The Diloma (melagraphia) Aesthiops is also distributed in the lower intertidal zone (niche), which is where they become submerged by water and is only exposed when the tide is low. Structural adaptations for the Diloma (Melagraphia)Aesthiops is that they have a curved shell shape like a conical top (smooth pryamis) which reduces the air flow and reduces drying out when it is low tide, this because they have less surface area compared to something like rocks that have more surface area. When the top shell is not fully submerged by water, the smooth shell is able to reduce drying out, therefore meaning they are able to survive longer and reproduce more offspring. An abiotic factor that influences the top shell to do this is their tolerance range…show more content… To avoid drying out and being exposed too much, when the tide has gone out the Top shell moves into rock pools. This is because they have a low tolerance range for air exposure and drying out also makes them more vulnerable like the limpet because they are more vulnerable to predators which makes them desiccated (stressed) which is why they move into rocks where they become more safer because the rock pools keep a more stable temperature and predators are unable to reach them as easy if as if they were on an open rock. When the top shell is not submerged there is a greater range of temperature meaning the top shell cannot handle the amount of air being exposed when the top shell is not submerged which is why they move into the rock pools when they are exposed when the tide goes out. This affects the Top shells distribution pattern because if they were located in the mid tide zone or high tide zone then they will be unable to move into rock pools easily when the tide goes out because they move very slowly and they could dry out while moving into the rock pools when…show more content… This is where two different species that are located in the same zone or community and are competing for the same resources. The competition could be harmful to both individuals/species that are involved. Competition can include physiological stress which can result in increased mortality and could also reduce navity. Since these two species are animals, they are competing for food and also space. Interspecific competition increases as you move from high tide to low tide because more species are able to tolerate the abiotic factors. This means there is going to be more competition for space, food and coverage (water). Cellana Radians and Diloma (Melagraphia) Aesthiops have an interspecific relationship because they both eat the same food which is microalgae whose scientific name is Chlorophyta and they are both located in the same zone. This is located on the rocks at the rocky shore and lies between the low tide and the mid tide zone. Algae cannot survive in the high tide or splash zone because the algae dries out and is unable to survive. This is because the Algae has a high low tolerance range for air exposure and high temperatures. Algae is usually found in damp places such as the low tide zone and mid tide zone which is why so many species located in the lower intertidal zone such as the limpet and Top Shell feed of the algae that is upon the rocks. Gauses Principle states that no two