...September 2013 The Dirty Truth on Rewarding Employees I found an article that sparked my interest on the Harvard Business Review’s Working Knowledge website for many reasons but primarily because it was an article that discussed the real impacts of rewarding employees for certain things in the workplace, which I feel is a very important aspect of management in the workplace. In “How to Demotivate Your Best Employees” by Dina Gerdeman, she takes very important pieces from a recent paper called The Dirty Laundry of Employee Award Programs: Evidence from the Field, written by Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Ian Larkin, along with professor Lamar Pierce and doctoral student Timothy Gubler from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis where the researchers studied an attendance award program initiated by managers at one of the five commercial-industrial laundries owned by the same mid-western company. Perfect attendance was defined as not having any unexcused absences or tardy shift arrivals during the month (Gubler, 2013). Even though the company had the right intentions in mind the study showed that programs such as this often times result in more negative impacts and positive. To understand how to make a beneficial rewards program is important for all future career choices and to make sure you can maintain a productive working environment in doing so. The article cracked the perceived notion that all rewards programs improve morale around...
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...Productivity ● Quality Awards ● ISO 9000 2 Problems • Internet Exercises • Online Practice Quizzes • Lecture Slides in PowerPoint • Virtual Tours • Company and Resource Weblinks www.wiley.com/college/russell Quality Management at GREEN MOUNTAIN COFFEE ike wine, coffee quality is judged on attributes like fragrance, aroma, acidity, body, flavor, balance, and finish. Coffee professionals use words like “lush,” “complex,” and “fruity” to describe their evaluations, which are based on precise sensory criteria. Coffee Review, one of the most respected and widely read coffee publications in the world, rates coffees based on a 100-point scale, similar to the one used in the wine industry. Coffee connoisseurs seek out coffees awarded a rating of 80 or above. Each year GREEN MOUNTAIN submits coffee to Coffee Review for independent reviews. On average, Green Mountain L Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons Chapter 2 • Quality Management 53 coffees scored 88.8 points—significantly higher than their better-known west coast and European competitors—and many of their coffees score above 90! Great reviews only reinforce Green Mountain’s commitment to quality and doing things the right way. They buy some of the world’s finest specialty coffee beans from around the world, and then follow a precise quality-driven roasting process built around a continuous process improvement model that includes elements of Six Sigma. They use Six Sigma from...
Words: 31668 - Pages: 127
...______________________________________________________________ 7 TQM and its Implementation in Higher Education of Iran _________________________ S.A. Siadat _____________________________________________________________________ M. Mokhtaripour _________________________________________________________________ R. Hoveida _____________________________________________________________________ 8 8 8 8 Quality: From Where to Where? ___________________________________________ 12 Alan Brown ___________________________________________________________________ 12 The Impact of Educational Quality Models on Schools’ Performance in Dubai ________ 20 Kalthoom Al Balooshi ____________________________________________________________ 20 Wafi Dawood __________________________________________________________________ 20 Management Education and Development in the United Kingdom _________________ 25 Daniel O' Hare _________________________________________________________________ 25 Global Quality Management Systems and the Impact on Service Quality and Brand ___ 35 Jonathan M. A. Ward ____________________________________________________________ 35 Resilience: From Product to Corporate Strategy _______________________________ 42 Mehran Sepehri...
Words: 137918 - Pages: 552
...Karl Erik Gustafsson Jönköping May, 2007. Master Thesis within Business Administration. Subject: Management. Title: Authors: Tutor: Date: Subject terms: How to motivate assembly line workers Valdete Jusufi & Maja Saitović Karl Erik Gustafsson 2007-05-28 assembly line, motivation, industrial laundry business, incentives, Human Performance System Abstract The purpose of our master thesis was to investigate what motivates assembly line workers performing low-skill jobs in a small industrial laundry business. We wanted to see what factors determine and influence their motivation to work and if and how this motivation can be improved with respect to assembly line systems in general. The method of our investigation was qualitative in nature, where we studied one firm that leases clean bed clothes and textiles to hotels and restaurants around Sweden. We constructed a survey on motivation and handed it out to the assembly line workers who deal with the laundry. Furthermore, we interviewed the shift manager in order to get the company’s view on employee motivation. Our findings indicate that there are several overlapping factors that determine and influence motivation in the long run. From this particular case we saw that a unified working culture and collective efforts both boost the willingness to work and help the process run smoothly. Furthermore, proper communication is motivating, where everyone should be committed to company goals, but the workers should be able to take part...
Words: 36580 - Pages: 147
...' Academy ol Management Executive, 2002, Vol. 16, No. 4 Four Seasons goes to Paris floger HalloweU, David Bowen, and Carin-Isabel Knoop Europe is different from North America, and Paris is very different. I did not say difficult. I said diffeient. —A senior Four Seasons manager Executive Summary Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts opened its first French property in 1999. This article presents that opening as a case study to illustrate a perspective on how a company with a strong and highly successful organizational culture might approach a new national culture when that cuhure is both distinct and intense, as is the case in France. Managers can henefit from the case by understanding this approach to organizational and national culture, which the authors believe represents a useful framework for global management. The article begins with a discussion of the linkage between corporate cuifure and competitive advantage for service organizafions. It then describes the corporate support structure and the philosophy that Four Seasons developed over two decades to support its international expansion and to manage the type of challenges its French property posed. Finally, it describes how the firm went about transforming that property into one of its crown jewels. The Linkage Between Service Culture and Competitive Advantage The enduring success of service organizations such as Southwest Airlines, The Walt Disney Company, Wal-Mart, and USAA (among others) is frequently ...
Words: 13427 - Pages: 54
...cats get stuck in trees, and how to train a chicken. 3—Stimulus Control: Cooperation Without Coercion Orders, commands, requests, signals, cues, and words to the wise; what works and what doesn't. What discipline isn't. Who gets obeyed and why. How to stop yelling at your kids. Dancing, drill teams, music, martial arts, and other recreational uses of stimulus control. 4—Untraining: Using Reinforcement to Get Rid of Behavior You Don't Want Eight methods of getting rid of behavior you don't want, from messy roommates to barking dogs to bad tennis to harmful addictions, starting with Method 1: Shoot the Animal, which definitely works, and ending with Method 8: Change the Motivation, which is more humane and definitely works too. 5—Reinforcement in the Real World What it all means. Reading minds, coaching Olympic teams, how happiness can affect corporate profits, ways to deal with other governments, and other practical applications of reinforcement theory. 6—Clicker Training: A New Technology From the dolphin tanks to everyone's backyard:...
Words: 65349 - Pages: 262
...edition 2008 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone ( 44) (0) 1865 843830; fax ( 44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http:/ /elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-7506-8464-4 For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann...
Words: 153860 - Pages: 616
...N E L L D A L E J O H N L E W I S illuminated computer science J O N E S A N D B A RT L E T T C O M P U T E R S C I E N C E computer science illuminated N E L L D A L E J O H N L E W I S computer science illuminated N E L L D A L E J O H N Villanova University L E W I S University of Texas, Austin Jones and Bartlett Publishers is pleased to provide Computer Science Illuminated’s book-specific website. This site offers a variety of resources designed to address multiple learning styles and enhance the learning experience. Goin’ Live This step-by-step HTML Tutorial will guide you from start to finish as you create your own website. With each lesson, you’ll gain experience and confidence working in the HTML language. Online Glossary We’ve made all the key terms used in the text easily accessible to you in this searchable online glossary. The Learning Store Jones and Bartlett Publishers has a wealth of material available to supplement the learning and teaching experience. Students and instructors will find additional resources here or at http://computerscience. jbpub.com The Language Library Here you will find two complete chapters that supplement the book’s language-neutral approach to programming concepts. A JAVA language chapter and C++ language chapter are included and follow the same pedagogical approach as the textbook. http://csilluminated.jbpub.com eLearning Our eLearning center provides chapter-specific...
Words: 67693 - Pages: 271
...Analysis: 6 Steps, Job Description vs. Job Specification, Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information; Role of Recruitment and Selection: Situational Factors in Recruitment, Recruitment Policy, External and Internal Sources of Recruiting and its Merits and Demerits, Selection Process and its Types, Structured Interview Guide. Training and Development Orientation; Training and Development; the Steps in Training Process; Career and Succession Planning: Career Stages, Career Development, Career Management Succession Planning; Case Discussion on Succession Planning. Compensation Introduction: Meaning, Objectives of Compensation; Components of Compensation System; Compensation Management Process; Factors of Determining Pay Rates; Pay Incentives; Employee Benefits and Services; Case Study: Comparing Industry Trends in Pay Rates such as FMCG. Performance Appraisal Introduction; Methods of Performance Appraisal; 360 Degree Feedback;...
Words: 99065 - Pages: 397
...EMPLOYEES’ PERCEPTION OF THE PROBLEMS AND PRACTICES OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: a Case study of Awash International Bank (AIB) BY: ZELALEM BAYISA GURMESSA A project paper submitted to the school of graduate studies of AAU in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration [MBA] Advisor: Dr. TILAHUN TEKLU Assistant Professor of Management Department of Management August, 2007 Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies MBA Program Employees’ Perception of the Problems and Practices of Employee Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Awash International Bank (AIB) BY ZELALEM BAYISA Approval Board Committee ________________________ Chairman, Graduate Studies __________________ Research Advisor __________________ Examiner __________________ Examiner ________ Signature _________ Signature _________ Signature ________ Signature Dr. Tilahun Tek lu Assistant Professor of Management Department of Business Management Faculty of Business and Economics Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia C E R T I F I C A T E This is to certify that this project work, “Employees’ Perception of the Problems and Practices of Employee Performance Evaluation: A Case Study of Awash International Bank (AIB)”, undertaken by Zelalem Bayisa for the partial fulfillment of Master’s of Business Administration [MBA] at Addis Ababa University, is an original work and not submitted earlier for any degree either at this University or any...
Words: 20034 - Pages: 81
...activities around the globe. An FBI agent examines a potentially contaminated letter during a white powder training exercise. 2012 The FBI Story I A Message from FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III For the FBI and its partners, 2012 was a year that reminded us once again of the seriousness of the security threats facing our nation. During the year, extremists plotted to attack—unsuccessfully, thanks to the work of our Joint Terrorism Task Forces—the U.S. Capitol, the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and other landmarks on U.S. soil. Tragically, on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, a hateful attack in Benghazi took the lives of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. In the cyber realm, a rising tide of hackers took electronic aim at global cyber infrastructure, causing untold damages. High-dollar white-collar crimes of all kinds also continued to siphon significant sums from the pocketbooks of consumers. And in Newtown, Connecticut, 20 young children and six adults lost their lives in one of the worst mass shootings in American history, ending a year of violence that saw similar tragedies around the country. Working with its colleagues around the globe, the FBI is committed to taking a leadership role in protecting the nation. As you can see from this book—an annual compilation of stories from the FBI’s public website that provides a snapshot of Bureau milestones, activities, and accomplishments—we used the full range of our intelligence, investigative, and...
Words: 67387 - Pages: 270
...INTERNSHIP REPORT ON “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ITS PREVENTION POLICY: A CASE OF CITY BANK LIMITED” Submitted To: Mr.Shawkat Kamal Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator, Executive MBA BRAC Business School, BRAC University Submitted By Tarek Amin Chowdhhury ID: 08104130 Department of Business Administration BRAC Business School, BRAC University Date of Submission: 22nd April, 2012 INTERNSHIP REPORT ON “MONEY LAUNDERING AND ITS PREVENTION POLICY: A CASE OF CITY BANK LIMITED” Table of Contents Letter of transmittal ............................................................................................................... i) Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ ii) Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ iii) Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ iv) Chapter 1 ..................................................................................................................................1 Introduction of the report ........................................................................................................1 1.1 Origin of the report ...........................................................................................................2 1.2 Objective of the report ......
Words: 29625 - Pages: 119
...PART ONE • UNDERSTANDING SERVICES SERVICES IN THE MODERN ECONOMY As consumers, we use services every day. Turning on a light, watching TV, talking on the telephone, riding a bus, visiting the dentist, mailing a letter, getting a haircut, refueling a car, writing a check, or sending clothes to the cleaners are all examples of service consumption at the individual level. T h e institution at which you are studying is itself a c o m p l e x service organization. In addition to educational services, today's college facilities usually include libraries and cafeterias, counseling, a bookstore, placement offices, copy services, telecommunications, and even a bank. If you are enrolled at a residential university, campus services are also likely to include dormitories, health care, indoor and o u t d o o r athletic facilities, a theater, and perhaps a post office. Customers are not always happy with the quality and value of the services they receive. People complain a b o u t late deliveries, r u d e or i n c o m p e t e n t personnel, i n c o n v e n i e n t service h o u r s , p o o r p e r f o r m a n c e , and needlessly complicated p r o cedures. T h e y grumble about the difficulty of finding sales clerks to help t h e m in retail stores, express frustration about mistakes on their credit card bills or bank statements, shake their heads over the complexity of new self-service equipment, m u t ter about p o o r value, and sigh as they are forced to wait in line almost everywhere...
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...Chapter 1 Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS A1. The stability and predictability of the law is essential to business activities. B1. An important function of the law is to provide jurisprudence. A2. Law is a body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society. B2. How judges apply the law to specific disputes may depend in part on their personal philosophical views. A3. The basis for the U.S. legal system is natural law. B3. A judge’s view of the law is of little importance in a common law legal system. A4. Constitutional law includes only the U.S. Constitution. B4. Congress can only pass legislation that falls within the limits set up by the U.S. Constitution. A5. A state constitution is supreme within the state’s borders. B5. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. A6. Whether a law is constitutional depends on its source. B6. Each state has its own constitution. A7. Uniform laws apply in all states, including those in which the laws have not been adopted. B7. The Federal Trade Commission developed the Uniform Commercial Code. A8. A state law that conflicts with the U.S. Constitution will be deemed unconstitutional. B8. State agency regulations take precedence over conflicting federal...
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...Wednesday, April 9, 2014 PSY/460 - WEEK ONE SHORT ANSWER Environmental psychology is likely to be a new field for you, although many of the concepts are probably familiar. Provide your own definition of the discipline. Discuss an important milestone or influence in the development of environmental psychology and provide reasoning as to why you chose this one. Environmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies how the environment affects individuals, and vice-verse. There is a reciprocal relationship between people and the environment they live in, as they both affect each other. The relationship between nature and the human species has been an object of study for many decades, and understanding this relationship can help individuals learn about the importance of conserving and maintaining the world that supports them (Steg, 2013). The environment provides humans with food, water, air, and all the other necessities individuals need to survive, even if, in a world dominated by technology and progress, it is easy to forget that one way or another, everything we need to survive comes from the earth. Environmental psychology focuses not only on the physical influences humans and environment have on each other, but also in which ways nature affects individuals’ behaviors. One important aspect of this discipline is the belief that people’s behaviors are not determined solely by the environment (Steg, 2013). Most psychologists in this area believe in free will...
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