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Sex Addiction Research Paper

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Sex addiction has been a topic among researchers for quite some time. The validity of such a condition has been questioned because it cannot be defined simply by saying it applies to some who desires to have sexual experiences on a frequent basis. Most scientists feel the condition must be linked to an existing condition that could be affecting mental health and daily functionality because it hinders the ability to function as a normal individual. Those that suffer from the condition experience thoughts and perform acts of a sexual nature that overshadow basic interests and needs (Hyde & DeLamater, 2017). Sex addiction, also known as hypersexual disorder, would differ from those who enjoy the frequency of sex because hypersexuality refers …show more content…
For some individuals, it is not about intimacy, but a means to deal with stress or pain. The similarities between the patterns of compulsive sexual behavior and other addictions are why more and more experts have come to agree that some people truly have an addiction to sex (Elements Behavioral, 2017). Some researchers suggests that reasons such as medical conditions, hormones, genetics, abuse during childhood, family dysfunction, or changes in neural pathways can result in the causes of sex addiction (Elements Behavioral, …show more content…
Refusing to acknowledge that sex addictions are valid has made it difficult for people that suffer from the condition the ability to seek the necessary help they need since treatment is not covered under insurance plans. Neurological testing should not be the primary means that justifies the existence of a sex addiction. Most of the research and data acknowledges that there are people with heightened levels of sexual desire or increased sexual behavior. Isolating individuals who require increased sexual activity as an outlet to escape trauma or as a means to escape stress could possibly constitute proof that the behavior of a sex addict is

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