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Mr. Penney's Story Analysis

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Throughout the year our teacher, Mr.Penney, has revealed several stories of his life before being a teacher. Some come with morals and lessons, while others are just events he’s experienced that are indeed entertaining, but have no specific moral message. I would like to talk about the time people thought he was dead.
The story begins in his attendance to a college. In this juncture, he finds himself joining a sorority in which he begins living in a sorority house. After spending some time at the college and familiarizing himself with his house mates, they plan a party at another house during the week. At this point, an ominous feeling drooled over me as his title indicated a negative outcome or turning point in the story. He further explains that …show more content…
Also, he talks about a hot tub that was placed in the backyard, which I thought to be a strange component of the story. Anyways, as they party into the night, my teacher decides to leave just simply to get some rest. My thoughts grew apprehensively as the story spiraled down. As he exits the house, he notices that his car is blocked in the driveway to the point where he is unable to move out. He asks his buddy if he could borrow his bike to ride home in which his buddy replies “sure.” Penney skittered to where the bike was located and gingerly seated himself on. He made his way to the house where he lay down in a recumbent position and proceeded to sleep into the morning. It just so happened that during that same night, a man by the name of Jason Penney was pedaling to a convenience store when he was murdered. Instantly arising a sense of panic and, more so, a sense of morose or plaintive feelings, that morning would be different from any other morning Mr.Penney would have. His house mates found out about all of this while Penney was still asleep in his room upstairs. Emotions became ultimately profound in this section in this story due to the unforeseen situation Penney would

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