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The Evolution of Ethernet


Submitted By abjenkins1982
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Evolution of Ethernet

* 1973 - Bob Metcalfe, working at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, was told to come up with a way to link hundreds of computers to the company's new laser printers. Metcalfe created a diagram describing a design for Ethernet at 3Mbps over shared coaxial cable. * 1976 - Metcalfe and David Boggs publish a paper entitled: "Ethernet: Distributed Packet-Switching for Local Computer Networks." The paper defines multipoint data communication system with collision detection. * 1979 -Metcalfe leaves Xerox and founds 3Com. The next year, he publishes standard for 10Mbps Ethernet, known as the DIX standard (for Ethernet backers Digital, Intel and Xerox). * 1985 - The IEEE becomes the official standards body for Ethernet. Open standards help make Ethernet the dominant LAN technology. * 1986 - IEEE publishes standard for 10Base5 Ethernet, also known as thick Ethernet because it ran over yellow coax that resembled a garden hose. * 1989 - Start-up Kalpana introduces first Ethernet switch, which eventually replaces bridges and hubs. The Cisco Company buys out Kalpana. * 1991 - IEEE approves 10Base-T Ethernet over Cat-3 twisted pair cabling, which becomes the standard for LAN deployments. * 1994 - IEEE approves 10BaseF, Ethernet over fiber for use in data centers. * 1995 - IEEE adopts standard for Ethernet at 100Mbps. It becomes known as Fast Ethernet. * 1998 - Standard for 1000Base-T or Gigabit Ethernet is approved. * 2002 - Pre-standard products start shipping in 2001, but formal standard for 10Gigabit Ethernet is approved in 2002. * 2015 - First pre-standard 40/100 Gigabit Ethernet products slated to ship later this year. Standard expected to be ratified in mid-2010. IEEE says it will then start working on terabit standard, with a goal of completion by 2015

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