and represented light, warmth, and growth. Ra embodies the Egyptian beliefs of order and truth, and he signifies the cycle of birth, life and death. Of all the ancient Egyptian Gods Anubis is frequently the one referred to as the gatekeeper...
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...charge if the Osirian cycle, the afterlife, incarnation, and having an animal form. He was related with spirits and the soul of a divine god. Osiris is known because he gives all life like high fertile amounts of water and vegetation. Some say that he is from the upper religion of Nile and has the symbols of divine authority and agricultural. Osiris is associate with the representation that bulls have which symbolized the king’s strengths of kingship. It includes the pyramid’s text that had important religious ideas and some similarities with the book of the dead. This source is helpful because it demonstrates the symbolic meaning that Osiris represented as a king and a god. Also, it mentions all the reasons why Osiris was important in religion and all the power that he had to be well known as well as being cherished, so in the source it mentions all of this. It will be used to know all the names and purposes that Osiris was mostly known for....
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...Cosmic Creation Myths Across Culture Kaydiann A. Davis Hum/105 October 15, 2015 Leif Olson Cosmic Creation Myths Across Culture Creation and cosmic myths have been active across different cultures for many years, and from the beginning of time; they were created to help humankind comprehend and explain the dimensions and connections to the sky, earth, or underworld. All three worlds are considered imperative to the sustenance and maintenance of human existence within the universe. Although there are many myths existing in today's world; the Vishnu myth from the Hindu creation, and the Egyptian myth of Osiris, Isis, and Horus which created hope for Egyptians assuring them, that if they live well with one another on earth they will live a life of peace and tranquility after death. To understand these myths we have first to identify the worlds and the element embedded in those worlds, define the creators, describe what they created, and the process of creation. Then compare these components, and analyze the role of cosmic occurrence, and the elements presented in both myths. Finally assessing the importance of creation and cosmic myths, and the core values they represent in our existence today. The Vishnu creation myth is represented by earth and sky worlds, with Vishnu having a direct correlation to the sun, which represents the sky world. Then there is the earth world that is represented by Rudha, the destructive side of Vishnu that erects storms and create floods destroying...
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...212 July 13th 2015 Afterlife is an interesting subject. If you ask anyone in the United States where you go after death they will most likely say that you go to heaven or hell. However, if you travel to India where Hinduism is one of the most popular religions, they are more likely to say that the deceased will get reincarnated. It is all in a culture and religions aspect of the other world. Where do we go when we die? Do we really know? The United Church of Bacon says that they enjoy the life they are living now and don’t believe in an afterlife as there is no proof. Christians believe we go to heaven or hell depending on how we lived our life and Jains see afterlife as a depiction of what you did when you were alive. You can either be reborn, go to one of the eight levels of hell or join the liberated souls in the highest level of heaven. Afterlife is a big part of all religions as many religions live by the fact of what you did during your lifetime will make the ultimate decision for when you die. There is no definite answer on where we go because so many of us believe in different things. Whilst studying the different afterlife’s it was interesting to learn everyone theories. If you are Muslim you are spending your present life getting ready for your next life. “According to Hinduism, death is regarded as a natural process in the existence of soul as a separate entity” (Religious Movements). Many religions are based on the thesis of an afterlife, where you will go after...
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...God and the Absurd: Faith and Other Myths “Faith means the will to avoid knowing what is true.” (Nietszche) The invention of God came from the human search for purpose, truth, and certainty. As an intellectually evolved species, humankind has looked for answers and meaning since the beginning of time. The existence of a God gives humans a sense of security and purpose in a world full of injustice, suffering and emptiness. God is an easy way to give meaning when there is none and to console human anxieties. Humans will always be hungry for a universal truth, an answer. Humans create stories about God, morality, an afterlife, and so on to attempt to give a higher truth or purpose for living. Truth is an illusion. There are no answers. The search for truth by humankind will always fight against the answer that there is none. The effort to give inherent meaning to life met with the conflict of the failure to do so and that the search to define meaning in life will always fail is the basic philosophy of a school of thought known as absurdism. Humanity lives in conflict with the universe and the universe will never validate the importance or meaningfulness of human life in a way that is desperately sought for by human beings. The metaphysical space between the search for truth and the resulting lack thereof is known as the absurd. In absurdist philosophy, the absurd is made visible from the unavoidable conflict between humankind’s search for meaning and the overbearing...
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...|Mayan/Aztec - Ancient | |Origins of the religion: |Between 10000 and 7000 BCE a group of ancient Egyptians settled in the Nile Valley. |Mayan religion was founded c.250AD which is the rise of the Mayan civilization | |It's Founder, dates, Key Figures, Historical |7000 – 3000 BCD the people became organized into separate villages. After 3000 BCE |(http://www.religionfacts.com/mayan-religion) | |Development, Cosmogony (creation stories), |hieroglyphics were developed after the independent villages become united under one |Aztec formed between the 12th and 15th centuries AD. | |Myths |kingdom. They were then ruled by one imperial Pharaoh. |(http://www.aztec-history.com/aztec-timeline.html) | | | |Religion for both cultures was a central part of their daily lives. They prayed and | |HOW THE RELIGION STARTED … | |made sacrifice to please their deities. | |* Write at least 4 sentences! | ...
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...The Egyptian's burial rituals were more focus on the path to the after life, than the actual after life itself. There was three different types of burials that was performed based on how affordable it was. Everyone had deserved one, even if you were too poor to pay for one of the three you still was able to have some form of one to go to the afterlife. Even the mourning was dramatic according to Herodotus (413 BCE), they would plaster their faces in mud, leave the dead with relatives and then wear a girdle while beating themselves on the chest. Mourning was sorrowful but it was to hope the dead would find eternal bliss. Mummification was practiced around 3500 BCE, because they had believed that the dead needed a body to go onto the afterlife in. According to Mark, "The soul was thought to consist of nine separate parts: the Khat was the physical body; the Ka one’s double-form; the Ba a human-headed bird aspect which could speed between earth and the heavens; Shuyet was the shadow self; Akh the immortal, transformed self, Sahuand Sechem aspects of the Akh; Ab was the heart, the source of good and evil; Ren was one’s secret name." Because of these nine parts, they lead to the reasoning behind why they needed to preserve the body. Also during this time it should that Egypt had created a complex form of the soul for their time. But their wealth decided their mummification process. They also decided what the body would be put in to. The first process was the most expensive for when...
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