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The Dumbest Thing: A Short Story

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There once was a boy named Jacoby and he always talked about not having a soul. He thought it was the dumbest thing ever and thought it wasn’t even important to him. Jacoby had a friend named Malik and all he talked about was having a soul and how cool it was to have one. Malik asked Jacoby if he loved his soul. Jacoby said “No what is even the point of it. I think it is the dumbest thing ever.” Malik looked at him with great terror. He was so shocked on what he just heard. Then Malik gave Jacoby a stare and later said “I’ll buy your soul off of you for $5.00.” Jacoby said “Deal.” With a great boom the floor cracked and fire rose from the ground and then the Devil came up froze time went to Jacoby and took his soul from his body put it in a

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