...Legal Environment: Theories and Moral Development Final Project Part 1 Angalee Payne Ethics and the Legal Environment Angalee Payne Ethics and the Legal Environment As a member of the Energy Cooperative we holds luncheons and public conferences at partner locations throughout the US and couple of cities abroad. United through the web, the Energy Cooperative has 400,000 members worldwide who pay yearly dues to the cooperative. Portion of our dues get sent home for upkeep of the website. All of us members vote on proposals at hand, whether it would be policy changes, purchases over $100, and other matters that affect the cooperative. We meet by conference calls once a month. We are self-employed consultants that have no allegiance to a particular company and must sign an agreement to that affect. The question at hand is can one of the directors call their personal potential clients and state, “I am calling as a director of the Energy Cooperative.” Should we allow the directors state such a thing when calling their clients? Does this affect the Energy Cooperative? What is the best solution? We are going to look over the 5 theories to see if this would be ethical or unethical. We are going to look at the ethical issues that would allow or prevent the Energy Cooperative from doing so. First I will examine John Locke’s Theory of Rights. John Locke’s Theory of Rights tells us the individuals have the right to make choices without government interferences. He...
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...The Energy Cooperative and the Clean Power Company are facing some tough decisions ethically and legally. Both companies are going to be faced with large consequences from the decisions made. From a legal standpoint, wrong choices possibly will result in fines and penalties, and possibly imprisonment. From an ethical standpoint, poor decisions will affect profitability, public perception, investor relations and much more. Concern: The Energy Cooperative is a non-profit organization (501C3), as well as providing a discussion forum for alternative energy companies. The Energy Cooperative is held in high regard by both the general public and people in the field of energy. They have an obligation to protect themselves from anything that could be detrimental to their reputation, or anything perceived as being less than above board. There is a board of directors that meets by conference call once each month. The board members are self employed consultants with no allegiance to any particular company. They must sign a statement to the effect before they are appointed. They receive a nominal fee for directing their affiliate and being on the board of directors. Besides their own personal consulting business they are also communicating with potential clients for Energy Cooperative. One of the directors has asked approval for the directors to use their position within the cooperative while conducting their private business dealings. Legal: As a director, when you solicit...
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...1. What are the ethical issues or concerns in this Energy Cooperative Case study? The main ethical issue seems to be related to the last paragraph and whether or not the board of directors can use their position on the board of the Energy Cooperative for personal gains by stating "I am calling as director of the Energy Cooperative" -the board of directors are self employed consultants with no allegiance (duty) to any particular company. Each director signed something to this effect. Therefore, the ethical issue is: Is this a conflict of interest, where the board of directors would be using their positions for personal gains? Or, since they have signed a statement to the effect that they have no duty to any particular company, does this negate the conflict of interest? In other words, the members of the broad directors would be using their position to gain new clients if when calling their personal potential clients, they would be able to state," I am calling as director of the Energy Cooperative." To support this, taken from one Code of Ethics for a Board of Director developed to avoid conflicts of interest: "Directors may not: (a) take for themselves opportunities that are discovered through the use of Company property or information or through the director's position; (b) use the Company's property or information or the director's position for personal gain; or (c) compete with the Company, directly or indirectly, for business opportunities that the Company is pursuing"...
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...Final Project Mark Ali Kaplan University Ethics and the Legal Environment April 3, 2012 The Clean Power Company and The Energy Cooperative both face some challenging ethical and legal issues. Every company makes decisions that can effect beyond the managers and employees (Zeigler, Grace 2010). The wrong choices in both these cases can affect the company’s profits, their stockholders, and the shareholders. The two companies also could face potential fines and penalties from the decisions they make. When a business judges the effect of its decision on their stakeholders, that company is practicing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (Zeigler, Grace 2010). After reviewing both cases here are my final recommendations. The Energy Cooperative A non-profit organization dedicated to providing education to the public about energy information, new technologies, monitoring new start-up companies, and providing a public forum for complaints. It also provides new alternative energy companies a central hub to discuss new technology. The company is headquartered in Chicago with locations throughout the U.S. and in three cities abroad, Copenhagen, Milan and New Delhi. There are currently 400,000 members worldwide who are made up of professionals in the energy field and non-professionals who have interests in the field. They are all united through the web, here members vote on initiatives, policy changes, and any purchases over $100. There is a board of directors that...
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...Abstract—Cognitive Femtocell has been envisioned as a highly promising solution for spectrum scarcity problems and local-convergence demands for indoor network applications. However, the achievable gains from Cognitive Femtocell deployment is limited by the hidden node problem leading to increased interference and consequently reduced spectrum efficiency. In this paper we compare the degree of performance enhancement when a cooperative mode is used to share information about the channel versus when standalone decisions are taken about the state of the channel. Simulation results indicate superior performance of the cooperative mode in terms of the number of observed hidden nodes and probabilities of detection and false alarm. Keywords—Femtocell; Cognitive Radio; Dynamic Spectrum Access; Energy Detection; Hidden Node Problem; Spectrum Sensing; IEEE 802.22. I. INTRODUCTION Recent surveys have shown that indoor traffic accounts for more than 50% of the total data and voice traffic carried in wireless networks with most of the traffic originating from homes, airports, and schools [1] .This skyrocketing growth of indoor traffic coupled with the increased user demand for high broad band services necessitates new solutions that will provide the required indoor coverage and bandwidth. The existing macrocells are not efficient at delivering indoor coverage due to the high penetration losses in walls during signal propagation which leads to low coverage regions (black spots) [2].The...
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...documents like this: Subjects: Balanced Scorecard Electric utilities Studies Safety standards Customer satisfaction Cooperatives Success factors Classification Codes 9190 United States 2310 Planning 8340 Electric, water & gas utilities 9130 Experiment/theoretical treatment 5340 Safety management 2400 Public relations Locations: United States--US Author(s): Tim Sullivan Henry Cano Document types: Feature Case Study Publication title: Management Quarterly More options ↓ | | close ↑ INTRODUCING A BALANCED PERFORMANCE SCORECARD FOR ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES: A TOOL FOR MEASURING AND IMPROVING RESULTS Tim Sullivan, Henry Cano. Management Quarterly. Washington: Winter 2009. Vol. 50, Iss. 4; pg. 12, 16 pgs Abstract (Summary) Currently, many electric cooperatives have difficulty systematically measuring their performance in the "mission critical" areas of reliability, safety, cost control and member satisfaction. In part, this is because benchmark data -- particularly for safety and reliability -- has been difficult to come by. Yet, survey research and field experience show that many best-in-class cooperatives already measure their results in these critical areas, often using some form of a Balanced Performance Scorecard. Scorecard for all electric cooperatives. Using the new scorecard, electric cooperatives will, for the first time, be able to benchmark performance in all four mission-critical areas against their goals, peers, and best-in-class...
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...Case #1: Energy Cooperative Ethical Problems The Energy Cooperative is a nonprofit organization that provides education to the public in regards to energy, new technology, startup of new energy companies, and public forums on their website for blogs and complaints. They also provide new energy companies with a central hub to learn about new technologies, standards and regulations which are good for new companies to know. Kant, Mill, Locke, Rawls, and Kohlberg would have many different views and approaches based on their ethical theories. Energy cooperative’s dilemma is ethical and it has some conflict of interest. All members of the board have signed agreements that while serving on the board, they will act without bias and have no commitment to a specific corporation. The case states that the board members “must sign a statement to that effect before they are appointed”. The company needs to make it clear what the consequences are for not following the signed agreement they have. The first ethical problem is the misrepresentation. Because each director is calling as a director of the cooperative, his is misrepresenting his position to each client he calls. The Cooperative has no business dealing with the personal clients of the board members. This may make the personal clients feel that the cooperative supports their interest when they don’t have any desire too. The second problem is conflict of interest. The board members are acting as a consultant and should never mix...
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...PThe Midwest Energy Research Center FINAL REPORT BUSINESS PLAN FOR SOAR ENERGY COOPERATIVE Prepared by Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC On behalf of The Midwest Energy Research Center Findlay, OH December 2001 Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC T ABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... vi Study Objectives ...................................................................................................................... vii 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1 Restructuring Legislation ....................................................................................................... 1 Renewable Generation in Ohio............................................................................................... 2 SOAR Energy Concept......................................................................................................... 3 Feasibility of SOAR Energy................................................................................................... 5 Market Assessment and Marketing Strategy....................................................................6 Market Size .............................
Words: 35572 - Pages: 143
...The Midwest Energy Research Center FINAL REPORT BUSINESS PLAN FOR SOAR ENERGY COOPERATIVE Prepared by Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC On behalf of The Midwest Energy Research Center Findlay, OH December 2001 Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC T ABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... vi Study Objectives ...................................................................................................................... vii 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1 Restructuring Legislation ....................................................................................................... 1 Renewable Generation in Ohio............................................................................................... 2 SOAR Energy Concept......................................................................................................... 3 Feasibility of SOAR Energy................................................................................................... 5 Market Assessment and Marketing Strategy....................................................................6 Market Size ..............................
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...attitudes in understanding the nature of waves as carriers of energy. They become acquainted with the different types of waves, know the different characteristics and properties of each disturbance, and through the process, develop appreciation on the importance of wave to man’s life and his environment.Year Level Standards: Understand the nature of wave as energy carriers, differences between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves, and their characteristics and properties | Waves | Number of Days – 20 days | Content Standards * Demonstrate understanding on: * the nature of waves as energy carriers and the wave properties of reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference * differences between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves and give examples of each * characteristics of waves, amplitude, crest, frequency, period, trough, and wavelength * different properties of waves | Performance StandardsConduct research works, carry out mathematical equations, and produce outputs that will reflect the existence of waves including their importance and impact to man and his environment | Lesson Number/Title | Key Understanding and Key Questions | Knowledge | Skills | Teaching Strategies | Assessment Strategies | Resources | 1. Vibrational MotionNumber of Days: 5 daysLesson Focus: * - Simple Harmonic Motion * -Kinds of Waves | KU:-Wave is an important component in the transmission of energy and information.-Knowing wave motion is essential in understanding...
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...Energy Cooperative Recommendation The Energy Cooperative is a non-profit organization that, in short, provides education to the public regarding new technology updates, monitoring viable new start-up energy companies and providing a public forum for complaints on its website. After meeting with the board of directors, I was asked to provide a recommendation on the ethical concerns with telling personal potential clients they are calling as director of the Energy Cooperative. The following is my recommendation. The ethical concerns I have are with the directors wanting to contact their personal potential clients for business gain and use their status with the non-profit to promote business for their personal gain versus the benefit of the co-op. According to Kant’s categorical imperative, an individual’s motives must be pure, if they are not, then the means cannot justify the end (Ziegler, 2011). In this case, the director’s motives to contact these potential clients can bring business connections to the co-op because of him acknowledging the group, but the director’s only goal is to profit from this for his own personal gain. Under Kant’s categorical imperative, the benefit that these potential clients can bring to the non-profit and all of its members are irrelevant because of the selfish act by the directors. It is my recommendation the directors do not use the status of their positions when contacting personal potential clients. I arrived at this conclusion mainly...
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...1. What are the key factors in determining if this is a viable business opportunity for Josh, Hannah and Matthew The first step that everyone should go through is to ask the question, is the market real? In order to do so, the first thing you want to do is conduct what we call a customer analysis. You can do that perhaps in a very technical way, by conducting surveys. Or perhaps, in a less technical way, you can attempt to answer the question, “Who is my customer?” What does the customer want to buy? When does the customer want to buy? What price is the customer willing to pay? So, asking the “W questions” — who, where, what, when — is the first step. At the end of the day, the one thing every entrepreneur is looking for is revenue, and the revenue will come from customers. That is why you need to ask yourself, is there a market here? The second thing you want to ask yourself is, who else is supplying that particular market? That is what we call competitor analysis. Ask yourself who else is in this market, and what are they doing for the customers. Are they supplying a similar substitute product or service as you have in mind? That is the second thing you have to establish, and by doing that, you can understand better what need is not met at the moment. That will also give you the opportunity to zero in on the price points and feature points of where you can differentiate yourself from existing players in the market. You also need to conduct a broader industry analysis to...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...BUSINESS and MANAGEMENT | | ASSIGNMENT FRONT SHEET Student Name: MOHAMED AHMED | Certification: I certify that the whole of this work is the result of my individual effort and that all quotations from books, periodicals etc. have been acknowledged. | Student Signature: MOHAMED AHMED | Date:18/02/2016 | Student Registration Number:S15000405 | Student email address :AHMED_06081981@OUTLOOK.COM | Programme : Business | Year/Level : 4 | Academic Year : 2015/2016 | Semester : 2 | Module title : Marketing Essentials | Assignment no. : 1 | Module code: BUS434 | | Percentage Weighting of this assignment for the module: 40% | Issue date : w/c 18/01/2015 | Return date : 21st March 2016 | Lecturer : Claire Blanchard Date of submission 29th February 2016 | Second marker : Tracy Powell | Notes for students : 1. Staple a hard copy of assignment in the top left corner and submit to the Undergraduate Office. 2. Electronic copy of assignment should be submitted through the Turnitin software. 3. 5% of marks are awarded for satisfactory use of language and/or good presentation. 4. 5% of marks are awarded for satisfactory referencing and/or presentation of a bibliography where either is required. Note that all referenced work should be obtained from credible sources using Harvard referencing 5. Students should ensure that they...
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...the class was offered at the GSM, it was open to the entire university. In this class, he met Hannah Long, who was in her final year of her undergraduate studies in Agricultural Economics, and Matthew Hammond, who was a senior in the Mechanical Engineering department. The three began working on a class project, which would ultimately turn into a formidable business opportunity. The impetus for their collaboration began with a lecture-discussion regarding the challenges and opportunities in the emerging renewable energy industry. The Challenge Dependence on energy is a worldwide reality. Energy powers the machines and equipment around us in order to make life more convenient and efficient. In our everyday lives, energy is synonymous with the forms that it can assume. The major generation sources—petroleum, coal, natural gas and nuclear—are non-renewable resources and have detrimental effects on the environment. In our daily lives, the two most common forms of this energy are liquid fuel (refined from petroleum) and electricity. Increasingly, developed and developing countries...
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...The Commercial World of Energy Storage: A Review of Operating Facilities (under construction or planned) Septimus van der Linden Principal Brulin Associates 1st Annual Conference of the Energy Storage Council March 3, 2003 Houston, TX AGENDA • INTRODUCTION • TECHNOLOGIES • PROJECTS • FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS • CONCLUSIONS Motivation for Electrical Energy Storage Price of Electricity Power Generation Energy Storage Time - Make Use of Volatile Electricity Prices - INTRODUCTION • Electricity! 3rd Largest Business in the USA $300 billion/per annum. • Demand for Electricity is seldom constant over time. • Excess generation during low demand periods - can be stored. • Stored Energy can provide Electricity during high demand. • Help reduce power system loads. • Improve Efficiency and Reliability. • Make better use of efficient Baseload generation. • Allow use of Renewable Energy technologies. TECHNOLOGIES • • • • Batteries Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) Flywheels Pumped Hydro Storage Two Main Categories: • Bulk Energy Storage – CAES-PHS • Distributed Energy Storage – Batteries-Flywheels-Other (capacitors) PROJECTS • OPERATING • UNDER CONSTRUCTION • PLANNED PROJECTS OPERATING • Bulk Energy Storage • PHS (Pumped Hydro) - First introduced circa 1904 in Swiss Alps. – 100,000 MW Europe, Asia & Latin America. – 21,000 MW Japan. – 18,900 MW in USA. (Installed 1970-1990) • CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) – Two Highly Successful...
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