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The Catcher in the Rye


Submitted By davegoody77
Words 635
Pages 3
David Good Good 1

Mrs. Thomson


May, 25/2015

In the film Dead Poets Society (DPS) directed by Peter Weir there are constant similarities in characters actions and issues to the novel The Catcher In The Rye (TCR) written by J.D Salinger. Holden Caulfield is a young man in the novel TCR who experiences a lot while he is in New York after being kicked out of boarding school for flunking four out of his five courses.The boys in the film DPS are experiencing life differently than they are used to, joining the Dead Poets Society, sneaking out at night to share poetry. Neil Perry is an intelligent young man from the film experiencing stress, anxiety and depression caused by his parents similar to Holden in the novel. Charlie is another smart character in the film with his rebellious attitude he shows a lot of similar traits to Holden’s character. Knox Overstreet in the film Dead Poets Society shares similar interests than Holden, girls. Holden Caulfield is a multi dimensional character who deals with several issues throughout the novel while each of the boys in the film are one dimensional characters who only deal with a single issue.

Neil Perry shows a lot of charismatic traits when he is with his friends. His classmates tend to look up to him as a leader and he shows promising characteristics of being a good leader as he matures.Neil is faced with the challenge of telling his dad how he truly feels about his future plans of becoming a doctor. Perry’s father believes he can tell him what he can and can't do with his life which creates a lot of stress and anxiety on Neil. To further explain Neil’s dream is to become an actor which drives him to try out for a role in a school play,he gets the starting role but realizes that he has to tell his father at some point. Stress drives Neil to forge his father's signature in a letter of consent to be in the play because he knows his father would not approve. Holden is faced with a similar issue when he is officially kicked out of his school Pencey Prep and has three days till his parents find out the bad news. For three days Holden journeys around New York visiting random places hoping to enjoy himself before his parents find out and find a new school for him to attend. Holden and Neil face similar challenges as they are both forced into schools and courses that they don't want to be in. Holden is forced into all boys boarding schools which drives him to flunk his courses to get kicked out. This is the fourth time Holden has been kicked out of school. Neil and Holden are both searching for a place to fit in, Neil wants to be an actor and Holden realizes he doesn't even want to be in school anymore. Both Holden and Neil have sad endings, Neil committing suicide because of depression and Holden is put into a mental hospital. In conclusion Neil Perry and Holden Caulfield have similar issues with their parents driving them to anxiety, depression and in Neils case death.

Charlie or “Nwanda” is a charismatic boy with a funny sense of humor and good with girls. Charlie is the rebel of his group always doing something he shouldn't whether it's smoking in the dorm, or even sneaking girls into the woods for the Dead Poets Society meeting. Holden similar to Charlie is a rebellious teen who skips his last 3 days of school to have fun in New York. While Holden is in New York he breaks laws constantly, lying about his age, prostitution, breaking and entering. Holden shows no care for the law

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