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The Crucible Passage Analysis

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The Crucible Rough Draft Prompt #4

Haven't we all heard the saying ¨Snitches get Stitches.¨,well in the play snitches get rewards. In the crucible the play by Arthur Miller people have been pointing fingers at each other. If abigail had not use scapegoating in the play no innocent people would have died. Abigail got caught in the woods by tituba and she told the court “I never called him! Tituba,Tituba…” and tituba calls out Goody Osburn “Aye,sir,and Goody Osburn.” This explains that abigail tells the judges that she saw tituba call out the devil in the woods. Abigail wants to be with john so she falsely accuses elizabeth for stabbing her “Why this go hard with her,proctor,this i had my doubts,proctor,i had my doubts,but here’s calamity you

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