...The Emancipation Proclamation would play in an effective role in the intervention of foreign affairs in the American Civil War through enticing the European powers to intervene in the civil war. Although Britain and France had abolished slavery in their own perspective countries, as a rising industrial country, sustaining the textile industry through the cotton industry of the confederate states was as important as freeing the slaves (Mattstodayinhistory.blogspot.com). If the slaves were freed, then the southern plantations, who depended on the hands of the slaves to produce and collect the cotton, would go out of business, therefore affecting European textile markets. Great Britain and France would have to find other means to replenish that source, which would take up time, money and resources. Britain and France realized the Confederates were at a less advantage to the Union in the civil war. The confederates only had military prowess since most of the military schools are located in south such as West Point. The Confederates only had knowledge about military strategies and an agriculture based economy, particularly in cotton. The Union, on the other hand, had become an industrial based economy and had huge population. Although the war was fought...
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...the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all slaves in the United States. The Proclamation only applied to slaves that were in the south and not occupied by federal military forces. The slaves in the South were freed so that they could join the army. The Border States including Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky were not included in the Emancipation Proclamation. The Civil War was not a war to end slavery it was a war to get the South to join the Union once again. “That aim remained the restoration of the Union, but the Emancipation Proclamation meant that it would be a transformed Union, one without slavery” (Crowther, Edward R.”Emancipation Proclamation”.14 Mar.2012) Many believe that even if the Emancipation was not signed that slavery would of come to an end. But the question is was the Emancipation Proclamation needed to win the Civil war? The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in states rebelling against the Union, but the slaves in the Union and Border States were not at all affected by the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was a war strategy that Lincoln hoped would help him win the war. As Lincoln stated many times, he was not trying to abolish slavery in the beginning of the war but he would do anything to put the country back together with or without slavery. The Emancipations Proclamation did not actually free any slaves but it freed slaves for a short term period until the war was...
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...The Emancipation Proclamation was a document created by president Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln issued it on January 1st 1863 after the North won the battle of Antietam. The proclamation freed the slaves living in the rebellion states, but this did not apply to the border states. The also gave African Americans a chance to fight in the American civil war. President Lincoln used the Emancipation proclamation as a war strategy against the south to win the war. Lincoln believed “... African Americans turned the tide of the war.” (T. Legion) Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation this turned the war to a fight against slavery. When he issued the Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln recruited African Americans to join the union army....
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...The Emancipation Proclamation. The election of 1860 – the final straw. The Southern states were ready to secede; they had no political power, felt bitterly oppressed, and thought the new president was going to take away their property and cost them millions of dollars. In January 1861, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas seceded from the Union. Together, they attack Fort Sumter, starting the Civil War. Lincoln originally only fought to preserve the Union, but after two years of bitter fighting and the risk of other nations joining the Confederacy, it became clear that the war needed to be rebranded. Up to this point, Frederick Douglass, a well-spoken, influential abolitionist, had continuously urged Lincoln to make the war about slavery. Finally, Lincoln agreed with that. In January of 1863, the...
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...Emancipation Proclamation “When the American Civil War (1861-65) began, President Abraham Lincoln carefully framed the conflict as concerning the preservation of the Union rather than the abolition of slavery” (“Emancipation Proclamation”). President Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation and took effect on January 1st, 1863 in order to create a strategic military standpoint (“Emancipation Proclamation”). This document was one of Abraham Lincoln’s most important decisions in office. The Emancipation Proclamation was effective during the Civil War because African Americans could now join the Union military, it boosted Union military morale, and persuaded Britain and France to stay out of the war. Firstly, “The U.S. Army had never accepted black soldiers. The U.S. Navy, on the other hand, was more progressive: There, African-Americans had been serving as shipboard firemen, stewards, coal heavers and even boat pilots since 1861” (“Black Civil War Soldiers”). Abolitionist stated that, African Americans could join the Union military and help win the war along with...
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...full out civil war between the northern United States of America and the southern Confederate States of America. Emancipation of African American slaves was a process throughout the course of the civil war and after emancipation the meaning of having freedom meant a lot to the formally enslaved....
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...Emancipation Proclamation War Lincoln was able to have a strong effect on the outcome of the civil war by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. By issuing the proclamation Lincoln gave African American southerners hope, increasing the Northern advantage. Lincoln also successfully increased the number of troops at his disposal by allowing African Americans to fight for the Union. Lincoln also appeased northern citizens with the Emancipation Proclamation, gaining support for the war. The Emancipation Proclamation was a war strategy to turn the tide of the war in the union’s favor. By issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln gave African Americans hope for freedom which helped sway the war’s outcome. “Slaves within said designated states and parts of states are, henceforward; shall be free.”...
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...What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the overall outcome of the American Civil War? Emancipation Proclamation “The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, holds a critical moment in American history and the American Civil War” (Nix, E). The proclamation led thousands of black men to enlist in the army. It was supposed to go to people in the Confederates, but not the ones that were loyal to the state’s borders. Even black women helped with the war by being spies, nurses and also cooking for the army. As the battles were being fought near the south, the Confederates would kill the weaker black soldiers and would send the stronger ones back to slavery. “An astounding 78 percent of free...
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...Emancipation Proclamation summary: The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country entered the third year of the Civil War. It declared that "all persons held as slaves … shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free"—but it applied only to states designated as being in rebellion, not to the slave-holding border states of Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri or to areas of the Confederacy that had already come under Union control. The careful planning of this document, with Lincoln releasing it at just the right moment in the war, ensured that it had a great positive impact on the Union efforts and redefined the purpose of the war. The Emancipation Proclamation continues to be a symbol of equality and social justice. The First Confiscation Act In August 1861, Congress passed the First Confiscation Act, authorizing the confiscation of any property—including slaves—used in the rebellion against the U.S. government. Later that month, Union major general John C. Fremont, commander of the Department of the West, issued an order declaring martial law in Missouri and freeing all slaves held by Missouri secessionists. In a letter dated September 11 that was published in Union newspapers, Lincoln ordered Fremont to change his order to conform to the First Confiscation Act, afraid that linking abolition with the war would cause the slave-holding border states to rebel. When it became clear that Fremont would not revoke...
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...The most important event we studied this year was Abraham Lincoln’s announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was a military decree that declared all slaves in rebelling territories were free. Lincoln was able to pass the Emancipation Proclamation because it was a military action against an enemy so as Commander in Chief Lincoln did not need Congress to pass the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation following the Union victory at Antietam. This was because Lincoln wanted to declare it on a high note and not while they were losing battles. One of the reasons the Emancipation Proclamation was so effective and important is that it changed the war to a war about morality over...
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...THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION The history of the United States and its inception included the slavery of Africans. Africans were either sold to or trapped by their captors and brought to the American Colonies to serve their masters. In the beginning, the Africans were treated as indentured servants, wherein they worked for seven years and were released from service as free persons. Eventually, this policy was ended and the slaves were forced to work without compensation for their entire lifetime. Eventually, there was a move in the North to industrialized machinery and labor and slaves were no longer necessary for workforce purposes. Also, there was a faction of the population of the Northern states that simply believed that slavery was wrong and should not continue. These persons were known as abolitionists. However, it was the Southern States that continued to thrive on agricultural products. The continuation of this agricultural economic engine needed the labor provided by the slaves. This dependence was increased after the invention and patent of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1794. The “inadvertent result of the cotton gin’s success, however, was that it helped strengthen slavery in the South. Although the cotton gin made cotton processing less labor-intensive, it helped planters earn greater profits, prompting them to grow larger crops, which in turn required more people. Because slavery was the cheapest form of labor, cotton farmers simply acquired more...
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...Schwalm, Leslie A., “Agonizing Groans of Mothers” and “Slave-Scarred Veterans”: The Commemoration of Slavery and Emancipation “Agonizing Groans of Mothers” and “Slave-Scarred Veterans”: The Commemoration of Slavery and Emancipation Leslie A. Schwalm This paper explores the public memory of black slavery and freedom among white and African American Midwesterners of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Using an innovative approach that probes public celebrations, autobiography and memoir, family history and obituaries of the formerly enslaved, this paper challenges several key conclusions about African American relationships to the slave past that have been drawn by scholars in both literary and African American studies. Rather than...
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...preliminary plan to reunite Confederate states with the Union. The Civil War, in the words of President Abraham Lincoln, brought to America "a new birth of freedom." President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."By the war's end it was already clear that Reconstruction would bring far-reaching changes in Southern society and a redefinition of the place of blacks in American life. This is important because the expansive wording, the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched in the loyal Border States. It also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Northern control. Most important, the freedom it promised depended upon Union military victory. Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation, it captured the hearts and imagination of millions of Americans and fundamentally transformed the character of the war. After January 1, 1863, every advance of federal troops expanded the domain of freedom. Moreover, the Proclamation announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy, enabling the liberated to become liberators. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union...
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...In the reconstruction period of american history (the time immediately following the American Civil War) the U.S was struggling to settle back into a normal state of living with all the changes brought about in the war. During the reconstruction process, from the standpoint of racial equality in the U.S., there was some level of progress made, however the progress was limited to eliminating slave labor as it had been. Progress beyond that was not as successful as it could have been with various attempts, such as the 14th and 15ht amendment, being unsuccessful with the prevention of the rise of the jim crow laws, the KKK, and other other forms of discrimination. The root of this movement started during the American Civil War; or as it might...
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...The Emancipation Proclamation turned into the result of many months of concept and planning. Lincoln tried to keep away from outright emancipation through rewards to inspire states, particularly the border states, to free the slaves by themselves. Lincoln time and again presented a system of compensated, gradual emancipation and colonization of freed slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation turned into the very last step in what were a series of military and authority’s orders concerning slaves and runaways. Lincoln did no longer enter office with the aim of freeing the slaves, however both blacks and whites advised him to achieve this through their actions. Letters pressing Lincoln to abolish slavery and enlist freed slaves into the Union military...
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