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The Causes and Effects of Drinking


Submitted By kimniie
Words 473
Pages 2
The causes and effects of drinking
Many people enjoy drinking especially during special occasions such as on birthdays, anniversaries or even during simple reunions together with friends. Drinking is often considered as one of the ways to chill, relax and to have a good time together. However, as the saying goes, too much of anything is bad for you. The problem starts when one gets addicted to drinking.
One of the most common reasons why people drink is because drinking helps them have a good time and forget their worries. For people who feel shy, nervous or anxious in a social situation, they often think that alcohol is the answer to help them loosen up. People who have a lot on their minds, people who are facing a financial crisis or a horrible divorce tend to think that they could forget or escape from their problems by “drowning their sorrows” in alcohol. They drink till they get drunk and forget what has been troubling them. However, that never solves the problem because drinking only makes you forget temporarily and unfortunately, the problem will still be remained unsolved.
Another cause of drinking is influence by alcoholic parents or friends. Children who grew up watching their parents drinking alcohol whenever they had a bad day will make them think that it is just one of the ways to solve a problem. They will resort to drinking as a way of escapism. Monkey see, monkey do – whatever the parents do, their children will eventually follow. As a result, their children will follow their parents’ footsteps and let alcohol be the answer to solve their problems. Not only that, another reason why people drink is because their friends drink too. They might feel tempted or pressured to drink because their friends expect them to or they are just trying to show them that they are cool. Some even drink just to fit in their circle of friends.
Excessive drinking

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