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The Bainhu Type 'Framed' In Ancient China

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This Bainhu type pilgrim, or “flattened flask” in Chinese, was likely from the Henan province made during the early Tang dynasty which rulded china from the late 6th or early 7th ce. "the ancient character of hu depicts a container consisting of a tall body and a lid, with handle-like protuberances on each side.", there are three main types of hu , hu or round bellied, bainhu or flattened hu, and fanghu a square hu.[Orientations] "Framed is a bird acting dominate with bushy tail Tied off, it powerful wings curl at the tips."[Museum of Asian Art]. The bird’s claws stand on the body of a 3 headed snake while the snake’s body winds up the front of the bird. The bird holds the snake’s body in its beak and two of the snake’s heads dangle off from the bird’s chest. The third head of the snake is precariously placed behind the bird’s head acting dominant.[Museum of Asian Art]. The pilgrim flask design is believed to of been brought to China by the early Buddhist …show more content…
As a continuation of the metropolitan system of the Zhou dynasty, he also established the metropolitan Yongzhou as the income base for the emperor and central government officials by prohibiting feudalization and hunting and allocating its land (rent) to the officials"[Kam-wah,45]. Emperor Gaozu, Li Yuan, was the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty and moved his focus to unifying the broken empire and in 628 A.D. He succeeded in unifying China with his relentless military campaigns. After the unification of China Emperor Gaozu implemented a tax reduction from the previous taxes set during the Sui Dynasty, and equal land distribution.[Kam-wah] After the death of Li Yuan his successor, Li Shimin or Emperor Tang Taizong (600-649 A.D.) also known as the favored emperor, appointed educated military and political advisers that were loyal to

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