...of the Aging Population Your Name HCS/490 Axia College of University of Phoenix 7 The aging population continues to grown as the baby boomers reach retirement age and this affects the healthcare industry tremendously. The need for specialists, more testing, medications, and skilled healthcare is rising along with this population. This causes the cost of healthcare to increase as well as the demand on healthcare workers. This summary will discuss how the aging population affects the area in which I live including: healthcare related challenges, the impact on the healthcare market, marketing needs and services needed by this population, and how these challenges can be addressed. Healthcare in Ohio is being impacted by the aging population. According to Strunk, Ginsburg & Banker (2006), “ As a result of the baby-boom generation—the leading edge of which is now turning age sixty—the proportion of the U.S population older than age sixty-five is projected to grow from 12.4 percent in 2005 to 14.5 percent in 2015 and 18.2 percent in 2025. Although the aging of the baby-boom generation is a key factor in the aging of the population as a whole, increasing life expectancy is also important” (para. 2). To be more specific the aging population in Ohio is expected to go from 13 percent to 20 percent over the next thirty years (ohio.gov, 2010). The increased amount of people that are age 65 and older will lead to increased healthcare costs...
Words: 1576 - Pages: 7
...Demographic Paper HCS /490 Demographic Paper This paper will expound upon the demographics of the aging population, data that is gathered of the said population and describe the general impact that the changing demographics may have on the health care market. Why and how will the changes in the aging population affect healthcare. In addition, identify two key health care related challenges for the aging population such as increase in health care costs, increases in prescription drugs costs, or the need for in home medical care. How a chronic disease wellness program may affect the cost of the aging population. What can the demographics tell you about the marketing needs of services needed for the aging population, finally how can a patient; the community and society as a whole address the challenges of the aging population. After gathering data about the aging population, it is understandable that it is similar to the statistics of the human population such as birth, deaths, infant mortality, and life expectancy rates. According to Kotler, Shalowitz, & Stevens (2008), people seek health care services for a number of reasons, such as illnesses, accidents, preventions and incurring injuries in one form or another. In addition, most people seek health care services because of the influence of merchants, mainly pharmaceutical companies that encourage patients to seek care for a diversity of known diseases and symptoms. This encouragement may come from public service announcements...
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...The Aging Population The aging population is living longer than ever before and according to statistics this longevity and aging will continue to grow. The importance of providing the Fifty million aging Baby Boomers are sparking demand for products and environments that accommodate their changing physical and sensory capabilities. Today, one out of every 9 Americans is "old"—another former youth turns 50 every 8 seconds. Those age 65 and older now exceed 35 million, a number poised to explode. January 2011 ushered in the first of approximately 77 million Baby Boomers, born from 1946 through 1964 and are surging toward the gates of retirement (transgenerational). This growth will steadily increase and the population must be prepared to accommodate the aging population. According to the Bureau of Vital Statistics the aging population is the fastest growing population and will continue to increase. This dramatic growth in numbers and proportions, increased life expectancies, and energetic life styles, now enables us to live 20 to 25% of our lives in active retirement. Moreover, today's physically and intellectually active younger generations predict that tomorrow's elderly population will be better educated, healthier, culturally literate and, as individuals, more discerning consumers. Changes in Demographics Sustainable development means sustainable and healthy development of the whole human society on the basis of mutual coordination and common development...
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...Running head: ACCESS TO QUALITY HEALTHCARE PAPER ASSIGNMENT Access to Quality Healthcare Paper Rudolphe Lubin University of Phoenix Lori Lewellen MBAJOGZL57 April 27, 2009 Quality Healthcare Introduction It will be evident to realize that financial, educational, and socio – demographic implications can bring serious impact on access to quality healthcare in the organization. Labor shortage will stay an important component that can affect as well the access to quality care. Socio – demographic changes linked with chronic illnesses can have an effect on the aging population, which may reduce the quality of life, increase costs for healthcare and rise resource allocation. In point of fact, both labor shortage and socio – demographic changes are exactingly dominant in the admittance to quality care in the United States. Besides, the demand for registered nurses and changes in science is already exceeding supply in U.S. nation, including more implications associated with other ethical dilemmas. Healthcare Labor Shortage People have to realize that progresses in medical technology, increasing expenses and market forces provide to the financial decline of many rural healthcare organizations. In reality, small rural healthcare suppliers, particularly hospitals, cannot meet the costs of the equipment and practitioners needed to treat the range of modern syndrome and injury...
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...Aging of America and The Preventive Measures we take Christopher J. Murray Professor Adler HCM 625 Selected Learning Activity for December 2012 { Salem International University, Healthcare Management Program } Abstract Between now and 2030, the number of Americans age 55 and older will almost double. To put the demographic numbers into perspective, we will see 60 million to 107.6 million; a 10 percent increase as the Baby Boomers will reach their retirement age. Within that same time period, the number of Americans over 65 will more than double, with an increase in population of 34 million to 70 million; an almost eight percent increase (Administration of Aging). The average life expectancy has increased almost 20 years for females and 16 years for males, in part due to the advancements of our educational system and healthcare. We, as Healthcare Managers, must plan accurately because of this current trend of extended longevity. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. What do these words mean for our country? It is imperative that we, as Americans, prepare for the future in all aspects due to such a large population. We will see drastic increases in aging, income, and the need for a practical plan by every American because of the statistics that have been listed. The proof is in the pudding by showing the statistics given by the Administration of Aging; we see increases in all age brackets...
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...The Future of Healthcare The question asked by healthcare professionals is: Is the United States healthcare system going to be prepared to address such issues as the obesity epidemic and the aging population as more Americans fall under these groups? The aging population and obesity epidemic go far beyond American soil but this report will focus on the healthcare concerns arising in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) has stated that the population of those greater than 65 years of age is estimated to grow from 12.4% in 2000 to 19.2% in 2030. In age that means in 2030 the population of those over 65-year- old will be at 75 million, up from 35 million in 2000. Furthermore, those individuals 80 years of age and older will rise from 9.3 million to 20 million in that same time frame. In 2025 the United States, minus Alaska and Florida, will see an estimate of 15% of their population who are 65 years old and older. Three combined factors make up the aging phenomenon; Age Dynamics: The fertility rate elevated between 1946 and 1964 (baby boom era); Fertility Rate Decline: The amount of older people has increased as the number of young people reproducing has decreased; and Increase in Longevity: Medical technology and healthcare improvements have helped to increase life expectancy by 20 years (Transgenerational, n.d). The CDC (2011) has stated the following: “The growing number of older adults increases demands on the public health system and on...
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...January 2011, Over the next twenty years, there will be an enormous increase for adults 65 and over. This elderly population will definitely need primary, acute and long term care. In comparison with today’s 12% it has been predicted that Americans who reach 65 and older will be one in five. In this paper, I will discuss the challenges and issues about the aging adult population in America. Due to this expected growth of the adult population over the next 50 years, there will be a great impact on the health care system in regards to the supply and demand of health care professionals. Many of the elderly populations are living longer, some are continuing to work by reducing their hours of work and some are expected to retire and the need for health care services will increase. The healthcare workforce must be equipped, trained and prepared to provide services for this aging population (Institute of Medicine, 2008). People born between 1946 and 1964 are called the baby boomers, has an enormous effect on the health care system in America. The rising cost of health care is spiraling out of control, increasing the cost of hospitalization for the elderly patient population. As the century progresses the elderly population will increase to 54 million by 2020, this would equal 20% of the U.S. population increasing from today’s 12%. The elderly population will need more health care services and is more likely to use multiple medications, suffer from chronic physical...
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...Demographic Paper Synthia Simmons October 14, 2013 The Aging Population Demographic means the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human population. Demographic factors consist of age, sex, education level, income level and other things. The topic I would like to discuss is about the aging population and how it affects the challenges which are related to health care. Dramatic changes are taking place in this demographic structure of the United States. By the year 2030, twenty-two (22) percent of the population will be over the age of sixty-five (65). The aging of the population presents social challenges to support the needs of older people. These social challenges help the aging to live healthier, to be independent and to lead a productive life. There are older adults that are much more healthier plus they are more educated plus they are pursuing active lives. Whenever the older adults develop a disability or chronic illness, the older adults are unable to perform one or more self-care tasks. Whenever it comes to the health care relation of aging population, information technologies can improve the lives of older adults in certain areas. These areas include e-health, medication, health care deliveries, home safety and assist devices. The aging pulation comes with many challenges such as social, financial, economic and political. Managing health care quality and...
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...Health care for the aging population Baby boomers are living longer and longer; by 2030 one n five Americans will be over age sixty five, and the healthcare system is just beginning to feel the burden (Matthews, 2013). Healthcare for the aging population will have to change for the better for them since so many elders are living to unexpected ages from the past. Doctors must prepare and rethink every aspect of care for the older population, even rethinking the way there going to die(Matthews, 2013). On the other hand the country has to figure out how to pay for this extra care and how to support the older population. As the elder population grow and grow there will be a higher demand for geriatrician; geriatrician will help the elders prepare to live a healthier and longer life on there on. That leads into the decline in care givers; and how some elderly does not want to be a burden on their family they have to rely on visiting nurse to come provide them with the assistance they need or even get put in an assisted living home so they can receive the care around the clock that they need. This builds more and more medical expenses for the seniors that they can not really afford. An elderly expense is double the amount versus an individual that is under the age of sixty five; with all of the expenses from the elderly the younger generation is starting to feel the pressure of cost in healthcare going up. Furthermore, that leads into how we can come up with a solution to...
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...Age Related Healthcare Discrimination (Ageism) in Healthcare Student Name Professor Name DHA-865 July 14, 2013 | Age Related Healthcare Discrimination (Ageism) in Healthcare While the “Greatest Generation” is a title often given to those Americans who lived and died during the era of the Great Depression and World War II, their offspring, the “Baby Boom” generation, significantly shaped and improved the American landscape as well if for no greater reason than the sheer number of people who make up this population (Steinhorn, 2006). Today, based predominantly on that very same reason, the baby boomer population is now making a very different, yet equally as profound impact on American society. More specifically, this impact is being made on the healthcare system of the US, and the discriminatory practice of “ageism” that older patients currently face. The purpose of this paper is to explore, analyze, and evaluate both the practice of age discrimination in healthcare and the federal policy issues and efforts that are involved with it. The work begins by providing background information on the current demographics of the aging American population and forecasts for the impact this will likely have on the healthcare industry in the near future. It then transitions into a discussion on what ageism is, where its historical roots come from, and where it fits into the federal Fair Labor Act. A review of the literature is then presented, documenting the discrimination...
Words: 7214 - Pages: 29
...advances in science, technology and medicine leading to reductions in infant and maternal mortality, infectious and parasitic diseases, occupational safety measures and improvements in nutrition and education. This occurrence is creating challenges for Americans of all ages as they deal with Social Security, health care, housing, employment and other national issues that are important to an aging population. The number of Americans living over the age of 65 has dramatically increased in the past years. People are beginning to live well past retirement and later stages of their lives because they have remained healthy and productive. Given the fact that America is aging, it is important to have resources available for American’s who will soon dip into retirement funds and Medicare. A good question to ask as America becomes populated by more and more elderly is, “How can the unique needs and desires of each person be appropriately assessed and addressed in a rapidly changing health care environment?” In 2011 “baby boomers” began to turn 65 which accounted for 14 percent of the U.S. population, that percentage will increase to 20 by the year 2030 (APA). The average life expectancy for men is now 73 years and for women it is 80 years. These baby boomers will have a significant impact on American society and will challenge the health care delivery and financing systems. As the life expectancy increases, the elderly will spend more than half of their adult life in retirement (Helsler...
Words: 2406 - Pages: 10
...The demographics of the aging population consist of persons age 65 and older. Moreover, the aging population represents 12.9 percent of the American population. Basically one out of eight Americans belongs to the aging population. The projected growth rate by 2030 of the aging population is 19 percent or 72.1 million people in the United States (Administration on Aging, 2011). The following paper will discuss the general impact that the changing population may have on the health care market, also how and why changes in the demographics of this population will affect health care, identify two health care related challenges to the aging population, explain the marketing needs or services for the aging population and address how individual patients, the community and society as a whole can address such challenges. Healthcare Challenges Demographics on aging clearly indicate that long-term care will remain a critical issue in our society. In 2020, the number of older Americans in need of long-term care service will jump to 12 million. The aging population is growing larger and living longer, a phenomenon felt around the world. As they face scarce health resources, nations must develop policies associated with the provision of care and the quality of the dying process. Never before in human history has our planet contained so many older people or such a large percentage of them. This has not always been the case, as late as 1930, America’s older population numbered less than 7 million...
Words: 1080 - Pages: 5
...Medical Care for an Aging Population Medical Care for an Aging Population Aging – an inevitable event all people face. No matter race, ethnicity, or gender, aging affects all individuals in ways as unique as one’s personality. As the Baby-Boomer generation reaches retirement age, the need for expanding national geriatric medical services has become an urgent matter. Even with an increase in a healthier population of seniors in today’s world, many elderly people often have multiple chronic illnesses, ranging from high blood pressure to such serious diagnosis’s as kidney failure; and both major and minor (or easily treatable diseases) can be expensive to treat. The Unites States, like many other counties of the world, is in a health care crisis. Also like other countries, the U.S. government has stepped to the plate to try to find a solution to be sure not only the aging population’s medical needs are met but also all other citizens of the country. Health Care Reform and health care costs are a current hot topic for the U.S., and many ideas, solutions, and opinions exists on the issue. To further evaluate and gain alternative perspective, three articles (each with a different perspective on the subject) have been reviewed and summarized to help reach a better understanding of what the aging population and rising health care costs they will accrue means to the financial state of the Unites States. Article one is an article related to the increasing demand for medical...
Words: 1421 - Pages: 6
...reported how health care has been shaped by both demographic and technological changes. The Influence of The Baby Boomer Generation has essentially made with significant impact in today’s healthcare industry and the future of the healthcare market. As many new advancements in technology the life expectancy of baby boomers has been extended and has presented a unique challenge to health care institutions and systems across...
Words: 970 - Pages: 4
...The demographic of aging population study in California is such an interesting study because of the wide range of various populations with different cultures and ethnicities that you will find with in California alone. According to the latest census it shows that there are 3.6 million of the 34 million living in California as of April 1, 2000 are 65 or older of age of which representing nearly 11% of the state’s overall population. It is somewhat lower than the 13% of Americans who are elderly. In addition, at the same time, nearly 30% of Californians were 19 or younger, and 59% were ages 20 to 64. The differences of California from the rest of the nation is that in large area of the state’s has nearly have numbers of international immigrants who in the younger generation from the rest of the population and are more in the side of male. On this study, it indicate that there is an important change in the age distribution of population forecast over the next fifty years, because of the decline rate of mortality and life expectancy increases. Presently, the life expectancy in California is 78.8 statistically nearly one year longer compare as a whole in the nation. In addition, it gives a study that by year 2050, the probability estimate of life expectancy in California is 50%, and that would give a figure of 84.2 more than three years larger than the present world record which held by Japan. Therefore, of what the result and other factors, the state’s population age 65 or older expected...
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