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The Aviation Unit


Submitted By edinbh2000
Words 879
Pages 4
Aviation Unit Squadron Panama City, FL Mishap Plan

The relatively small naval aviation squadron called the “AV Unit” is located in Panama City, Florida at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC). The command has a high visibility from the military, civilian and contractor world alike. As a result, they create an environment where emergency management a priority for each individual at the command. Like every aircraft squadron the Navy has, they have a plan in place to deal with emergencies. This will explore the AV Unit’s capacity to respond to an Aircraft emergency utilizing their “Mishap Plan.”
Many potential disasters can strike a test and evaluation squadron that uses Navy helicopters to review the latest advances in mission equipment. This will look at a component of emergency management called the mishap plan including a focus on crash and salvage. This will describe the many interactions and responsibilities for the involved parties.
Aircraft emergency management is the ability to prepare, respond, and recuperate from an emergency response situation. The AV Unit uses planning, training, and analysis of known current limitations to provide the highest state of readiness. In turn this will result in preparedness, decrease in loss of life, and the reclamation of expensive equipment.

Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City, FL Mishap Plan
Maintenance Control is central point of communications at the AV Unit. If there is an aircraft emergency most of the communications will flow through this work center. When the AV Unit is notified of a mishap they would break out the mishap binder and fill out the worksheet. This will allow the maintenance personnel to stay focused on the pertinent information that needs to be gathered. After the when, who, and detailed mishap information is taken down the next action would be to verify the validity of the mishap.
The Operations Duty Officer (ODO) will utilize a post in Maintenance Control. Maintenance Control personnel will determine which aircraft are out flying and attempt radio contact with any of those aircraft. If they cannot make radio contact with a suspected downed aircraft they will designate an aircraft to proceed to the last known area where the downed aircraft was conducting operations. If during the search there is no sighting or response from the suspected down aircraft Tyndall Air Force Base will be contacted to see if they can raise the aircraft on radar or by radio.
Once the validity of a mishap has been concluded the base security will be contacted and provided all the information including the caller’s name/rank, location of the mishap, and type of mishap. If the mishap is over water the Coast Guard would be notified and given the same information. If the mishap is over land the ODO will contact base emergency personnel to get ARFF personnel to the scene as quickly as possible. The ODO will maintain a log of every person and agency that has been contacted and note what actions are being taken along the way.
After determination of the type of mishap the Navy leadership needs to be informed of the severity of the mishap. If there is loss of life or damage in excess of $500,000 a Operational Report 3 (OPREP-3) will need to be generated in a timely manner. The two types of OPREP-3s are Pinnacle and Navy Blue. These two types of reports must be generated within the first 5 minutes after the initial response to this mishap. There will be a phone call and a message generated from the ODO to the Navy Command Center (NCC) and message traffic via the navy base communication center. There is also a list of “required to be notified” personnel the ODO will call after the OPREP-3 report has gone out.
After the ODO has ensured the emergency response has taken place and the proper notifications to Navy leadership has happened the Operations Department will take next steps. The first action is to review all the message reports for accuracy and correctness. They will step in and impound many of the records for submission to the Aircraft Mishap Board Senior Member (AMBSM). These records include Pilot and Aircrew logbooks, Pilot and Aircrew training jackets, master flight schedule, notice to airmen report, weather forecast at the time of the mishap, radio communications, briefing guides, associated NATOPS publications, and the duty forecasters.
Maintenance Control will collect and impound all records pertaining to the associated aircraft. These records will include the Aircraft Discrepancy Book (ADB), weight and balance records, daily and turnaround records, functional check-flight handbook, maintenance system database backup drives, and a CD-ROM copy of the automated ADB summary.
Once the proper records have been impounded Maintenance Control will arrange for vehicles to take personnel to the mishap site. If possible the aircraft will be assessed for damages, man-hours to repair, and the costs of the parts involved. Then the assigned personnel will secure the aircraft, salvage the aircraft, aircraft parts, and report the status of all classified equipment. Once the salvage has taken place the items will be transported to a separated secure hangar for storage and further investigation but only after Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians have rendered all Cartridge Actuated Devices safe.

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