...The Fantasy of Disclosure in The Faerie Queene: A Look at Misogyny and the Fear of Female Sexuality In Edmund Spencer’s The Faerie Queene, fantasies are the clues to the substructures of the unconscious. In Book I, fantasies work to expose the “ulcers” that threaten to destabilize the magnanimity of the righteous Christian man. Spencer evokes the powerful use of images to disclose the idea that the abyss of female sexuality is a direct threat to the virtues of Protestantism. Two scenes in particular illustrate first, how females are viewed as the creators of sin, which leads to weakness in man, and secondly, how female sexuality is the primary source of misdirection for the heterosexual Christian male because it creates sexual desire and fantasy, which can lead him astray. In the first scene in which the fantasy of disclosure of the “ulcers” first occurs, Spenser depicts female reproduction and maternal functions as Errour, or “A monster vile, whom God and man does hate” (I.i.13). Additionally, Errour’s ability to breed is grotesque because the progeny she proliferates is emblematic of a never-ending cycle of deceit that continually seeks to subvert Protestant principles. In the second scene in which the fantasy Commented [LG1]: Good sense of the ideology of sexual reproduction here…. of disclosure occurs, the exposure of Duessa’s hideous “neather parts” suggest that female sexuality is indeed fundamentally evil because it undermines Protestant ideology...
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