Knowledge management and its link to arti®cial intelligence
J. Liebowitz*
Robert W. Deutsch Distinguished Professor of Information Systems University of Maryland±Baltimore County, Department of Information Systems,
1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
Knowledge management is an emerging area which is gaining interest by both industry and government. As we move toward building knowledge organizations, knowledge management will play a fundamental role towards the success of transforming individual knowledge into organizational knowledge. One of the key building blocks for developing and advancing this ®eld of knowledge management is arti®cial intelligence, which many knowledge management practitioners and theorists are overlooking. This paper will discuss the emergence and future of knowledge management, and its link to arti®cial intelligence. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Knowledge management; Arti®cial intelligence; Expert systems
1. Introduction
2. Knowledge management and its underlying concepts
Business process reengineering (BPR), Year 2000 (Y2K), and now knowledge management (KM). Is knowledge management something as a fad that the consultants dreamed up to keep themselves gainfully employed in the coming years or should knowledge management be treated as a strategic goal in organizations for better capturing, sharing, and leveraging knowledge internally and externally? Some concern and possible pessimism (or perhaps conservatism) exist in embracing knowledge management and undertaking knowledge management initiatives. One concern is that a fair percentage of senior managers believe that knowledge management may just be embellished information management and business process reengineering