Premium Essay

The Auditor Book Summary


Submitted By txbaseball11
Words 3241
Pages 13
The Auditor, an instructional novella written by James K. Loebbecke, tells the story of Jack Butler, a man from the San Francisco Bay area, who goes to college, majors in accounting, and goes to work for a large accounting firm referred to as “The Firm.” The story is loosely based upon the real world experiences of the author, and is written to give students a look into the world of public accounting that goes beyond a textbook. The Auditor not only gives students a chance to follow Jack Butler’s journey up the company ladder at The Firm, but also reiterates the relative importance of conventional lessons learned in school. The story begins with a nerve filled morning for Jack Butler. He is one of three managers who are being considered for partnership, and today is “the big day.” The fact that Jack, an experienced auditor at this time, is filled with anxiety on this day shows how special it is to be considered as a candidate for partnership in a firm. It also depicts the level of competition a student can expect to experience at a firm in the future. In the story, Jack states that the other two managers up for the partnership are very close friends, and he worries that their relationships might be affected if he gets the position. Jack receives the promotion, along with one of the other two managers, Barbara Gillespsie. Jack is excited for the promotion, but quickly realizes the additional responsibility that comes with being a partner in the firm. This first experience for Jack shows students that while more money does come with promotions, there is also a greater level of responsibility associated with higher positions in firms. Jack also describes his boss in the first chapter. His name is Quentin Barnes, and he is referred to around the office as “Bear.” Jack makes it known that Bear is great at what he does and speaks of his relationship with Bear, which

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