Premium Essay

The Choice of Being Married


Submitted By ltlhough
Words 509
Pages 3
The Choice of Being Married
Is marriage the best choice in today’s society? Once upon a time marriage was viewed as a vow between couples before God. It wasn’t socially acceptable to live with your significant other unless you were married. It wasn’t socially acceptable to have a child if you weren’t married. Those rules have changed. Why would you want to get married and spend thousands of dollars just to possibly spend more money to end the marriage? In 1950 you were not allowed to live with your significant other unless you were married. It was unheard of. You would live at home as a lady until you were wed before God. Today there are many couples who live together and do not ever have to walk the aisle and legally bind two individuals. Marriage today is a status saying it’s official and if I want out of this relationship it’s going to be harder than ever. I hear more stories about married couples getting a divorce than I do about them celebrating their
50th wedding anniversary.
In 1950 you were forbidden to have children out of wedlock. If you were even thinking the thoughts that would lead up to creating children before you were married you could have been sent away. In today’s culture there are many children that are born to very loving parents who can raise the child just the same and not be married.
Being married doesn’t make you a better couple or give you superpowers. It might be a 2 tax break once a year but not enough to add up to the debt that you could incur from trying to get out of a marriage. Do people get married for the statement of being married? There are roughly 2 million marriages each year in the United States according to the CDC, National Survey of Family Growth. Within those 2 million marriages 28% do not have high school diplomas, 26% have a diploma or GED, 21% have some college, and

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