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The Effect of Different Level of Npk 15:15:15 Fertilizer on the Vegetative Growth and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) in Yandev. Area of Benue State a Project Research Work Submitted to Horticulture and


Submitted By successgande
Words 5414
Pages 22
Tomato (cycospersicum esculentum) is one the most popular and widely grown vegetable in the world. The precise centre of origin and domestication of the presented cultivated tomato is uncertain purse glove (1968) point to the central and South America precisely at per Ecuadeor area as the region of origin. This view is not different from that of Anyanwu A.C, (1979who also considered tomato as being indigenous to Izeu and Ecuador in South America from where it spread out to other parts of the world. Tindal H.D 1983 investigated that the cultivated tomato originated in the slope of the Andes mountain of South America. The spread of tomato to other parts was more by deliberate introduction then by accidental natural spread.
The spinerals are credited with introducing the crop to Europe in very early times (Purselohe, 1968). Ogieuo Erebor (1998) identified 1596 as the precise date of introduction of the crop to Britain the probable date of the spread of tomato to most tropical countries is in the nineteenth century, a period which Tindal H.D. (1983) accept. The spread in Africa is traced to minigrant tredous missionaries and agricultural officers.
The botany of tomato; it belongs to family of solanacease genus cycopersicum species esculentum. The varieties of tomato are divided into two, the processing and the solid type. Other varieties and cultivar include cherry tomato uar cevasiforme, poor tomato uar periform, potato leaf var grandifoluim, up right var naledum and common tomato var commune.
Tomato is a short-liked perenid, grown as an annual. Branching herbaceous with hairy weak trailing stems up to 1.2m if supported leaves hairy variable in shape. Flowers yellow, in chestos or truss. Fruits round or lobed variable in size, colour red, pinic or yellow when ripe and seeds flat, slightly curved hairy light brown (Tindall H.D. 1968).
Tomato can be eaten raw or cooked. Buds usage quantities are also used to produce soup, juice, etc. they are also used in the canning industries, green tomatoes are used for pickles and prescriles. The seeds which are extracted from pulp and residues contains 45% oil and the oil are used for salad dressing and in factories of margarine and soap. The residual press cell as stock feed and as fertilizers. World leading producers of tomato are soviet union, United States, Indiana, New Tersey and Alabema. Encyclopedia of science and technology 1982. In Nigeria, state that produce tomato in large quantities are Plateau, Oyo, Gombe and Benue State.
The total average under tomato is not known in Nigeria which creates difficulties to estimate the annual production of tomato in the country. The average yield depends upon certain production factors, amongst their appropriate and balance nutrient on Fertilizer application is one of the most important factors for obtaining economic yield.
Tomato production in West Africa is relatively low in comparism with the world total output, but its demand is steadily increasing as a result of large quantities of tomato are imported into West Africa annually, in Nigeria imported 4,572 tons of tomato paste and this data shows that there is inadequate production of tomato with in the country despite the importance of tomato in the diet and economy of the nation. The production has been far below the needs of fast growing population of Nigeria. This has been attributed to local traditional methods of its cultivation yielding 3-4 tons/ha (Nigeria many West African State). The research effort is therefore to search for the best production (yield) in this area through identification of ideal levels of fertilizer that will enhance yield in tomato production, since fertilizers are very costly and scarce.
The study has instituted the broad objective to determine the effect of different level of N.P.K 15:15:15 fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato. However the specific objective established are as follows:- i. To evaluate the performance of N.P.K 15:15:15 at different levels of application on tomato. ii. To examine the growth and yield of tomatoes in response to N.P.K 15:15:15 fertilizer application. iii. To determine the best yield result of tomato at the specific rate of fertilizer application. iv. To assist the cultivars with the best economic management practice that result to optimum yield of tomato. v. To enhance the quality of efficient production of tomatoes.
Tomato is one of the most widely grown crops around Yandev locality by the farmers for both consumption and commercial purpose. In essence, it is widely grown for commercial purpose in the state and the country in general. In view of the purpose of study established the following justification: i) Assist in making valid fertilizer rate recommendation that is commercially viable which also reduces the risk of failure in tomato production. ii) The study offers the justification of addressing growers, concern about yield expectation verses actual prospection capacities. iii) The study will bring about the management strategies for getting the most from the fertilizer investment while protecting the environment. iv) The yield and fruit quality (size and shape) in response to fertilizer.
The research questions are as follows: i) What is the most economic rate of applying N.P.K 15:15:15 fertilizer on tomato? ii) What is the level of yield expected to obtain by applying recommended rate of fertilizer iii) What would be the manifestation of the fertilizer on the growth of tomato?

The research work has formulated both the Null Hypothesis (Ho) and the alternatives hypothesis (H1) in order to test and known the validity of the work. There are as follows:-
Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant different among the different level of N.K.P 15:15:15 fertilizer application on the growth and yield of tomato crop.
Alternative hypothesis (H1): there is a significant different among the level of N.P.K 15:15:15 fertilizer application on the growth and yield of tomato crops.
The study is concerned mainly with the effects of different levels of N.P.K 15:15:15 fertilizer application on the growth and yield of tomatoes in Yandev area.
The experiment was conducted in the research farm of Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture, Yandev. The research exploited and utilized only the materials that are relevant to the study with the expectation that the finding could equally be used in other areas of the state and the country respectively.
The study was conducted at the research farm of Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture, Yandev, Gboko local government area of Benue State. The local government consists of five districts namely. Yandev, Ipav, Mbayion, Mbatyerev and Mbatyav with a total number of twenty two council wards. The local government with its headquarters in Gboko town, which is the longest and most populated local government in Nigeria. It derived its name from the scenerous Gboko hills located on the outskirt of North-west of the town. And has come a long way to its present status. Historical account shows that the early Christian missionaries from the Sudan settled at Mkar, and with the developing civilization, a farm centre was established at Yandev in 1926 which has grown into what is now Akperan Orshi College of agriculture Yandev.
These two factors helped in bringing more fame to the town and apart from distinguishing it from other settlement areas within the five people, further influenced the colonial administrators when they came to Tiv land in 1932 with captain R.M. Downs to set the administrative headquarters of Tiv native authority in Gboko.
The colonial administrators used local chiefs and established an area. Tradition council (ijir tamen) to run the Tiv administrative division made up of a paramount chief and subordinates who were appointed for the administration of justice, law, order and peace and by this the first Tor Tiv was appointed in 1946. The Tiv administrative division was later split into three antonomous division namely Gboko, Makurdi and Katsina-Ala and thus Gboko became and was created as an antonomous administrative division under the defunct Tiv native authority in 1970. Gboko even with the Change of status still remains the cradle of Tiv civilization and the permanent seat of the highest court in Tiv ‘the ijir tamen’. Gboko has also remain the permanent headquarters of the Tiv tradition council is the Tor Tiv – Begha u Tiv – lion of the Tiv race, president of the Tiv tradition council and also the chairman, Benue State Council of Chief resides.
2.1 Introduction
The response of tomato to N.P.K 15:15:15 fertilizer had been a subject of investigation by many renowned agronomist that their result said that nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer can be group into three class which are; liquid, solid and gaseous which crops response to, that provide the same amount of nutrient to plant. Fertilizer is widely known as both organic and inorganic that supplements to soil for increase in growth and yield as nutrient value of crops.
According to Anyanwu.A.C.Anyanwu (2001) fertilizers are added natural or synthetic chemical substance or mixture of material to enrich the soil and increase plant growth. In Nigeria today fertilizer are highly accepted and utilized as inputs for raising of yield and it is one of the major influential production factor that hold the key to increase for production in developing countries especially where the soil is of low nutritive.

Since the introduction of inorganic fertilizer more experiment have been carried out in most tropical soil. In the study of crop production and fertilizer MC Graw-Hill (1987) found out that there is a close relationship between crop yield udce and nitrogenous fertilizer application. The response of tomato to compound fertilizer (N.P.K 15:15:15 applied to tomato at the rate of 250 kg/heater a time of planting the same application is repeated when the plant begin to flower.
According to Yayock, Lanbin and Owonbin (1988) state that NPK compound fertilizer should be applied once transplanting is completed. Nitrogen preferably as calcium ammonium nitrate in applied as top dressing at a rate of 250kg/ha into equal dose at two and five weeks after planting.
Ogogo (1992) in his trials on different level of NPK 15:15:15 stated that 400kg/ha gives best growth branches and yield but there depend on the natural base on soil nutrient. It also differs from place to place. According to him, top dressing of nitrogen should follow at the onset of the tomato flower which will provide the plant with extra nutrients that the plant need to make new shoot at the nodes.
Consequently, the development of inflorescen at the stem that will lead to fruit development.
In (1998) Ogieuo Erebor carried out a research or trials to find out the response to tomato with NPK and various element in all available soil (in Colombia) using different rates and combination of NPK, Boron fe, Cu and Zn. He stated that the growth and yield were generally high with NPK at 75.50:50/ha at 60kg/ha. Similarly, Onwueme .I.C (1978 conducted trial to find the response of NPK fertilizer at different levels of growth, yield and ascorbic acid content of tomato and came out with a conclusion that increase level of nitrogen increases growth branching out yield decreases at an over dose of nitrogen where as plant receiving phosphorous had rapid early growth but potassium did not attack growth Vinttum M.T. (1963) stipulated that observed that the roles played by each of the element (Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) in the plant are combined in compound fertilizer used. For instance, nitrogen form an integra part of the chorophy II molecule which enhances photosynthesis, phosphorous, increase root growth potassium, essential for physiological function like the promotion of growth of the meristermetic tissues, activation of enzymes. However, nitrogen is the most critical element in plants growth. Poor plan yield are most after due to a deficiency of nitrogen Yayock.J.Y,Lambin G. and Owonbin,J.J.1988
The fertilizer requirement of different crop plant are determined by their fertilizer deficiency, fertilizer requirement of the quantity of certain plant nutrient element needed in addition to the amount supplied by the soil to increase plant yield to a designed option.
According to Tindal H.D. (1983) states that fertilizer is not always profitable especially when waters is limiting; insect pest and disease or even temperature regulates growth, thereby decreasing yield which may be of less marked value and consequently of no economic value.
The response of crop plant to different form of NPK fertilizer in variable. The response in terms of ultimate yield is not only formed by water, pest, disease and climatic condition alone but also the ability of the plant to absorb soil nutrients. The yield of tomatoes production in Nigeria is still not encouraging, in fact this may be due to many factors one of which may be the problem of water deficiency as clearly stipulated by Omoruyi S.A. Orhue U.X. and Akerbo (1999) that water is most important ingredient for tomato cultivation since we are in the tropics where there is o adequate supply of water throughout the year.
In 19992, Ogogo O.A. commend that during dry season tomato can perform better at the places where there is low sunshine and high night temperature. This condition promotes excessive vegetative growth and also in order to control weeds. He went further that good general fertilizer can be applied to tomato, to all benefit from top dressing during the growing periods and should be applied when the second truss of flower is just beginning to open so that this will provide the plant with extra food it needs to make new growth and consequent the development of fruit.
In conclusion, it is better to state that the past work on the effect of different level of fertilizer application on the growth and yield of tomato has proven a positive correlation.
3.1 Description of Experimental Site
Yandev is situated in the middle belt area of Nigeria between the latitude 7° and 80 North of the equator and longitude 9° and 10° East of green witch meridian. Yandev has an annual temperature of 20° - 30° and an annual mean rainfall of about 1000mm. although soil analysis was not done, it is describe from the physical observation that the soil is sandy loamy. The cropping history of the land shows that, the land was cropped in 2011 with some different crops for project. The experimental site to investigate the effect of different levels of NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato (cycopersium esculentum) was behind forest department (FOT), the area where the project farm is situated has two main seasons, the wet and dry season. The experiment was carried out during the wet season.

3.2 Design and the Layout
The experimental plot was measured 100m2 the design was Randomized complete Block Design (RCBD) with four treatments each replicated four times. The treatment represented by T1, T2, T3 and T4 and the treatment were designated in such a way that no treatment appeared more than once in the plot.

3.3 Treatments
There are four (4) treatment and four (4) replicates, the treatment one (T1) which serves as a discard had no fertilizer application while treatment two (T2) had ninety (90) grams of fertilizer application per plot, treatment three (T3) had one hundred and eighty grams of fertilizer application per plot and treatment four (T4) had two hundred and seventy grams of fertilizer application per plot.
3.4 Tools and Materials Used
The materials use for the experiments includes i) Hoe ii) Cutlass iii) Measuring tap iv) Pags v) Tomato seedlings vi) Fertilizer (NPK 15:15:15) vii) Exercise book viii) Ruler ix) Basket x) Rake xi) Weighing scale
Cultural Practices
3.5 Land Preparation
The field for the experiment was cleared of the bushes and leveled to destroy the old ridges to make for easy construction of new bed, losing of soil and weed destruction with the use of big hoe, the beds were constructed on the 28th of July, 2012.
3.6 Nursery for Tomato Seedling Preparation
The tomato seeds were obtained from the Gboko main market and was raised in a nursery. It was covered with dried grasses after sowing and watering continued from the period twice a day, in the morning and at evening in the absence of rainfall using bucket and a container; the seeds germinated after 5 – 7 days from planting and after germination the grasses were removed and shelter was made for the seedling using fronds and few sticks. The first hand weeding was done after two weeks; the leaves start development when the seedlings were about three weeks in the nursery. When the seedling were due for transplanting the shade were removed in order to exposed them to sun so as to get them hardened before transplanting to the main site. Transplanting was done after four weeks of planting.
3.7 Transplanting
Prior to transplanting, the seedling in the nursery was watered heavily after a day before lifting to bind soil to the roots. The seedlings were transplanted singly; this was done in the morning. Each bed had five (5) stands of seedling with the spacing of 60 cm. each plot had three beds and the whole plot contained 240 plant population of tomato stand. 3.8 Weed Control
Hoe weeding was done to suppress weed and prevent it from competing with crop for nutrients. The first weeding was (manually) done after two weeks of transplanting and the second weeding was done after four weeks of transplanting.
3.9 Fertilizer Application Immediately after the second weeding the application of fertilizer was then carried out. Side dressing was done at a distance of 10cm away from the stand. The treatment two, three and four respectively. T1 = 6gram
3.10 Observation and Data Collection
Critical observation were taken on the experimental work for the effectiveness of result. The plot was visited regular to collect the following parameters i) The plant height at 2 WAP ii) Plant height at 4th WAP iii) Plant height at 6th WAP iv) Number of flower at 10th WAP v) Number of fruit at 14th WAP vi) Weight of fresh fruit Kg/plot at harvest

3.11 Statistical Tool and Data Analysis
In order to obtain the needed result of the project, the researcher employed the use of tables, percentage and mean. Statistical model design to determine whether the four treatment as represented by their means are significant different. That had to be used for the fact that the groups for variable under investigation determines the type of statistics to use in analyzing data and in line with the fact that it is to establish if there is a significant different between the four treatment being compared.
3.12 Limitations
The soil test of the experimental site was not carried out in order to determine the fertility level of the soil and possibility of soil borne disease and pest infestation. The effect of pest and disease later manifested which affect the vegetative growth and yield of the tomato, and this might have an effect on the result.

The examples of such disease are i) The yellowing of leaves whole problem of insect pest attack on the leaves. ii) The insect fed on the leaves causing holes on the leaves thus impairing photosynthetic activities leading to possible reduction in yield.
The growing season also witness high rainfall which resulted in float and high depletion of nutrients from the soil.

4.0 Presentation of Results and Discussion
This chapter laid focus on presenting all the results obtained from the experiment conducted to ascertain the effect of different levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato in Yandev as well as the discussion concerned.
4.1 The average Plant Height (cm)
Table 4.1: The average plant height obtained Treatment Replicate Total | Mean | | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | | | T1 T2T3T4Total | 18.117.720.123.679.5 | 18.918.020.822.980.6 | | 15.919. | 68.971.981.893.8316.4 | |
Source: Field experiment 2012
In this parameter, a random sampling of four stands was done on each replication and plant height compounded. The result presented in the table above (table 4.1) was a true reflection of the average plant height from week 2, 3 and 6 collected after planting.
According to the result, treatment four (T4) which had 270 grams of fertilizer application had height mean value of 23 where as treatment three (T3) with 180 grams of fertilizer application had mean value of 20.5, treatment two (T2) with 90 grams of fertilizer application had mean value of 18.0 plant height, and treatment one (T1) which served as a discard had the least mean value of 17.2 plant height respectively.
Going by the mean value obtain from the different levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer application on the specimen (tomato plants), the result shows that T4 had the highest mean of 28.1 followed by T3 with 20.5 and T2 with 18.0 and T1 which had no fertilizer application had 17.2 respectively. For the foregoing, the result shows that the treatment means differ among themselves. However, when they were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), all of the treatment had no significant difference (Appendix 1) which means that the treatment were not influential by the variance of NPK (15:15:15) level at two, four and six weeks after transplanting.
Number of flower at 10 WAP
Table 4.2: Plant average number of flower at 10th WAP Treatment Replicate Total | Mean | T1 T2T3T4Total | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | 557195115336 | 11.0017.7523.7528.75 | | 1416212980 | 1314273185 | 2122182285 | 719293388 | | |

Source: Field experiment 2012
The result tabulated above in table 4.2 shows the number of flowers which the plant produced and it was recorded at the 10th week. The result obtained indicated that treatment four (T4) recorded the highest number of flower with the mean value of 28.75, followed by T3 with mean value of 23.75. The result indicate that treatment three (T3) had 23.75 average number of flower while treatment two (T2) which has 17.75 average mean number of flower and treatment one (T1) which had no fertilizer application had average of 11.9 respectively. From the result it shows that the treatment means differs among themselves, when they were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), none of the treatment differed from one another. (Appendix ii) that means that, there was no significant difference.

4.3 Number of Fruits at fourteen WAP
Table 4.3: Number of fruit at 14 WAP Treatment Replicate Total | Mean | T1 T2T3T4Total | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | 42.0100123193458 | 10.525.030.848.3 | | 13212942105 | 11233352119 | 11174060128 | 7392139106 | | |

Source: Field experiment 2012
The result in table 4.3 was from the data collected under number of fruits in average at fourteen weeks in fruiting. The table presented shows that treated four (T4) had the highest number of fruiting followed by treatment three (T3) which had 30.8 mean value while treatment two (T2) had 25.0 number of fruiting and treatment one (T1) which had no fertilizer application had 10.5 respectively. It shows that , the treatment means differ among one another but when they were subjected to (ANOVA) analysis of variance there were no significance difference (Appendix III) which means that the fruiting was according to the quantity of fertilizer applied.
4.4 Weight of Fruits in Kg at Harvest
Table 4.4: weight of fruits in kilograms at Harvest Treatment Replicate Total | Mean | T1 T2T3T4Total | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | 21.438.246.261.2167.1 | 5.359.5511.57515.3 | | 4.99.710.815.240.6 | 6.69.512.515.944.5 | 5.710.412.714.843.6 | 4.28.610.315.338.4 | | |

Source: Field experiment 2012
The table above (Table 4.4) presented the weight of fruits in kilograms after harvest. The result indicate that treatment four (T4) which had the highest level of fertilizer application recorded 15.2 mean weight where by treatment three (T3) which had a mean weight of 11.575 in treatment two (T2) had 9.55 mean weight and treatment one (T1) which had no fertilizer application had 5.35 mean weight in kilograms. Further observation indicate that the result seen that the treatment mean differ to each other but when they were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) there was no significance difference (Appendix iv) and the fruit were also obtained differently ranging from treatment T4, T3, T2 and down to T1 which had no fertilizer application.
It has been noticed from the result of the experiment at work which intended to test the different levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer application on the growth and yield of tomatoes presented in table 1 – 4 that there were plant reaction in responds to the levels of fertilizer applied. And the result shows clearly that plants without fertilizer application do not produce well since plant continue to lack the nutrient intake for utilization in production.
Finally, an overview of the result obtain from the data indicated that T4 which was fertilized with 270 grams/plot of NPK 15:15:15, performed better both vegetative and held according to the quantity of fertilizer applied to each treatment. The highest and better result that was obtained on T4 was because the quantity or amount of fertilizer applied on it was tend to meet the quantity required on growth and yield of tomato local variety. Also the result obtained disagrees with Ogogo (1992) and Anayamwu et al (2001) that fertilizer should be applied to the crop for higher yield.

ANOVA TABLE FOR THE TWO – WAY CLASSIFICATION SV Df SS Ms F- | RatioRow r-1 SSR msr=SSR/r-1 MSR/MSEColumn C-1 SSC MSC=SSC/C-1 MSC/MSEError (r-1)(c-1) SSE MSE=SSW/(r-1)(c-1) |

4.1 ANOVA TABLE FOR TOMATO/FERTILIZER EXPT. S.V | Df | SS | Ms | F-Ratio | Row (NPK) | 3 | 4787.42 | 1595.81 | -1.53 | Column (Tomato) | 3 | 4695.19 | 1565.06 | -1.50 | Error | 9 | -9377.74 | -1041.97 | | Total | 15 | 104.87 | | |

At α = 0.05
Since Fcal = -1.53 < F3,9,0.05 = 3.86
No significant different.

4.2 ANOVA TABLE FOR AVERAGE NUMBER OF FLOWER AT 10 WAP EXPT. S.V | Df | SS | Ms | F-Ratio | Row (NPK) | 3 | 5815 | 1938.3 | -1.67 | Column (Flower) | 3 | 5384.5 | 1794.8 | -1.55 | Error | 9 | -10393.5 | -1154.8 | | Total | 15 | 806 | | |

At α = 0.05
F3,9,0.05 = 3.86
Since Fcal = -1.67 < F3,9,0.05 = 3.86
No significant different

4.3 ANOVA TABLE FOR AVERAGE OF FRUIT S.V | Df | SS | Ms | F-Ratio | Fcal | Row (Treatment) | 3 | 12758 | 4253 | -2.15 | 5.66 | Column (Fruits) | 3 | 9924 | 3308 | -1.68 | | Error | 9 | -17764 | -1974 | | | Total | 15 | 4918 | | | |

At 0.05
Since Fcal = -2.15 < F3,9,0.05 = 3.86
No significant difference

4.4 ANOVA TABLE FOR WEIGHT OF FRUIT IN KILOGRAM S.V | Df | SS | Ms | F-Ratio | Row (Treatment) | 3 | 1515.3 | 505.1 | -1.708 | Column (Fruit) | 3 | 1314.7 | 438.23 | -1.482 | Error | 9 | -2660.74 | -295.64 | | Total | 15 | 169.26 | | |

At 0.05 significant level, F3,9,0.05 = 3.86
No significant difference

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
The experiment was carried out to determine the different levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer on the growth and yield of tomato (cycoposicon esculentum) in Yandev, Gboko local government area of Benue state.
The experimental design was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). There were four treatments replicated four times, T1 was 0g/plot as a control experiment, T2 90g/plot, T3 180g/plot and T4 270g/plot.
The measurement of plant height (cm), number of flowers at ten weeks, number of fruits at 14 weeks and height of fruits at harvest were analyzed using means and analysis of variance.
Yield assessment was based solely on average plant height after planting in centimeter, plant average number of flower at 10 WAP, Number of fruits at fourteen WAP and weight of fruits in kg at harvest. These were determined by measuring with a tap or rule for each plant in a replicate or block, the fruit were harvested and the weight was taken immediately after harvest. And the weight of fruit at harvest was analyzed using table, percentage and means. The result shows that treatment four (T4) which has 270 grams gave the highest yield of 23.1 followed by treatment three (T3) which is 180gram gave 20.5 and treatment two (T2) which is 90 grams had mean value of 18.0 and treatment one (T1) which serves as control had mean of 17.2 respectively. (Table I) however, the difference in average plant height was not statistically significant but looking at the average plant height at week 2, 4 and 6, T2 and T3 (table I). Also in the average number of fruit at fourteen and at harvest, there was no statistical difference of significant differences F value 5.35 tabulated) but the average mean shows that T4 and T3 gave the height number compared to T2 and T1 (table 2).
There is therefore need to test different levels of fertilities application at above rate used apart from the one used in order to identify the suitable level for higher yield. There is every need to manage our farm production determining the plant consumptive rate of this particular crop (tomato).
This study can be used to demonstrate to our present farmers’ good quality and higher productivity gotten from the different levels of fertilizer application will suit the crops. Therefore the experiment show that the suitable level of or quantity of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer is for better growth and yield is 270 g/plot that is 27kg/ha, it shows that increase in fertilizer levels can increase yield.
Therefore, base on the experiment carried out and the result obtained, the researcher recommended that compound fertilizer NPK 15:15:15 should be applied to tomato at the rate of at least 43.2kg/ha or more for good yield. And the above recommended quantity should be applied at the rate time e.g. base on the experiment conducted; the fertilizer was applied at two week after sowing and after transplanting. Due to the high cost and unavailability of NPK 15:15:15 compound fertilizer, organic manure can also be supplement to the little available one.
The researcher suggests that the same should be carried out by future researchers in order to justify the result.

1. Anyanwu A.C, Anyanwu B.O, Anyanwu, V.A (2001) a textbook of Agric Science for schools and Colleges Sixth edition African – FEP publisher Ltd.
2. MC Graw – Hill (1987), Encyclopedia of science and Technology. Mc Graw Hill book company page 392 – 394.
3. Ogieveo Erebor (1998), Comprehensive Agric science SS3. John A. Publisher limited
4. Ogogo O.A (1992), Vegetable production in torpics, University press, Ibadan, page 109 -115
5. Omoruyi S.A Orhue U.X and Akerebo (1999) prescribed Agric science, Idodo Umeh Publishers limited, Benin Edo State.
6. Tindal H.d (1983), Vegetable in the tropics, Mac milliam press limited London
7. Yayock J.Y, Lambin G. and Owonbin, J.J (1988), crops science and production in warm climate, Mac Milliam publishers limited London
8. Vinttum, M.T (1963) Fertilizer placement & rates for tomato, Abstract of world literature Vol. 26 No. 6 page 463
Onwuame I.C (1978), Crop science Book 2. University press Ibadan, page 74

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