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The Effect of Social Activities on the Academic Performance of Students


Submitted By shefe
Words 347
Pages 2
Background to the Study
University life can be stressful, although it is undoubtly one of the most memorable experience in one’s life. it represents a critical developmental period of late adolescent and young adults (checkering 1969). The primary objective of the university is to conduct research, build an effective human capital which in turns enhance socio-economic growth and development which is an integral part of socialization. Social factors such as romantic relationship, organisation or clubs and sport activities as been found affecting academic performance in terms of time demanded and psychological state. A student may engage in any of the stated variables, the question is how one strikes a balance between the stressful academic attainment and social activities.
In addition social activity involves all activities that have to do with human interaction, therefore education and socialization cannot be treated in isolation as they are both like the two sides of a coin. it’s impossible for a student to socialize without the aid of other fellow student either by seeking academic assistance i.e borrowing of textbook or seeking current information from other students.
There are numerous social activities which student can engage in the university such as dating, organization, club, internet social network and sporting activity. while some student are involved in all of these social activities other are devalued in some of It, it should be noted that a student must partake in one of this activities.
In addition, there are numerous factors which attributed to students involvement in this activities, a key factor that is glaring is that of stress. Hatcher and Pius (1991) defined stress factor as academic situational constraint. They pose that a high degree of stress factor on student will cause a psychological imbalance and serve as deterrent factor to student

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