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The Christian Experience Research Paper

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Through the power of community’s faith, we are able to speak about the self-respect and inadequacy of the triune God for what we heard and learned through our life experiences. Sometimes we lack the correct words or things to express to others about the triune God because of our little understanding of who God is in our life. The real reference we have is from creation that God is the creator of the earth and heaven and He knows the purpose of every creation for He is infinite. However, the early Christians laid a good foundation for us to know how we can all experience the triune God in our liturgical celebrations for example in mass and prayers. This helps us to experience the presence of the triune God and have faith to speak of God with others, although we have not …show more content…
The Christian Experience
Jesus’ resurrection brought new light to the early Christian in their experience of what they know about God. They know the one who raised Jesus will give new life to the sinners and they will continue to meet Jesus in their liturgy celebrations. In addition, the know Abba was God of the whole world and He is love. They imitate the way Jesus prayed to God and the true love He had for God, also they shared that true love among themselves. They were aware that God gives gifts of loving Him to those He has chosen and reveal His true love to them. They believe other people will follow them through the power of God. Knowing Abba gives joy and light to those he has revealed his love and this love is to be shared with others.
They receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through the power of God in the resurrection of Jesus. The Holy Spirit enables them to forgive others and live a community life to share and to proclaim God’s love to others. They used the formula of God the father, son, and Holy Spirit in their baptisms. This was the professional of faith in the triune God whom they witness his mysterious love from the beginning of their faith.
2. Jewish- Christian thought

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