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The Contratista-Personal Narrative

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I had been feeling a little frustrated. I had gone to work for Diaz, the contratista, but got loaned out to another contratista for the day. Panchito had arrived a little bit after me, and helped us unload a plow from a truck. I watched as the contratista tied a thick rope the plow, and then I watch him quickly hand me the other end of the rope. "Here, tie this around your waist. I want you to till the furrows." The contratista had told me. "I can't do that." I quickly replied, looking pained. "What do you mean you can't?" He placed his hand on his hips and stared at me. "In my country, oxen pull plows, not men. I am not an animal." I tilted my hat back, starting to get more frustrated by the minute. I saw the contratista walk towards me, until he was in my face. "Well this isn't your country, idiot! You either …show more content…
It'd been a few weeks since I returned home, got documented, then went up back up to California. I'd gone back to working in vineyards and whatnot for some money until I could get a more decent, and stable job. I had found some other vineyards owned by a very kind contratista who was reasonable and was nowhere near Diaz's vineyards. At the end of the day, I walked up to Leslie, the contratista, and thanked him for his kindness towards me, and left to go look for a new job. I found a supermarket that was hiring and went to go talk to the manager, who also used to be an immigrant, so he knew what my life used to be like. He decided to hire me and I was as thrilled as can be. The next day was my last day working for Leslie, and the day after that I started my new job. It paid me very well. Everything I'd earn in a day at farms, I earned per hour! I couldn't wait to let Vanessa know about my new job and the much better pay. I quickly knew I'd love the life that was ahead of me because I'd have a house, and be able to live decently with my

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