...Yet Do I Marvel Analysis Yet Do I Marvel is about Countee Cullen’s struggles living through segregation as an African-American but still having faith in God. Cullen believed God is kind, loving, and gracious. However, he’s astonished God stoops to help the cruel human race. Incidentally, he states that while humans look similar to him, humans must someday die. However, the ultimate theme of this poem is religion. Even in the most mysterious situations, God has a plan and will ensure justice for everyone. Countee Cullen opens stating “God is good, well-meaning, kind” proclaiming his faith trusting God’s ways. However, he questions why God allows bad things to happen. Throughout the poem, Cullen compares imperfections in the world and makes...
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...1. Design and Emergence Approach of Strategic Management Strategic management is the process of designing an organization vision, mission and goals. It develops set of actions for formulating the strategy. Some arguments exist in corporate that ’how strategy is made’ either through design or emergence approach. According to emergence approach, strategy emerges through the initiative taken by the manager for enhancing the performance of firm. Here, the strategy is formed without any long term plan. The manager just frames it, to meet out the day to day operations of the firm. For instance, Sam Walter, the founder of Wal-Mart, established his store in 1962. His competitor opened the store in urban areas, to get huge profit. But for a change, Sam Walton opened his store in rural area, which brings him success, as he got customers 50 miles away from the stores. Here, he does not apply any strategic plan. Strategy came out through his response to the problem. Emergent approach of framing strategy is common in earlier days, and it become quite successful too. But according to design approach, strategy is intentionally formed by the organization to achieve the goals. For instance, consider an organization is going to expand the business globally. For this, a well planned strategy should be devised to meet out the requirements of various countries. Once the strategy is devised, it should be implemented by keeping in mind about the mission and vision of the organization. Mostly top...
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...Kaoru Ishikawa; A step ahead in quality philosophy R. A. Prosper Total Quality Management Professor Kinane November 17, 2012 Kaoru Ishikawa; A step ahead in quality philosophy Kaoru Ishikawa held the belief that quality must be companywide, including the product, service, management, the company itself, and the people. Mr. Ishikawa promoted the use of Quality Circles which he believed were the principal method for achieving participation as a problem solving tool. He gave his name to the Ishikawa diagram, also known as the fishbone diagram, or cause and effect diagram. This tool was designed to allow the user to see all possible causes of a result, and hopefully find the root of process imperfections. Ishikawa drew and expounded on principals from other quality gurus, including those of W. Edwards Deming and Juran into the Japanese system of quality management (Smith, 2006). This paper will attempt to highlight Mr. Ishikawa’s background, awards, achievements, philosophies, and his continuing impact on quality in today’s world. According to Ishikawa, quality improvement is a continuous process and it can always be taken one step further ("Kaoru ishikawa: The," 2012). Background: Kaoru Ishikawa was born in Tokyo in 1915: the oldest of eight sons. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1939 with an engineering degree in applied chemistry and held a doctorate in engineering and was Emeritus Professor at Tokyo University (Beckford, 2010). After serving as a naval...
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...For this Issue Analysis assignment, I chose to talk about the NCAA. The NCAA March Madness is a time for college basketball fans to get excited. Whether you are looking for a Cinderella story or a frontrunner, there is always a lot of excitement during the tournament. One of the most unique aspects of this event is that it is for everyone, not just die-hard fans. Besides being able to fill out a bracket, the competition, and the excitement of watching games with your co-workers can turn games that you usually would not want to watch into something more exciting. The NCAA had many public relations problems with gender inequities between menâ€TMs and womenâ€TMs basketball at the NCAA championships. For example, last year the NCAA was exposed...
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...recognition. However, other companies have begun marketing similar products in the area, and price competition has become increasingly important. John Wakefield, the company’s controller, is planning to implement a standard-costing system and has gathered considerable information on production and materials requirements for TasteeFruit’s products. He believes that the use of standard costing will allow the company to make better pricing decisions. TasteeFruit’s most popular product is raspberry sherbet. The following information is provided: * The sherbet is produced in 10 gallon batches * Each batch requires 6 six quarts of good raspberries The fresh raspberries are sorted by hand before entering the production process. Because of imperfections in the raspberries and normal spoilage, 1 quart of berries is discarded for every 4 quarts accepted. 3 minutes is the standard direct-time for the sorting required to obtain . 1 quart of acceptable raspberries. The acceptable raspberries are then blended with the other ingredients; blending requires 12 minutes of direct-labor time per batch. After blending, the sherbet is packaged in quart containers. Wakefield has gathered the following information from Teresa Adams, TasteeFruit’s cost accountant: * TasteeFruit purchases raspberries at a cost of $0.80 per quart. * All other ingredients cost a total of $0.45 per gallon. * Direct labor is paid at the rate of $9 per hour. * The total cost of material and labor required...
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...“Othello is the most domestic of Shakespeare’s tragedies. Its focus is not on the fall of a king, or the collapse of a nation… Rather it is about the end of a marriage and a husband’s murder of his wife. It is intimately concerned with the details of sexual jealousy.” (McLeish and Unwin) A production of Shakespeare’s “Othello”, was presented as “The Twisted Othello” at Bishop Anstey High School East auditorium on November 15th, Saturday. It was directed by Janieka Tudor and captured a new take on the Shakespearean classic. The play is centered on the eminent jealousy of Iago (Renaldo Briggs) directed to Micahel Cassio who had been promoted by Othello (Daniel Waldron). Iago, who coveted the position as Othello’s lieutenant; weaves an intricate web of lies around the ubiquitous and notorious ‘handkerchief’ and ensnares Desdemona (Mishael Martineaux), Othello (Waldron) , Rodriego( Tevin Butler) and other actors. Ultimately Iago (Briggs) plays on the green-eyed monster within Othello (Waldron) and causes his cataclysmic demise. In a review of ‘The Apologetics of Evil: The Case of Iago’ by Richard Raatzsch it is mentioned that, “Iago is memorable and exciting, and universally hated by audiences of ‘Othello’ …. Being cold, manipulative, and impervious to anything but his own perverse will.” (McGinn) In conjunction, at ‘The Twisted Othello’ Renaldo Briggs gave a resounding performance and a new finesse to the character of Iago. Briggs a student of Bishop Anstey Trinity College East...
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...“Canada is an unknown territory for the people who live in it, and I’m not talking about the fact that you may not have taken a trip to the Arctic or to Newfoundland, you may not have explored as the travel folders have it – This Great Land of Ours. I’m talking about Canada as a state of mind, as the space you inhabit not just with your body but with your head. It’s that kind of space in which we find ourselves lost. What a lost person needs is a map of the territory, with his own position marked on it so he can see where he is in relation to everything else. Literature is not only a mirror; it is also a map, a geography of the mid. Our literature is one such map, if we can learn to read it as our literature, as the product of who and where we have been. We need such a map desperately; we need to know about here, because here is where we live. For the members of a country or culture, shared knowledge of their place, their here, is not a luxury but a necessity. Without that knowledge we will not survive.” Margaret Atwood, Survival As Atwood’s statement demonstrates, Canadian literature is concerned with place and displacement, and with the development of an effective identifying relationship between self and environs. Canada’s literature whether written in English or French reflects three main parts of Canadian experience. First, Canadian writers often emphasize the effects of climate and geography on the life and work of their people. Second, frontier’s...
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...Nova Southeastern University H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship MGT 5012– Twenty First Century Management Practices Date of Submission: March 17, 2013 Title of Assignment: Managing Cultural Diversity Syllabus: MGT 5012- 21st Mgmt Practices 26 Over the years, the workforce has grown to have diverse groups of people working together. Diversity is defined as the differences or dissimilarities among people. These differences can be age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, education, experience, and any characteristic used to distinguish between people. (Jones, 2011) To understand the present, a look at the history of diversity in the workplace will be discussed. I will research and discuss the cultural diversity and how managers today have evolved over the years to learn how to handle it. I will discuss certain steps that managers can take to effectively manage the diversity in their workplace. I will look into the business etiquette and protocol of countries like the United States, Mexico, and Japan. I will also look into where these countries fall on Hofstede’s model of national culture. I will also discuss why it’s important for mangers to learn about a culture they are not familiar with when doing business to make sure they don’t offend the other person or company. History of Diversity in the Workplace The workforce slowly changed after World War II as a growing number of minority groups began to speak up and demand...
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........................................10 2.5 Current Strotegies.....................................................................................................................................13 2.6 Current 4PS................................................................................................................................................13 2.7 Competitive Advantages.........................................................................................................................16 3.BRABD EXTENTION: THE MARKETING PLAN 3.1 MARKETING OBJECTIVES 3.1.1 Marketing Goals.......................................................................................................................................18 3.2 SITUATION ANALYSIS 3.2.1 Macro-Environment Political Factors......................................................................................................................................................18 Economic...
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...John Wesley was a powerful personality whose passion and devotion to his cause and beliefs led him to explore and change people's view on Christianity and on the interpretation of the Scriptures. During his lifetime Wesley's determination and occasional dictatorial nature allowed him to influence people and help them change their opinion on religion. John Wesley's achievements spanned the majority of his lifetime. From his journeys to preach from England to Georgia, U.S.A. To other parts of Europe. Him writing a few hundred sermons. His longevity enabling him to see the beginning of Methodism's development. In which both of them were highly involved with do to their position in the church “were leaders of the evangelical revival in the Church of England in the eighteenth century.”1 The two of them with their position helped establish a new denomination, the Methodist Church, which was to grow and flourish in Britain and across the world. John Wesley was described as “that extraordinary man whose life and acts have taken their place in the religious history, not only of England, but of Christendom.”2 Through his work and powerful persona he became one of the most famous and recognizable people in England. “His universality of influence and range of achievement in matter of faith and conduct outstripped the leading politicians, philosophers and divines of his age.”3 John Wesley was “born in 1703”4 and was a well educated young...
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...“Her good nature wore out/ like a fan belt./ So she cut off her nose and her legs/ and offered them up.” This quote from “Barbie Doll”, by Marge Piercy, refers to a young girl who wishes to change her character and her appearance in order to live up to society’s expectations. In fact, instead of being complimented or admired for whom she truly is, people would rather criticize and condemn her for whom she isn’t. As a result of endlessly trying to alter her portrait, the “girlchild” eventually “wore herself out”. This poem suggests that unrealistic societal demands are destructive for a woman’s self-esteem and well-being. When comparing oneself to an idealistic notion of female beauty and behaviour, one can only expect to feel demoralized, discouraged and devalued. Indeed, "Barbie Doll," the title of the poem, symbolizes society’s view of a perfect woman; the way society expects every woman to be. In fact, by using “Barbie Doll” as the title to her poem, Marge Piercy wants the reader to compare and contrast the adolescent’s appearance to that of a Barbie doll. Stereotypically, Mattel’s Barbie dolls have tall, thin yet curvy bodies, with symmetrical, perfect facial features, blonde hair and blue eyes. This, in turn, leads to the protagonist’s void of self-confidence. Additionally, living up to such standards - all the while being a housewife who must clean the house, raise the children and please her husband - is very demanding on the female gender. Moreover, the doll is symbolic...
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... d. Definition of Terms ...……………………………………………………………………. p. 3 II. Review of Related Literature and Studies …………………………………………… p. 6 a. Related Literature ……………………………………………………………………….. p. 6 b. Related Studies …………………………………………………………………………… p. 7 III. Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………... p. 9 a. Research Instrument …………………………………………………………………... p. 9 b. Research Participants and Locale ……………………………………………….... p. 9 c. Research Method ……………………………………………………………………….... p. 9 IV. Data Presentation and Analysis …………………………………………………………. p. 10 V. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations …………………………………… p. a. Findings b. Conclusions c. Recommendations VI. Bibliography VII. Appendices CHAPTER 1 Introduction “The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection – George Orwell” Let’s face it. We are all trapped in a world of flaws and imperfections. Everyone knows that nobody is perfect. Have you ever met someone who never had mistakes or never had problems? Definitely not. Have you ever met a person who always does the right things and always makes the right decisions? No. But why do...
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...CRM IN HOTEL INDUSTRY WELCOMGROUP MAURYA SHERATON Customer Service is now more fashionably called Customer Relation Management. ITC Maurya Sheraton has been following an unstructured form of CRM with a narrow focus of serving the customer well and in a most efficient manner. The concept of Customer Relationship Management has a broader focus of not only serving the customer but also creating the customer and retaining him for measurable and substantial returns. CRM is a vast subject where the concept of one to one marketing is supported by Database Marketing. MAURYA SHERATON DEFINES CRM AS “Customer Relationship Management is a process of managing customer relations in an organized way”. They aim at managing “each moment of truth” that is experienced by the customer. According to Mr Hariharan there are various contact points where the hotel comes in direct contact with the customer which are known as ‘Touch points’ in the CRM language. These touch points are considered important as there is direct interaction with the customer and they provide valuable input to the hotel. The input provided by the customer has to be captured in such a way that it becomes information and can be used by various processes within the hotel. This can be done with the help of technology and the aim is that whenever there is a customer interface with any of FIELD PROJECT CRM IN HOTEL INDUSTRY those processes they are able to use that information...
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...Basically, his paranoia grew about Islam. Though, the percent of Islam population in Norway is estimated only 1.8% of the total population [2]. Still, He believes himself to fight a one-man war against the roots of evil that he identifies with the internal enemy of Marxism and multiculturalism and the external enemy of Islam. Another internal motivation, few years before, Breivik perceives that Europe is only for the Caucasians. It can only be perfect and conservative to have only Caucasians. Thus, he has the idea that one of the elements making Europe imperfect is the Muslims who to him, seem to have been deteriorating the culture, tradition, and ways of life in Europe. Therefore, he has these thoughts that there is a need to handle this imperfection and have people noticed on this issue. Thus, he plans to kill people to get the public’s attention, and have people being aware of Islamic in Europe, relating to the fact...
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...CDE January 2011 UNDERSTANDING NREGA: A SIMPLE THEORY AND SOME FACTS Diganta Mukherjee Email: digantam@hotmail.com Unitedworld School of Business Kolkata Uday Bhanu Sinha Email: uday@econdse.org Delhi School of Economics University of Delhi Working Paper No. 196 Centre for Development Economics Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics Understanding NREGA: A Simple Theory and Some Facts * Diganta Mukherjee # and Uday Bhanu Sinha Abstract A developing economy like India is often characterised by a labour market with demand and supply of labour and a wage that even if competitively determined may not be adequate for the poor household to reach their target income; what they consider as means of a decent living. Envisaging situations like these, the Indian government has implemented the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in recent past, to complement the income of the poor by providing them employment for certain number of labour days in a year. In this paper, using a simple theoretical model, we have analysed the impact of NREGA scheme on (i) rural labour market, (ii) income of the poor households and (iii) overall agricultural production. It is seen that the income from NREGA alone can be a substantial part of the target income of the poor. We show that in such a situation, the poor may exhibit a backward bending supply curve of labour which may lead to an aggregate reduction in agricultural output. This adverse production effect...
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