...Question 1: The Big Bang Theory, a television show, follows many management concepts. In the episode, “The Bus Pants Utilization”(See Appendix), Leonard comes up with an idea to create a smartphone application will help solve differential equations. This episode conveys the disadvantages of team decision making and correlates directly with Ben Schneider’s ASA theory. As Leonard came up with the idea, Sheldon cannot let go of the fact he’s not in control of the situation nor the leader of the gang. Ultimately, most time is spent on the power struggle between Sheldon and Leonard, and Sheldon naming the device after his initials, rather than working with the group and developing a business strategy. Another disadvantage of team decision making in the episode is displayed through Raj and Howard’s indecisiveness and compromise with the decisions of both leaders. In the end, Leonard emerges as the natural leader, as he displays that he can hold the group together and his ability to work with team. As in Ben Schneider’s ASA model, the team attracted a leader that seemed to embody the team’s objectives, then selected the leader that embodied the team’s objectives, then Leonard fired Sheldon as did not embody the team’s objectives. This episode is a direct correlation of art reflecting the finance business. Usually there is not group decision making as it’s too costly and the power struggle for leadership takes too much time. The key in finance is to make money. If you can emerge...
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...The Big Bang Theory - 2x01 - The Bad Fish Paradigm.HDTV.Real.Proper NoTV.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x01 - The Bad Fish Paradigm.HDTV.Proper ETACH.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x01 - The Bad Fish Paradigm.HDTV.FoV.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x01 - The Bad Fish Paradigm.720p HDTV.DIMENSION.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x01 - The Bad Fish Paradigm.DVDRip.SAiNTS.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x02 - The Codpiece Topology.HDTV.DOT.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x02 - The Codpiece Topology.DVDRip.SAiNTS.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x02 - The Codpiece Topology.720p HDTV.CTU.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x03 - The Barbarian Sublimation.HDTV.LOL.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x03 - The Barbarian Sublimation.720p HDTV.CTU.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x03 - The Barbarian Sublimation.DVDRip.SAiNTS.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x04 - The Griffin Equivalency.HDTV.iDontLikeFQM.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x04 - The Griffin Equivalency.HDTV.DOT.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x04 - The Griffin Equivalency.HDTV.NoOneDoes.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x04 - The Griffin Equivalency.720p HDTV.CTU.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x04 - The Griffin Equivalency.720p HDTV.Repack CTU.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x04 - The Griffin Equivalency.DVDRip.SAiNTS.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x05 - The Euclid Alternative.HDTV.NoTV.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x05 - The Euclid Alternative.720p HDTV.CTU.en.srt The Big Bang Theory - 2x05 - The Euclid Alternative.DVDRip.SAiNTS.en.srt The Big Bang...
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...Inflation is one of the leading theories explaining the structure of the cosmos, first proposed in 1979 by Alan Guth as a major refinement of the Big Bang theory. In this post, I will explore the basics of inflation as well as how it resolves some problems with the Big Bang theory. The basics Cosmological inflation proposes that between 10−36 and 10−33/32 seconds after the Big Bang singularity, there was an inflationary epoch wherein the universe underwent an immense, exponential expansion of gargantuan scale. In a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, the universe expanded more rapidly than the speed of light itself- this does not violate Einstein’s dictum that light-speed is the universal speed limit, however, because it is empty space...
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...------------------------------------------------- Freshwater ecosystem From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Freshwater angelfish Freshwater ecosystems are a subset of Earth's aquatic ecosystems. They include lakes and ponds, rivers, streams, springs, and wetlands. They can be contrasted with marine ecosystems, which have a larger salt content. Freshwater habitats can be classified by different factors, including temperature, light penetration, and vegetation. Freshwater ecosystems can be divided into lentic ecosystems (still water) andlotic ecosystems (flowing water). Limnology (and its branch freshwater biology) is a study about freshwater ecosystems. It is a part of hydrobiology. Original efforts to understand and monitor freshwater ecosystems were spurred on by threats to human health (ex. Cholera outbreaks due to sewage contamination). Early monitoring focussed on chemical indicators, then bacteria, and finally algae, fungi and protozoa. A new type of monitoring involves differing groups of organisms (macroinvertebrates, macrophytes and fish) and the stream conditions associated with them. Current biomonitering techniques focus mainly on community structure or biochemical oxygen demand. Responses are measured by behavioural changes, altered rates of growth, reproduction or mortality. Macroinvertebrates are most often used in these models because of well known taxonomy, ease of collection, sensitivity to a range of stressors, and their overall value to the ecosystem...
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...weakness of the big bang Theory Submitted By Nyasha Deredza Id Number: 2012050156 Instructor: Ps. C. Thebe Date: 29 June 2015 Introduction Philosophers and General people have come up with many theories, in an attempt to explain the origins of the earth. They have tried to come up with models which try to explain how the earth came into being, and its future. One of the popularly known theory is the Big Bang theory, which presupposes that for the universe to originate ,all matter that we know was contained in a tiny speck which went on to explode. The theory continues to develop and evolve from the time it was conceptualized. Scientists have taken part in contribution to this. For a long time now people have upheld various ideas of what the universe is like, from the Aristotelian to the Copernican universe among other ideas. Soon after the inventions of physics by Isaac Newton, philosophers began to think that there was a time when planets and perhaps stars did not exist but only a cloud of matter. Shortly after that it is believed that gravity pulled the matter into clumps, forming stars and planets. This sounds absurd of course, at least in my opinion because it is not possible that the universe and its complexity were as a result of a coincidental mistake .The big bang theory has some advantages and disadvantages as well, however he aim of this research paper is to examine the weaknesses of the Big bang theory and its flaws. The theory does not indicate...
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...P1 Big Bang This theory tells us our universe began from tiny point. Due to explosion (the big bang) the universe stated to expand in blink of eye. Scientist believes that is still expanding. The big bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago. There are general pattern to follow for every theory to be true. Introduction- all matter in the universe was concentrated in one point. Research – they scientist discovered that the universe is still continues to expand, they do this by looking at few experiments such as droplet or red shift. Hypothesis – there are many hypothesis related to this theory for example, asking whether the universe is still expanding. Hypothesis can come in vary ways like questions and for this case is question and proving...
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...Gender Theory role in The Big Bang Theory In today’s society, technology plays a major role in ones day to day life, especially television. Each television show has its own theme, plot, and setting, which appeals to a particular audience. A popular comedy sitcom, airing on CBS, is The Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory centers around two physicists, Leonard and Sheldon, that are roommates, and their neighbor, Penny. Leonard and Sheldon are extremely socially awkward, and so are their friends, Howard Wolowitz and Raj Koothrappali. The television show displays the interaction between these four geeky friends with Penny and other women. Throughout the show, the audience recognizes that many of society’s stereotypes on gender are portrayed through these characters. To thoroughly analyze gender stereotypes and its role in The Big Bang Theory, one must first understand what gender theory is, and its role it plays in society. Gender theory began as the Feminist movement, which was started around the late eighteenth century. The Feminist theory was a proponent of gender equality. Mary Wollstonecraft played a prominent role in this movement (Allen and Felluga). The Feminist movement originally started with women wanting rights with education; but women realized just how unfairly they were being treated. Now they wanted the right to own property, which would come with the right to vote. The movement then went from public to private; women wanted equal rights in home and work (Allen...
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...all come to be? Where did the blueprints for the molecular compound of living things, which works ever so perfectly in sync, come from? The ongoing debate on the creation of the universe usually falls under two categories: religious belief and scientific theories. I, too, have come to develop an untamed curiosity about this subject. I believe that there is middle ground that can be found between religion and science. Denying the existence of a supreme being and being inconsiderate of the field of science is irrational. Followers of religion construct the largest population in the world in comparison to...
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...STUDIES A report done in partial fulfillment of the course required RELT 389 SCIENCE OF ORIGINGS TERM PAPER: WEAKNESSES OF THE BIG BANG THEORY Presented By Takudzwa A Denhere ID: 2011050104 Lecturer: Mr. Sibanda The big bang theory and its history The big bang is not theoretical, it is a presumption. It is an attempt to explain what happened at the very beginning our universe. Some scientists do define it as an accepted knowledge which explains much on how the earth was created and that is the universe. The findings of the research in the study of the physics and astronomy have openly shown...
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...THE BIG BANG THEORY "THE TROGLODYTE CAUSALITY" Written by Jason Kaleko jason.kaleko@gmail.com 301-785-3780 1215 S. La Cienega Blvd. Apt. C Los Angeles, CA 90035 WGA Registered 1366432 COLD OPENING FADE IN: INT. CHINESE RESTAURANT - DAY (DAY 1) (LEONARD, SHELDON, WOLOWITZ, KOOTHRAPPALI, WAITER, EXTRAS) LEONARD, SHELDON AND KOOTHRAPPALI SIT AT A TABLE. SHELDON The question is not when the Homo Sapien will speciate and form the Homo Novus, but rather how we will defend ourselves from the remaining Homo Sapien. LEONARD Where is Wolowitz? KOOTHRAPPALI Why would the Homo Novus need to defend himself? SHELDON (TO LEONARD, RE: KOOTHRAPPALI) Homo Sapien. (MORE) THE BIG BANG THEORY (FIRST DRAFT) "The Troglodyte Causality" 9/18/2009 2. SHELDON (CONT'D) (TO KOOTHRAPPALI) Competition between the Homo Novus and the Homo Sapien will inevitably lead to a literal match of Brain vs. Brawn. And as my early adolescent research confirms, it is scientifically impossible to think someone to death. KOOTHRAPPALI Perhaps the next evolution of humanity will come equipped with telekinesis. Bad-ass. SHELDON Don’t be ludicrous. many millennia away. LEONARD Where’s Wolowitz? We need to get Penny’s Telekinesis is We need guns. started on that present. birthday is Saturday you know. KOOTHRAPPALI Yes, yes, we know. We knew the last Howard is four times you told us. M.I.A. SHELDON But on to more important matters--where can we get guns? THE BIG BANG THEORY (FIRST DRAFT) "The...
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...Interpersonal Conflict In Television George Morgan COM200: Interpersonal Communication Instructor, Elizabeth E. Nelson January 1, 2016 Relationship conflicts happen in television, just as they happen in everyday life. As in life, one can see interpersonal conflict in television that could have been resolved in a better way. I noticed interpersonal conflict in a television episode of "The Big Bang Theory" titled "The Empathy Optimization". Kaplan, E., Holland, S., Molaro, S., Lorre, C., & Cohen, R. (Executive producers). (2007-2014). The big bang theory [Television series]. United States: Columbia Broadcasting System. The resolution to the conflict could have been resolved better by using efficient methods of communicating between the actors. Verbal and non-verbal communications were not used to the scripts best advantage. The ability to listen, along with the use of problem solving skills, were not used effectively. We must remember this is a comedy series, involving several characters with different perceptions of what reality is. The conflicts in this particular episode revolves around empathy, and the actions and reactions, involving one of the characters temporary sickness. The sick persons’ empathic friends took into consideration their sick friends perspective, as well as his thoughts and feelings. His friends recalled similar experiences in their own lives that had generated needy feelings of their own. Their sick friend complained about...
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...Ideology and Messages About Culture in Prime Time Television Seven days a week, 24 hours a day there is something to watch on television. There are reality shows, newscasts, news programs, dramas, sitcoms, the list is endless. The Big Bang Theory, The Millers, Law & Order: SVU, and Blue Bloods are all part of the prime time lineup of shows throughout any given week. The Big Bang Theory, airs on CBS and was created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. It is the story of two brilliant physicists that work at CalTech in Pasadena, CA. Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are co-workers, best friends and roommates. Sheldon is “regimented, deeply eccentric, and non-conventional” in his thinking which is a consistent hardship on the relationship between these two friends (“Plot Summary”). They are friends with colleagues Howard Wolowitz, a mechanical engineer, and Rajesh Koothrappali, an Indian immigrant who works as an astrophysicist. The foursome are “self-professed nerds, [with] little or no luck with popular women” (“Plot Summary”). A neighbor, Penny, is of average mind but compared to this brilliant squad she’s made to seem of less than average intelligence. Leonard’s goal is to get Penny to be his girlfriend. Immediately following Big Bang is The Millers created by Greg Garcia and starring Will Arnett. Arnett plays the part of Nathan, a single reporter who has divorced his wife, a secret he’s kept from his parents for several months. His parents pay a visit only to find...
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...Psychological Disorders Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs when someone has gone through or experienced a traumatic event in their life. The person suffering from PTSD experiences reoccurring episodes of the traumatic event they experienced. There are many different types of traumatic events that could trigger this disease. Some examples that may lead to PTSD are witnessing a crime, domestic abuse, and war. The most experience I have had with PTSD is learning about soldiers who have been affected by fighting in war. I’ve read several fiction novels that display a soldier dealing with PTSD. In Tim O’Brien’s fiction novel The Things They Carried, many soldiers are affected by fighting in the Vietnam War. The book takes the reader through the soldiers’ experiences while fighting, and then fast-forwards to years down the road when the veterans are much older. The reason for this is to show how the veterans are still affected by the war many years later. One particular soldier, Norman Bowker, spent his late years reflecting on his time in the war. He blamed himself for what happened to his fellow soldiers. He first handily watched one of his good friends die in combat. Bowker had the chance to save his friend, but he was unable to do so. Norman had reoccurring episodes where he found himself in the middle of combat, not knowing what to do. After these episodes occurred, he felt no purpose of living anymore. The aftermath of the war is what got to Bowker...
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...the actors/actresses that will be featured on YouTube, and sold on iTunes. By doing this, not only can the show make money from being on TV, but it can make some money by selling songs and potentially the outreach can go to reach more listeners who will hopefully watch the show. There have been plenty of musical shows that gain a great following but sizzle out. Comedies are some of the most lucrative shows on TV, as shown by the Big Bang Theory, or Parks and Recreation. Even after the end of production, the show could be sold for syndication in order to make profits after the end of production. My show would be aimed at the 18-34 demographics because these people are up with what is current and can use social media to talk about the show. The show could be shown on TV or potentially Netflix depending on how negotiations would work. In terms of actors, I don’t have exact names for actors on the show, but I have an idea for casting direction. A lot of the time, actors’ names do not have any correlation for the length or ratings of a show. So getting big name actors who have a have prestige makes little difference to the quality of the show. Plus, it would cost more to pay more well-known actors who can negotiate good deals. Casting would essentially be actors who either have Broadway or some form of musical background. These people would be able to sing the songs on the show and potentially bring in some viewers. In terms of social media, since songs will be featured and...
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...APOL 104 Everette Beverly Worldview Assignment Part I. What is Worldview? Worldview as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is “the way someone thinks about the world.” I define it very logically. It is broken up into rich and poor. Beautiful and ugly. Moral or Amoral. Ambition or contentment. Very simplistic. Part II. The question of origin. Where did I come from? There is no doubt in my military mind who is the creator of all things. He is the creator of the Heavens and Earth. (Genesis 1:1). Why do we doubt these things? The Big Bang theory can be easily explained. He who creates something as wonderful as the world we live does it with a bang, literally and figuratively. One as powerful as God also has the wherewithal to create man and woman. (Genesis 2:7). There has always been dispute, but no real worthy explanation. Again, I am a very logical & practical person so I choose to believe in the divine creation. The question of identity. What am I? Who am I? I have contemplated these questions over a 50yr. life. I was taught that I was created in his own image that I am supposed to care for and be fed by his creation. (Genesis 2:5-7) Should this not be the views of every Christian, not just mine? To be honest, I stray. But I ask for forgiveness and keep on going. The question of meaning/purpose. What am doing here on earth? I was also taught to follow God’s will and he will give me purpose. (Romans 8:28) “To live a worldview, a person must seek...
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