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The Color Purple Setting Essay

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In The Color Purple, the setting changes and gives a sense of perspective through the eyes of Celie and Nettie. The setting first starts at Celie and Nettie’s home, where Celie’s father consecutively raped her. Celie’s vulnerability begins in these tragic moments as a child. The setting makes a change to Albert’s house where Celie is forced to become his wife and be his maid. She is abused and raped by Albert, consequently, changing Celie’s emotions. She is no longer a happy young girl. As Celie ages, she remains miserable and longs to unite with her sister who ran away from home and moved to Africa. With the help from her love, Shug, they find that Albert has been hiding Nettie’s letters for years. Celie was filled with rage and her emotions

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...| Bangl a) (Elements) ( Tag) ( Attributes) ( Paragraph) (Heading) (List) (Font) (Link) (Entity) (Comments) (Images) (Tables) (Colors) (Background) (Frame) (Layout) (Embed Music) (Vedio) (body) (Div) ( HTM Tut or i al i n L + + (Form) (Upload) : • Hypertext Markup Language. , । • • • । PHP+Database • Driven WebSite । । ( Notepad open Netbeans or Dreamweaver. • • • ) । (Elements) (Tag) (Attribute) >> ( HTM El em L ent s) : (Elements): (tag) page (Element) (closing tag) । HTML HTML Paragraph text, , HTML page Web elements (opening tag) , । 1.

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