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The Evolution of Performance Appraisal: the Rise of 360-Degree Feedback


Submitted By enwhyyou
Words 3286
Pages 14
The Evolution of Performance Appraisal:
The Rise of 360-Degree Feedback

Abstract: "[Horses] have always understood a great deal more than they let on. It is difficult to be sat on every day by some creature without forming an opinion of them. On the other hand, it is perfectly possible to sit all day, every day, on top of another creature, and not have the slightest thought about them whatsoever." (Douglas Adams) The chain of command, most commonly defined as the formal line of authority, communication, and responsibility within an organization is a principle used globally to ensure structure and clear assignment of duties and responsibilities to all employees within such aggregation. After all, the chain of command principle has worked for centuries. It is efficient; unity becomes maintained, productivity does not stray, and the role of superior to subordinate goes unchallenged. However, this accepted model within an organization seems to sidestep an essential inquiry in respects to the real value apiece each metaphoric link that ultimately forms the completed command chain - the employee. The question inscribes, is it truly beneficial to an organization that each and every subordinate report to one and only one superior? While the minority surely will remain silent, there have been and there will be many more that will gladly delve into the root of such a seemingly long-withstanding paradox. The corporate America we survive in today can be labeled as a time in which our world has changed more rapidly and without clear direction than any other. Catastrophes nationwide have impacted the way organizations treat and asses there employees. From a managerial perspective, how can our preexisting way of life and impending future successfully adapt if we do not challenge the most basic primordial ideologies of performance development? John F. Welch,

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