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Submitted By mattgaus34
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Pages 15

The Theology Departments sponsors this course in Community Service in order to provide an opportunity for you to integrate your religious learning within the Christian call to serve. You are now an empowered woman to share your gifts with the world!

OBJECTIVES: 1. to provide an opportunity through service in which you can explore your own giftedness and ways of sharing it with others.

2. to help raise your social awareness through service.

3. to challenge you to broaden your personal commitment to serve others both in the present and the future.

4. to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on particular social issues connected with the population you serve through your reading, writing and discussion with others.

The service project which you choose must comply with the following guidelines:

1. The work must serve persons directly (e.g., secretarial work without relating directly to clientele served is not allowed).

2. These persons should have "special needs" -- those associated with age, social or economic background; physical, mental or emotional deprivation or disabilities.

3. The student may not receive pay (monetary compensation) for her service.

4. The project should include a minimum of 30 hours or service as well as a minimum of 5 days of service; with the exception of Nerinx-sponsored Spring Break Service, the hours cannot count until after Junior final exams in May.

5. The student's service must take place in one location.

6. The proposal of service must be approved by Ms. Hartrich.

1. Preliminary Report: This initial report (yellow sheet in Contract Packet), includes your general goals and learning plan (reading and research) for your project.

2. Service Packet: This is your final product to be submitted after completion of your service experience. See description.

FOCUS GROUP: Purpose: The focus group offers students the opportunity to share varying experiences and impressions of their service and from their association with persons served. Likewise it offers you the opportunity to learn form the experiences of others. **Bring any copies of photos you took during your service for "show and tell."

Meeting Date/Time: You will be assigned a group during your free period or during Contact. Be sure to mark the date/time in your calendar as you will lose points if you have an unexcused absence.

DEADLINES: Sign-up: (all seasons) April 19, 2013 (following your sign-up, project must be approved)

Contract Packet: Spring-- February 19, 2013 Summer-- April 26, 2013 Fall/Winter-- September 6, 2013

Hours Completion: Spring-- (completed over break) Summer-- August 9, 2013 Fall/Winter-- December 31, 2013

Service Packet: **Spring-- June 10, 2013 Summer-- September 9, 2013 Fall/Winter-- January 13, 2014

Focus Group: Spring-- March/April, 2013 Summer-- Aug./Sept., 2013 Fall/Winter-- Jan./Feb., 2014

** Spring Service Packets must be turned in between 11 a.m. and noon on June 10, or mailed directly, postmarked by June 10, to Ms. Cathy Hartrich at 4547 Arco Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110-1515
You will receive a quarter's worth of academic credit in Theology for successfully completing this independent study course. All work must be turned in by the due dates named or a point reduction should be expected (See below). Please note the dates (Deadlines) above. Every part of the process (see "Procedures") must be completed in order to receive a grade. Final grade will be recorded 3rd Quarter.


on time ** if tardy(out of) Sign-up 2 1 * Contract Packet 3 2 Supervisor Evaluation & Hours Sheet 5 3 (total: 10) (6) * Service Packet Personal Daily Log 5 Research & Reflection 25 (15 points) (10 points) Christian Insights 5 Scrapbook 2 Written Format 3 (total: 40) (35) Focus Group 5 3 Hours Completed 45 40 TOTAL 100

Please note that the total written work is worth approximately one half (55%) of your grade in this course. Your service work is worth 45%.

** If tardy: 1 day late = 3 point deduction for every day late after first day an additional point will be deducted.

If 1 month or more late --- you will be required to do extra work to redeem your “F.” Even with extra work you may not make above a “D.” If spring service packet is not turned in before school resumes in Fall, it should be assumed that you plan to do a Fall service project.

Tardiness will only be excused with a doctor’s statement authorizing the reason necessitating late turn-in. Attach statement to outside of packet.

“Be the CHANGE you wish to see in the world.” - Gandhi

HOW TO START Your Service Project –
1. Identify your interests: With whom would I like to work? Why? What strengths do I have? Where could I use these for the good of others? What kind of service would both challenge me and teach me something new?

2. Identify possible projects: Listen to presentations given to Juniors about possible projects, talk to Seniors, talk to Ms. Hartrich, parents, teachers; look through the Community Service binders on reserve in the library;

see the upcoming Senior Service wiki remember The Plunge Check out the Volunteer Fair Handbook (there are copies on the Senior Service bulletin board) or go to the

2013 Summer Opportunities Fair:

see link:

2013 St. Louis Youth and Family Volunteer Fair

at The Magic House, St. Louis Children's Museum, Kirkwood, MO (Be sure to choose an agency serving persons with special needs.)

3. SIGN-UP: By April 19th (even if you aren’t doing service until the Fall). If, for any reason, you change your mind about the place of service you need to re-sign up on the CHANGES sheet (to be posted on the Community Service bulletin board). You can change for summer after April 23rd only in an emergency, so figure out your site and sign up soon.


1. Contact the volunteer coordinator of chosen agency: Learn about any training or orientation or other expectations of volunteers with the agency you choose by calling the agency in which you’re interested. Ask then who will be your supervisor. If possible, by phone, introduce yourself to the supervisor.

2. First Visit (after choosing site) bring to your supervisor the following forms*: - Letter of introduction + Explanation of Nerinx' Community Service Program. - Contract: Ask the supervisor negotiate terms with you. S/he should sign it. You and your parent(s) must also sign this contract in order for it to be valid. If not, it will be returned.

3. Submit completed Contract into the marked box in Theology Office by the required deadline: There will be a penalty for tardiness. If more than a month tardy you will not receive any points for your contract, although you will still be required to submit it. - Be sure to obtain the completed contract from the supervisor, even if it requires a second trip to the agency. - You can have them mail it to you by providing a self-addressed/ stamped envelope. - You are responsible to submit your completed contract to the marked box in the Theology Office. Do not have that person mail/ fax it to Ms. Hartrich (as this is sometimes unreliable).

4. Keep an ongoing tally of your hours. (During your service, do this with the help of your supervisor, who will be verfying your hours on the yellow hours sheet.)

5. At the conclusion of your service, solicit the following completed forms from your supervisor -- Supervisor Evaluation and the Hours Sheet. You will either need to go in person to obtain these filled out forms or give the supervisor a self-addressed, stamped envelope to send forms to you. These forms must be included in your packet. If forms are submitted late, you will experience a point-reduction.

6. Submit all written work (see below) in the form of a Service Packet by the required deadline (see above). Before you submit your completed packet make sure you review all the manual instructions.

** If you decide, at any point, to change your project you need to sign the "Changes" form (on the Senior Service bulletin board at the end of Junior Hall). You also must complete and submit an entirely new contract. (Get one in the same location).

Keep going (see next page) ’10 COMMANDMENTS’ -- Before/During Your Service Project:

1. Contact your agency two weeks prior to first day of work to give them a reminder of when you are volunteering. Ask then who will be your supervisor.

2. First day submit your yellow hours sheet to your supervisor. If possible, ask if they can keep it in a file or a binder at the agency so you will not have to remember to bring it each time.

3. Keep a daily record on your yellow hours sheet (yellow). Be sure to record your hours on the time sheet (or use the agency’s system for recording your hours); then have your supervisor initial each line on the day you serve. At the end of your service, ask your supervisor to sign the form.

4. Keep a daily handwritten log, both for ongoing personal reflection and to write your final report after you have finished your service (see explanation below). The dates in this log should match the same dates as on your yellow hours sheet.

5. Be punctual and be willing to assume assigned duties. If you have questions ask. Pitch in when you see something you could be doing that needs help.

6. Dress neatly, according to agency guidelines. Modest and decent attire! No midriff or too-short shorts. Did you know -- long shorts are now in style?!

7. Give advance notice (at least 24 hours) of excused absence from your agreed upon schedule. Reminder: Only sickness or other unexpected emergency is acceptable in scheduling change. If you volunteer for one week only, you may not be absence except in an emergency (you will need a doctor's note to show to supervisor in that event). We will ask your supervisor whether or not you informed then ahead of time of your schedule and if you called in if you ever had to miss.

8. Don't interrupt service with vacation unless supervisor agreed to this when you originally contracted to work. (Remind supervisor well in advance if you'd previously arranged to be out.)

9. Be sensitive to the special conditions and attitudes of those you are serving. Be aware of confidentiality for those you with whom you work. Be assertive in informing your supervisor that you are required to work directly with persons (for 30 hours) and are not allowed do an office job (unless it exceeds the 30 hours of direct service.

10. Be mindful of community service submission deadlines: * Sign-up * Contract * Service Packet
How to Complete Your FINAL PACKET –

The format* for your final report will be in the form of a 3-pronged paper folder with pockets (not a binder); inside have 5 marked tabs or title pages.
Insert your required papers but do not use a plastic folder or plastic pages!!!
(*You will lose points for not following all these directions.)

You should create a decorated decorated cover that will include your name and the title of the agency/ place, where you performed your service, on the outside of packet.

Your final packet includes the following five components- *Use tabs or title pages to separate each section in the following order:

1. Detailed personal daily Log

2. Research & Reflection paper

3. Reflection on the Christian dimension of your service experience

4. Scrapbook

5. Supervisor Evaluation/ Hours Sheet * Instructions for each of the above sections are described below:

I. DAILY LOG: Your daily log is your ongoing handwritten journal kept by you on a daily basis to record your *first-hand impressions, observations, reflections upon your readings combined with your insights gained from your direct service. This log may be photocopied from an actual journal if you choose. Do not include a diary/book/notebook; rather only the pages relevant to service.

1. Log in your journal every day your ongoing observations/ impressions/insights you serve at your site. Date each entry.

2. Record the equivalent of a minimum of one full side of looseleaf for every 4 hours of service.

3. INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ▪ Identify impressions and ongoing observations of the place and people. ▪ Describe your work (be very specific). ▪ Describe your strengths (what did you do well, your contributions at your site, personal characteristics which helped) ▪ Describe your difficulties (any problems you may have encountered. ▪ Include honest insights and observations regarding the persons and issues you encountered; also concerning the agency where you serve. ▪ Reflect on any insights that may connect with your R & R paper.

II. RESEARCH AND REFLECTION PAPER: 5 page (minimum: 1,500 words) typed paper (use word count: on title page) This paper is a research paper incorporating your insights and personal reflection on your experience and reading, as well as research from your sources. It is not a "book report." It should have a clear and focused thesis/purpose Be sure to formulate a thesis that draws a conclusion based on your own observations and research from 5 sources.

1. CHOOSE A CLEAR & INTERESTING TITLE & THESIS REFLECTING A SPECIFIC AREA OF INTEREST THAT YOU ENCOUNTERED DURING YOUR SERVICE: ▪ Find an issue with which you became directly connected through the population you served (e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease for the elderly). ▪ Research a particular problem experienced by those served. - Find specific facts and statistics about the population served. - Find evidence of a particular social issue/problem. - Gather knowledge regarding the specific needs of persons served. - Share theories or proposals regarding solutions to address the problem. ▪ Be sure to highlight your thesis. Remember that your thesis should be arguable; ideally proposing a solution to an observed problem in your service. ▪ OPENING PARAGRAPH: Be sure to identify both the issue you have researched along with your place of service. You may use first person as this is both personal reflection and research.

2. YOUR RESEARCH: ▪ Should cite from a minimum of 5 sources including the following: - 4 or more current print sources (books/magazines)(periodicals from 2000 or later: + include at lease 1 book -- which may be dated prior to 2000) * - 1 or more other sources (e.g., agency pamphlet, newspaper article, or video, internet sources). Or-- an Interview with an employee in the agency. (Record interviewee's name/job title/agency/date on works cited page.) ▪ Should incorporate evidence (incorporating statistics) re: the social problem as well as evidence of an effective solution. (You can cite expert opinion, studies, substantial authoritative organizations (e.g., American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers). ▪ Should reflect some SOCIAL ANALYSIS in your paper (root problem + solution involving society’s ideal response).

3. READING: Some of your reading should precede your service; you should continue your reading during service and afterwards. By the end of your project you should integrate your research with your work experience in your paper.


5. PAPER’S FORMAT: Paper should be typed (Font=10/12 pt.) and double-spaced. Do not use plastic pages! Paper should include a title, a highlighted thesis, in-text citations and a works cited page

III. CHRISTIAN DIMENSION OF SERVICE: This portion of your project consists of one of the following-- Choose #1 or #2:

1. Choose one of the Scripture passages below that relate to Christian Service. Write a personal reflection on your service experience incorporating this reading (2 - 3 pages). This should be a spiritual reflection suggesting your response on a personal level to the biblical call to serve. It can be a “homily”!

Gen.1:1-31 I Jn 4:7-12 2 Cor 8:1-9 Rom 8:18-25 Matt. 22: 37-39 Matt 25:31-46 Micah 6:8 Luke 4:16-21 Luke 7:18-23 James 2:14-17 I Cor. 12 &13

2. Create a personal meditation, poem, or painting/drawing which depicts your understanding of Christian service. If you choose this, on a separate page you need to write a half page explanation of your artistic piece and why you chose this expression.

¡¡¡ Feel free to be as creative as you desire in this report!!! You may use visual (drawings, photos) or poetic expression (songs, poetry, etc.) to help convey your experience, spiritual reflection and feelings regarding it. !!! (If extra work demonstrated, this may contribute to extra credit.)

IV. SCRAPBOOK: (approximately 3 pages inside your packet! Don’t overdo it; there’s no space.) This section of your report should include any or all of the following: - photos (remember to send duplicates to your agency!) - agency brochures - poetry - drawings, etc. etc. etc.

V. SUPERVISOR'S EVALUATION/ HOURS SHEET: As said above, your Hours Sheet needs to be initialed by your supervisor every day! Please remind your supervisor ahead of time to complete your Evaluation. You are responsible to get both of these on time. These completed forms must be submitted in your packet or they will be counted late.

ENDING YOUR SERVICE PROJECT 1. Remind your supervisor you are about to complete your service at the agency. Ask him/her to complete your Evaluation and total on Hours Sheet. Be sure to say "thanks" for the great opportunity!

2. Finish your research and all your written work for the other four parts of the packet.

3. Submit your Service Packet by the required deadline--- You must submit your packet on the designated turn-in date directly to Ms. Hartrich (be sure to check the times); or, if late (summer turn-in), submit it by mail to Ms. Hartrich (see address below) – late grade will be assessed according to postmark date. ** No excused tardy without a doctor’s note. If late during Fall or Winter, turn in packet to the Resource Center. You must give it to a staff person who will verify your submission.

Packet Turn-In: See deadline on the DEADLINES page • Spring Break Service: Bring your packet to the front office (there will be a box there marked “SENIOR SERVICE PACKETS” on date due (by noon).

• Summer Service: Bring your packet to Ms. Hartrich in the front hall during contact on the day due.

• Fall Service: Watch email for announcement about Contact Turn-in. • If LATE: Turn your packet into the Resource Center.

If your packet is lost -- it is your responsibility to resubmit your packet (even if it means creating a new one!) BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR WORK!!

Late Submission: If in Summer (Spring Break service) you must mail it to the following: Ms. Cathy Hartrich Nerinx Hall 530 E. Lockwood Ave. St. Louis, MO 63119 If in Fall (Summer service) or in Winter (Fall service), you must submit it to the Resource Center. There is no excuse for tardiness, unless you have a doctor’s note attached to explain your illness (in which case, packet must be submitted the morning of your return to school).

LATE GRADES- If postmarked within a day of turn-in date: loss of 5 points If postmarked within a week of turn-in date: loss of 10 points If postmarked within a month of turn-in date: loss of 15 points Senior Service may need to be repeated if tardy more than one month.

4. Attend your Focus Group You will get an email notice regarding your assigned group/ date/ time. Be sure to remind yourself and attend on time or get a late grade. If you miss your assigned Focus Group, you can attend the Make-up Focus Group (with a loss of 2 points)

5. Pick up your graded Service Packet Summer packets will be distributed during an announced Contact (after Thanksgiving). (This will be announced on the morning show and by email.)

6. Your final grade will be reported on your 3rd Quarter Report Card.

Best wishes!!! Email or find me if you have any questions.

"The richest kind of volunteer experience involves building personal relationships over time…. The regularity of the meeting time, the privilege of the client’s trust in you, and the opportunity to concentrate on someone else’s needs in a very focused manner for a brief but intense period of time are all transporting.” -Wendy Mogel

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.” - unknown

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world…. We are meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.” - Marianne Willimson

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Service Termpaper

...Introduction to company Grameenphone Ltd. (GP) was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services on 26 March 1997. GP is market leader in the cellular telecommunication industry of Bangladesh with a market share of 43.66% (Dec 2010) obtained cellular license on November 28, 1996 in Bangladesh from the Ministry ofPosts and Telecommunications. GP is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (55.8%), a telecommunications service provider in Norway, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2%), a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. The other 10% shares belong to general retail and institutional investors. GP’s cellular network in the country covers 98% of country's population through 12,700base stations in more than 7200 locations. The entire GP network is EDGE/GPRS enabled that provides its subscribers access to Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. VISION: The aim of GrameenPhone Ltd. vision is to describe our ambition for the future, to set a direction for the organisation and to inspire our people to make every contribution they can. “We’re here to help” COMPANY MISSION: When an organization is set up it exists to accomplish certain goals. At first their mission seems vivid but with the passage of time the mission may become unclear, as the organization grows, adds new product and ventures into...

Words: 3024 - Pages: 13

Premium Essay

The Service Concept

...121–134 The service concept: the missing link in service design research? Susan Meyer Goldstein a,∗ , Robert Johnston b , JoAnn Duffy c , Jay Rao d a c Department of Operations and Management Science, University of Minnesota, 321 19th Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA b Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK Gibson D. Lewis Center for Business and Economic Development, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77341-2056, USA d Management Division, Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457, USA Abstract The service concept plays a key role in service design and development. But while the term is used frequently in the service design and new service development literature, surprisingly little has been written about the service concept itself and its important role in service design and development. The service concept defines the how and the what of service design, and helps mediate between customer needs and an organization’s strategic intent. We define the service concept and describe how it can be used to enhance a variety of service design processes. As illustrations here, we apply the service concept to service design planning and service recovery design processes. Employing the service concept as an important driver of service design decisions raises a number of interesting questions for research which are discussed here. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Service concept; Service design planning; Service recovery...

Words: 8830 - Pages: 36

Premium Essay

Customer Service

...I believe that providing good customer service is connecting with your customers where they are, being efficient in doing that, and having a full view of all what they need to do. In providing the best customer service, an employee needs to be well aware that he/she is accountable for his/her actions and decisions, and he/she can neither pass the buck nor pass the blame to someone else. This leads to an important quality of productivity which plays an important role in customer service. Productivity' is about how well an employee combine resources to produce the best customer service. It is important to have this skill because it benefits the customer, the company and the work force. Productivity in the workplace often translates into good customer service and interaction, which basically is the key to satisfying customers. This can be used to gain the loyalty of consumers and meet their needs. When a customer is loyal they will market the business to others for you, through word of mouth, which is a marketing advantage coming out of high levels of productivity. The employees themselves are an investment by the firm and like any investment, they should yield a healthy or worthwhile return to the company. Therefore, when employees are highly productive the company achieves its goals of investing in them in the first place. Next, when a firm is highly productive it becomes successful eventually, and because of this, incentives are bound to be made available to the employees. These...

Words: 279 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Journal Service

...Introduction Service describes as any act or function performed for a customer or client. As more firms join the competitive market with similar product, service becomes important differentiator that also very important for customer. All services are experiences from the customer deliver from people who involved; the invisible process and the physical evidence. Services here in some way delivers differently with my culture back home in Indonesia. However, the goal is the same to achieve customer satisfaction and increase firm’s revenue from the satisfied customer. Most of the services that I encountered here in USA are from restaurants or transportation firms. First, I acknowledge the different level of politeness, some of the attitude perceived as not polite in east culture however actually its consider to be polite here. The easiest part for me probably identifies the physical evidences such as cleanness, neat and good lay out. I was also evaluated the process from the products or services that I acquired, things such as the process time, difficulty level that encounter during the process. One addition thing that I evaluated was how it responds to complain and the after sales service. In overall, most of the services that I experienced were good service in terms of to match with customer need and different in terms of different industry due to different customer segment. Amazing service at Capital One Bank Almost every bank now has similar products that they offer to...

Words: 1358 - Pages: 6

Premium Essay

Customer Service

...INTRODUCE THE MODULE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE AND WHAT YOU WILL BE DESCRIBING IN 1.1 AND 1.2. STATE THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY 2 PARAGRAPHS 1.1 Discussion of why Marriott Hotel should have a customer service policy. Like every organisation Marriott Hotels has to have very strong Customer service policy. At Marriott, we know that if we treat our employees correctly, they’ll treat the customer’s right, and if the customers are treated right, they’ll come back. Customer service is also important to an organization because it can help differentiate a company from it competitors, according to the article titled "The Importance of Customer Service" at Drew Stevens Consulting. -And is motivate Employees and care about them, and make winners of them. -And customer care is becoming more important as companies strive for better customer engagement. - And it is important that the customer understands what he or she can expect in terms of service -It is important to an organization because it is often the only contact a customer has with a company. -Customer service is important to an organization because of potential complaints. -Quality customer service can be a source of promotion for organizations. -A company with excellent customer service is more likely to get repeat business from customers 1.2 Discussion of why the current customer service policy should de evaluated. -It costs about five times more to gain a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. This is...

Words: 316 - Pages: 2